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Florian Meißner Mystler

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Mystler /
Last active April 23, 2021 13:38
Mystler's SimC VS Code Workspace Files
  1. I have simc.exe in my SimulationCraft folder. Inside I created a workspace folder.
  2. Put (requires shell tools, e.g. via Git, in the path) and config.simc (adjusted to your system) in side the workspace folder.
  3. Create a folder history in the workspace that is used for archived reports.
  4. Create a folder .vscode in the workspace and put tasks.json inside.
  5. Done! Now you can just do "Open with Code" on the workspace folder. If you bound "Run Build Task" in the keybinding, you can just use that shortcut to sim whatever file is open in the editor.

Might also be a good idea to install my SimulationCraft Extension for VS Code:

Mystler / APIClient.rb
Last active March 9, 2020 20:28
They See Me Rolling
require "net/http"
require "net/https"
require "json"
class APIClient
def self.get(url, use_https = true)
uri = URI.parse(url)
request =, uri.port)
if use_https
request.use_ssl = true
Mystler / equipment.lua
Created February 26, 2020 11:51
Broker Everything Equipment Set Fixes
--- Line 51, in if numEquipSets>0
local equipName, iconFile, setID, isEquipped, _, _, _, numMissing;
local i = 0;
local processedSets = 0;
while processedSets < numEquipSets do
equipName, iconFile, setID, isEquipped, _, _, _, numMissing = C_EquipmentSet.GetEquipmentSetInfo(i);
if equipName then
local pending = (equipPending and C("orange",equipPending)) or false;
if isEquipped then
Mystler /
Last active October 26, 2023 08:18
Mystler's WoW Performance Guide

Hilfe, ich hab Daumenkino im Raid!

Woher FPS Probleme in WoW kommen und was man versuchen kann dagegen zu tun.

Was ist das Problem?

WoW hat sich über die Jahre stark entwickelt, sowohl die Anforderungen des Spiels selbst als auch die Komplexität an Interface-Personalisierung mit AddOns sind umfangreicher geworden. Bei den Spielwelten ging der Fortschritt bei den Assets (Modelle, Leveldesign, Animationen etc.) schneller mit der Zeit als die Optimierung der Engine. Das sieht man an starken Unterschieden in der Frame Rate zwischen alten Gebieten wie Mulgore im Vergleich zu neuen, umfangreichen Gebieten wie Suramar.

(Einfaches Beispiel: Sichtweite auf maximum und in Legion Dalaran beim Flugmeister nach Suramar gucken. Frame Rate im Auge behalten und dann wegdrehen. Je nach PC sieht man wie sich die Frame Rate möglicherweise verdoppelt.)

Aber mein Rechner ist doch voll gut! Nur 25% Auslastung!

Mystler / GraphicsConfigurationOverride.xml
Last active July 11, 2018 20:19
My Elite Dangerous HUD color override (yellow/gold)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<MatrixRed> 1, 0.3, 0 </MatrixRed>
<MatrixGreen> 0.2, 0.7, 0.2 </MatrixGreen>
<MatrixBlue> -0.2, 0, 0.8 </MatrixBlue>
Mystler / owl.css
Last active March 9, 2018 17:33
Overwatch League spoiler removal CSS for Stylebot
.TeamScore-score, .MatchStatus-score, .GameResult-scores {
display: none;
Mystler / gist:0619763f12b5e818e30735c09868074e
Last active August 1, 2017 14:10
Babelized Subtlety Guide
Crossing shadows
Support for
Rogue Subtlety 7.2.5 Welcome to the tutorial. If you are looking for subtle introductions of Legion, please come to the appropriate place.
Mystler / profile.simc
Created July 22, 2017 11:11
Manually Sim Rogue Lego Hotfix 2017-07-22
Mystler / theyseemerolling.rb
Last active May 2, 2017 15:52
Roll the Bones Counting Script
require 'set'
lastTimeIdx = ''
currentRoll = []
lastRoll = []
buffCounts = {
0 => 0,
1 => 0,
2 => 0,
3 => 0,
Mystler / mystlerspecs.ahk
Last active March 9, 2020 13:37
My AutoHotkey Setup
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.