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Created June 3, 2011 04:12
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ecd — Enhanced CD (for bash)
# ecd — Enhanced CD (for bash)
# Author: Micah Elliott
# License: WTFPL
# Usage: source .../; cd ...
# (Don’t try to run this file; it is to be sourced)
# Useful aliases:
# alias cdl='cd -l'
# alias cde='vim -o2 .enterrc .exitrc'
# NOTE: I no longer use this script since switching to zsh, where I
# rely on more powerful versions of pushd (pu), popd (po), cd, and chpwd
# hook. But, this still is useful in bash if:
# * you find pushd/popd counterintuitive (I did for a long time)
# * want a menu-driven history
# * like the notion of .enterrc/.exitrc per directory
# * would like to see a clever example of full-path ascension/descension.
# See O’Reilly’s Power Tools book for an example of sprinkling these
# little files around.
# History:
# * 2003: Written and used by a few folks at Intel, shared on freshmeat.
# * 2008: Expanded to multi-shell/OS, re-wrote in Python, many feature *ideas*
# * 2009: Micah adopts zsh
# * 2011: Posted to github in case someone still wants to use it
# NOTE: You might not want to name the workhorse function ‘cd’. If
# it’s uncomfortable, you could use ‘c’ or ‘ecd’.
# See README for ideas to expand this.
declare -a _dirstack
#echo "_dirstack array set to ${_dirstack[*]}"
_cd_dbg() { (( $debug )) && _cd_msg "debug: $@"; }
_cd_vbs() { (( $verbose )) && _cd_msg "$@" 1>&2; }
_cd_msg() { echo -e "cd: $@" 1>&2; }
_cd_cleanup() { trap INT; OPTERR=1 OPTIND=1; }
_cd_misuse() {
echo "cd: illegal option -- $OPTARG"
echo "Try \`cd -h' for more information."
_cd_usage() {
echo "Usage: cd [OPTION] [DIR]"
echo "Change the current directory to DIR, searching for hidden"
echo "source-able files named \`.enterrc' and \`.exitrc'."
echo " -h display help message and exit"
echo " -l list history and select new directory from menu"
echo " -v verbose mode"
echo "Report bugs to <>"
# Ascend upward in dir hierarchy searching for and sourcing .exitrc files
_cd_ascend() {
# Don’t ascend if cwd is ‘/’
if [ "$orig" = "/" ]; then return; fi
# Ascend all the way to common base dir
_cd_vbs "Ascending -- searching for files of type .exitrc"
while [ "${tmp_orig_ext}" != "${tmp_orig_ext%%/*}" ]; do
_cd_dbg "Searching '${common}${tmp_orig_ext}' for '.exitrc'"
if [ -e "${common}$tmp_orig_ext/.exitrc" ]; then
_cd_vbs "Found and sourced ${common}$tmp_orig_ext/.exitrc"
source "${common}/${tmp_orig_ext}/.exitrc"
# Descend downward in dir hierarchy searching for and sourcing .enterrc files
_cd_descend() {
# Descend to ‘new_ext’
_cd_vbs "Descending -- searching for files of type .enterrc"
for dir in ${new_ext//\// }; do
_cd_dbg "Searching '${tmp}' for '.enterrc'"
if [ -e "$tmp/.enterrc" ]; then
_cd_vbs "Found and sourced $tmp/.enterrc"
source "$tmp/.enterrc"
cd() {
trap '_cd_cleanup; return 2;' INT
# Declare local vars
local orig new orig_list new_list orig_ext new_ext common maxsize list_dirs
local opt dir verbose debug tmp tmp_orig_ext comm_tmp abort
let maxsize=10 list_dirs=0 verbose=0
#let debug=0
let debug=${DEBUG:-0}
(( $debug )) && let verbose=1
### PART 1: Parse command-line options
while getopts ":hlv" opt; do
case $opt in
h ) _cd_usage; _cd_cleanup; return 1 ;;
l ) let list_dirs=1 ;;
v ) let verbose=1 ;;
\? ) _cd_misuse; _cd_cleanup; return 1;;
shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
# Indicate activated modes
(( $list_dirs )) && _cd_vbs "<<list_dirs mode set>>"
(( $verbose )) && _cd_vbs "<<verbose mode set>>"
# `orig' is original directory
_cd_dbg "orig = $orig"
### PART 2: Determine functional mode: interactive or not
# Interactive list mode
if (( $list_dirs )); then
# If stack is empty bail out
if (( ${#_dirstack[*]} < 2 )); then
_cd_msg "stack is empty -- nothing to list"; _cd_cleanup; return 1;
