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Created December 20, 2021 10:48
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Convert mIRC trivia.txt to LakeYS/Discord-Trivia-Bot
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import yaml
with open('trivia.txt', mode="r", encoding="latin-1") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
questions = {}
count = 0
for line in lines:
count += 1
if ':' in line:
category = line.split(':', 1)
question = category[1].split('*')
answer = question[1]
question = question[0]
category = category[0].replace('"', '').strip()
question = line.split('*')
answer = question[1]
question = question[0]
category = 'Generica'
category = category.strip()
answer = answer.strip()
question = question.strip().replace('"', '')
if category not in questions:
questions[category] = []
questions[category].append({'question': question, 'correct_answer': answer, 'difficulty': 'medium'})
print("Elaborate "+ str(count) + " domande")
count = -1
categories = {'trivia_categories':[]}
clean_questions = {}
clean_questions['Altre'] = []
for cat in questions:
if len(questions[cat]) < 20:
clean_questions['Altre'] += questions[cat]
clean_questions[cat] = questions[cat]
for cat in clean_questions:
count += 1
with open('./tmp/questions_' + str(count) + '.yml', 'w') as yaml_file:
yaml.dump({'questions': clean_questions[cat]}, yaml_file, default_flow_style=False, sort_keys=False, line_break=None, encoding='utf-8')
categories['trivia_categories'].append({'id':count, 'name':cat})
print("Categorie "+ str(count) + " trovate")
with open('./tmp/categories.yml', 'w') as yaml_file:
yaml.dump(categories, yaml_file, default_flow_style=False, sort_keys=False, line_break=None, encoding='utf-8')
Category: Question with text here *Answer
Question with no category * answer
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