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Last active March 4, 2018 17:17
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This script uses ffmpeg to cut a video without losing much quality
REM This script uses ffmpeg to cut a video without losing much quality
SET me=%~n0
REM Check if necessary parameters were passed
SET params=true
IF "%~1" EQU "" SET params=false
IF "%~2" EQU "" SET params=false
IF "%~3" EQU "" SET params=false
IF "%params%" EQU "false" (
REM Get parameters
SET input=%~1
SET begin=%~2
SET end=%~3
SET output=%~4
REM Set output to Dropbox if not given
SET filename=%~nx1
IF "%output%" EQU "" (
REM Get timestamp
FOR /F %%a IN ('WMIC OS GET LocalDateTime ^| FIND "."') DO SET timestamp_raw=%%a
SET timestamp=!timestamp_raw:~0,4!-!timestamp_raw:~4,2!-!timestamp_raw:~6,2!_!timestamp_raw:~8,2!-!timestamp_raw:~10,2!-!timestamp_raw:~12,2!
SET output=%UserProfile%\Dropbox\Public\Videos\!timestamp!_%filename%
REM Create output directory if it doesn't exist
FOR %%f IN ("%output%") DO SET output_dir=%%~dpf
IF NOT EXIST "%output_dir%" MKDIR "%output_dir%"
REM Replace backslashes with slashes (ffmpeg requires that even on Windows)
SET input="%input:\=/%"
SET output="%output:\=/%"
REM Finally, cut the video
ffmpeg -hide_banner -ss %begin% -i %input% -codec copy -copyts -to %end% -avoid_negative_ts make_zero %output%
REM It would be cool if share link to Dropbox was automatically copied, but it's not that easy
REM (Lack of "share" command in Dropbox CLI + authentication required)
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