# FIXME: Maybe add color to this prompt ??
PS3="Enter your selection: "
# Choose from dirs on stack, excluding the first dir
select d in $(echo ${_dirstack[*]} | sed 's:[^ ]*::') "<<exit>>"; do
if [ "$d" = "<<exit>>" ]; then
_cd_cleanup; let abort=1; break;
elif [ $d ]; then
if ! builtin cd "$d"; then _cd_cleanup; return 1; fi
echo "Invalid choice -- try again"
(( abort )) && return 0;
# Non-interactive mode
# `new' is destination directory -- must cd there to obtain abs path
if (( $# > 0 )); then
if ! builtin cd "$1"; then _cd_cleanup; return 1; fi
new=$( echo $(pwd) | sed 's:///*:/:' )
else # $# = 0
builtin cd $HOME
_cd_dbg "new = $new"
### PART 3: Add dir to stack
# Don’t want ‘/’ on stack
if [ "$new" = "/" ]; then :
# If already in list move to front and remove later entry
if echo "${_dirstack[*]} " | /bin/grep -q "$new "; then
_cd_dbg "$new already on stack -- moving to front."
_dirstack=($new $( echo "${_dirstack[*]} " | sed "s:$new ::" ))
# Else just add to _dirstack
_dirstack=($new ${_dirstack[*]})
# Check for length too long
if (( ${#_dirstack[*]} > $maxsize )); then
_cd_dbg "reached max size -- unsetting index "${#_dirstack[*]}-1
unset _dirstack[${#_dirstack[*]}-1]
### PART 4: Search for files of type .exitrc and .enterrc (ascension/descension)
### CASE 0: No-op if `cd .' or `cd ' and already in $HOME
if [ "$orig" = "$new" ]; then
_cd_msg "You're already there, silly."
_cd_cleanup; return 1;
### Some magic to determine commonality of orig and new dirs
orig_list=$(echo $orig | sed -e 's:^/::' -e 's:/:\\n:g')
new_list=$(echo $new | sed -e 's:^/::' -e 's:/:\\n:g')
comm_tmp=$(comm --nocheck-order -12 <(echo -e "$orig_list") <(echo -e "$new_list"))
common=$(echo $comm_tmp | sed -e 's:^:/:' -e 's: :/:g')
if [ "$common" = "/" ]; then common=""; fi
comm_tmp=$(comm --nocheck-order -23 <(echo -e "$orig_list") <(echo -e "$new_list"))
orig_ext=$(echo $comm_tmp | sed -e 's: :/:g')
comm_tmp=$(comm --nocheck-order -13 <(echo -e "$orig_list") <(echo -e "$new_list"))
new_ext=$(echo $comm_tmp | sed -e 's: :/:g')
_cd_dbg "common = $common"
_cd_dbg "orig_ext = $orig_ext"
_cd_dbg "new_ext = $new_ext"
### CASE 1: Moving to entirely new hierarchy of `/'
if [ -z "$common" ]; then
_cd_dbg "CASE1: $new and $orig have no common base"
### CASE 2: Descending to some subdir of orig
elif [ -z "$orig_ext" ]; then
_cd_dbg "CASE2: Descending to $new_ext"
### CASE 3: Ascending to some parent in the hierarchy, but still common base
_cd_dbg "CASE3: Ascending to $common"
# CASE 3.1: Descend to `new_ext', sourcing all .enterrc's
if [ -n "$new_ext" ]; then
_cd_dbg "CASE3.1: Descending to $new_ext"
# CASE 3.2: New dir is a direct parent -- no descension
_cd_dbg "CASE3.2: new_ext is null -- no descending"
_cd_descend #trial
### PART 5: End
_cd_vbs "_dirstack = ${_dirstack[*]}"
_cd_cleanup; return 0;
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