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Nakilon / example.rb
Created June 13, 2017 18:32
Simplified example of using google-cloud-monitoring to store custom metrics of my daemons RAM/fd leakage
require "google/cloud/monitoring/v3/metric_service_client"
client =
project_path = Google::Cloud::Monitoring::V3::MetricServiceClient.project_path JSON.load( ENV["GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"])["project_id"]
create_custom_gauge_metric = lambda do |type, display_name, value_type, labels = {}|
metric_descriptor = # googleapis-common-protos-1.3.5/lib/google/api/metric_pb.rb
type: "{type}",
metric_kind: :GAUGE, # google-cloud-monitoring-0.24.0/lib/google/cloud/monitoring/v3/doc/google/api/metric.rb
value_type: value_type, # google-cloud-monitoring-0.24.0/lib/google/cloud/monitoring/v3/doc/google/api/metric.rb
display_name: display_name,
Nakilon / google_vision.rb
Last active November 19, 2016 07:41
snippets about Google Vision usage (for DevFest Siberia 2016)
ENV["GCLOUD_KEYFILE"] = "./key.json"
require "gcloud"
GV ="my_app").vision
labels: true,
Nakilon / plus_vs_minus.rb
Last active November 2, 2016 13:49
the most straight code perfomance comparison ever, lol
# either run it in irb or .join some thread to prevent program exit
i = 0 do
puts i while sleep 1
end do
loop{ i += 1 }
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDKOJygfeqxk6yVuQdEdarz7BRtYKOa15NpzVhWdt9BltQY3y9R74UpEbYAd3/C3Fax+mQp4kJy7eBO4wxRBUl0/EIkMq691dwAajLK3U0nZylWRZDUjNpXMhZ8W1W95xv3/Li3o4ssi3Ns9Dkny7/aQOVPl/ggUFIG4jVebkxcv0b0b84Aq6jEGwIV8Og1Ps2FjoHvUw1SlAoNj2wRQfMW6BzbzOkyCeTwzl7gk2D1f8XysyY0WeJGQn3m3WnTAY8oSDLCCSzUNbP/swekdGf5j9M3ldhlf9OJb39/aq+dYCDItteu/KQj5av8btn4ntmv8Gf+y5O+n3AuXD7VQwh7 nakilon@nakibook.local
Nakilon / Gemfile
Last active September 18, 2016 16:02
azona bot
source ""
gem "net_http_utils", ?0, gist: "97549ceb58d21e1fcbc0e6cdaf92fce8"
gem "nokogiri"
gem "byebug" do |spec| = "net_http_utils"
spec.summary = ??
spec.version = "0.2" = "Victor Maslov"
spec.files = %w{ net_http_utils.rb }
spec.require_path = "."
Nakilon /
Last active May 28, 2021 12:49
new macOS configuration checklist
  • настроить все в System Preferences, например

    • выключить Correct spelling automatically
    • инвертировать кнопку Fn
    • поставить раскладки "США" (на новых макбуках тильды будет слева внизу) и "Русская - ПК"
  • выключить ускорение указателя трекпада и перелогиниться

    defaults write .GlobalPreferences -1
  • настроить Finder (войти в настройки любой программы в Mac OS можно комбинацией ⌘,)

ʚ.define_singleton_method(:-){|∣|∣ if-1<@∣-=1}
ʚ << 4
until ϐ==ʚ-‐
puts "he"
Nakilon / Starbound v1.0
Last active April 12, 2020 09:31
big example
$ ruby recipes.rb Automato Avesmingo Banana Carrot Cocoa\ Pod Corn Currentcorn Grapes Pearlpeas Pineapple Potato Rice Tomato Wheat Sugar Beakseed
1 automatostew = 1 Wheat + 1 Currentcorn + 1 Automato
1 2kbpotage = 1 Currentcorn + 1 Automato
1 candyautomato = 1 Sugar + 1 Automato
1 avesmingojuice = 1 Avesmingo
1 apegrapes = 1 Grapes + 1 Banana
1 batteredbanana = 1 Wheat + 1 Banana
1 luckydip = 1 Carrot + 1 Banana
1 roastedcarrot = 1 Carrot
1 carrotjuice = 1 Carrot
Nakilon / Starbound v1.0
Last active April 12, 2020 09:31
small example
$ ruby recipes.rb Carrot Potato Bandage
1 roastedcarrot = 1 Carrot
1 carrotjuice = 1 Carrot
1 bakedpotato = 1 Potato
1 mashedpotato = 1 Potato
1 potatogrids = 2 Mashed Potato
By default all consumables are assumed to:
1) WellFed you
2) be blocked if you are WellFed already
3) Heal in 60 seconds