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Last active August 7, 2017 07:30
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Testing Akka Typed Mutable Behavior which spawns a child actor using EffectfulActorContext
import akka.typed.scaladsl.Actor.MutableBehavior
import akka.typed.scaladsl.{Actor, ActorContext}
import akka.typed.testkit.EffectfulActorContext
import akka.typed.{ActorRef, ActorSystem, Behavior}
import org.scalatest.mockito.MockitoSugar
import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers}
sealed trait WorkerInfo {
val name: String
val someState: Int
sealed trait SupervisorMsg
case class Initialized(ref: ActorRef[InitializedMsgs]) extends SupervisorMsg
sealed trait WorkerMsg
case object InitializeWorker extends WorkerMsg
sealed trait InitializedMsgs extends WorkerMsg
case object DoTask extends InitializedMsgs
object Supervisor {
def behavior(workerInfo: WorkerInfo, workerFactory: WorkerFactory): Behavior[SupervisorMsg] =
Actor.mutable(ctx ⇒ new Supervisor(ctx, workerInfo, workerFactory))
class Supervisor(ctx: ActorContext[SupervisorMsg], workerInfo: WorkerInfo, workerFactory: WorkerFactory)
extends MutableBehavior[SupervisorMsg] {
val worker: ActorRef[Nothing] = ctx.spawnAnonymous[Nothing](workerFactory.behavior(workerInfo, ctx.self))
override def onMessage(msg: SupervisorMsg): Behavior[SupervisorMsg] = {
msg match {
case Initialized(ref) => ref ! DoTask
abstract class WorkerFactory {
def behavior(workerInfo: WorkerInfo, supervisor: ActorRef[SupervisorMsg]): Behavior[Nothing]
class SampleWorkerFactory extends WorkerFactory {
def behavior(workerInfo: WorkerInfo, supervisor: ActorRef[SupervisorMsg]): Behavior[Nothing] =
.mutable[WorkerMsg](ctx ⇒ new SampleWorker(ctx, workerInfo, supervisor))
class SampleWorker(ctx: ActorContext[WorkerMsg], workerInfo: WorkerInfo, supervisor: ActorRef[SupervisorMsg])
extends MutableBehavior[WorkerMsg] {
//some state
ctx.self ! InitializeWorker
override def onMessage(msg: WorkerMsg): Behavior[WorkerMsg] = {
msg match {
case InitializeWorker => //initialize
supervisor ! Initialized(ctx.self)
case DoTask ⇒
println("Message received from supervisor to Do Task")
class TestSupervisor extends FunSuite with Matchers with MockitoSugar {
test("test supervisor") {
val workerInfo = new WorkerInfo {
override val someState: Int = 0
override val name: String = "test"
val mockFactory = mock[WorkerFactory]
val system = ActorSystem("test-system", Supervisor.behavior(workerInfo, mockFactory))
val ctx = new EffectfulActorContext[SupervisorMsg]("test-supervisor",
Supervisor.behavior(workerInfo, mockFactory),
test("test supervisor using StubbedActorContext") {
val workerInfo = new WorkerInfo {
override val someState: Int = 0
override val name: String = "test"
val system = ActorSystem("test-system", Actor.empty)
val ctx = new StubbedActorContext[SupervisorMsg]("test-supervisor", 100, system)
val supervisor = new Supervisor(ctx, workerInfo, new SampleWorkerFactory)
ctx.children.toList.length shouldBe 1
ctx.childInbox(ctx.children.head.upcast[WorkerMsg]).receiveMsg() shouldBe InitializeWorker
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