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Created October 20, 2014 18:39
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Incomplete Highlight and Balloon-Notification Script for mIRC
;--------------------------------------------------- - - - -
;| Yama Control Highlight © 14.09.2008
;--------------------------------------------------- - - - -
;| Version: 3.5
;| mIRC: v6.3
;| Script-Planung: Yama
;| Script-Mod: Chialya
;--------------------------------------------------- - - - -
;| Beschreibung: Markiert die Zeile und spielt Ai.mp3 ab,
;| sobald die Nicks gerufen werden.
;--------------------------------------------------- - - - -
alias hl.fl {
/write -dl1 $scriptdir $+ hllog.txt
/write $scriptdir $+ hllog.txt 10 $+ $date 4.: $time :. 14< $+ $chan $+ >12 $nick $+ : 7 $+ $1-
/inc %hlc
/echo -ltbfm $iif($chan,$chan,$nick) < $+ $nick $+ >12 $1-
if ( $readini($scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini,hl,sound) == on && $fullscreen != 1 ) {
if ( $nick != ATSP ) {
/splay sounds\Ai.mp3
/flash -r HL: $nick $tip(hl,4 $+ $nick ruft dich!,6 $+ $1-,5,$scriptdir $+ wd.ico,,,)
/set -u120 %hlview on
.timerhlviewbar 1 120 /toolbar -p hlview $scriptdir $+ hl2.bmp
.timerhlview 0 0 /hlviewtime
;if ( $readini($scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini,hl,hlview) == on ) {
;/write $scriptdir $+ hllog.txt 4.: $time :. 14< $+ $chan $+ >12 $nick $+ : 7 $+ $1-
;/window -lsb @Highlight
;/aline -p @Highlight 4.: $time :. 14< $+ $chan $+ >12 $nick $+ : 7 $+ $1-
alias /hlview {
/toolbar -p hlview $scriptdir $+ hl.bmp
/var %i 1
/window @Highlight
/while ( %i <= $lines($scriptdir $+ hllog.txt) ) {
/aline -p @Highlight $read($scriptdir $+ hllog.txt,n,%i)
/inc %i
/window -b @Highlight
alias /hlviewtime {
if ( %hlview == on ) {
if ( $appactive == $true ) {
.timerhlview off
.timerhlviewbar off
/unset %hlview
else {
.timerhlview off
on ^*:text:*:#: {
if ( $readini($scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini,hl,hl) == on && $readini($script,hl.nick.block,$nick) != 1 ) {
if ( $chan == #Yamaria ) {
if ( $nick == ATSP ) {
if ( Yama isin $2- ) {
/hl.fl $1-
else {
else {
/hl.fl $1-
if ( Yama isin $1- && !isin $1- ) /hl.fl $1-
elseif ( kirika isin $1- ) /hl.fl $1-
on *:input:#: {
if ( $1 == !hl ) {
.timerhlc 1 0 /msg $chan 10Yama's Highlight-Counter:4 %hlc
on *:text:*:?: {
if ( $query( $+ $nick $+ ) != $active ) && ( $readini($+($scriptdir,f-settings.ini),hl,hl) == on ) && ( $readini($script,hl.nick.block,$nick) != 1 ) {
return $tip(pm,4 $nick,10 6 $1- ,3,$+($scriptdir,wd.ico),0,$null,$null)
/dll G15Notify alert $+(Query,-,$nick,:,°,$1-)
;--------------------------------------------------- - - - -
;| Balloon & Highlight Control © 31.08.2008
;--------------------------------------------------- - - - -
;| Version: 1.1
;| mIRC: v7.27
;| Script-Planung: Yama
;| Script-Mod: Yama
;--------------------------------------------------- - - - -
;| Beschreibung: Enthält einen GUI, um die erweiterten Einstellungen,
;| von dem Balloon- & Highlight-script, zu konfigurieren.
;--------------------------------------------------- - - - -
dialog Yama-settings {
title "Yama's Highlight Settings"
size -1 -1 308 137
option dbu
button "OK", 19, 230 104 30 12, ok
button "Close", 20, 270 104 30 12, cancel
box "Highlight", 40, 8 8 213 123
check "Highlight", 45, 17 21 50 10
box "Tip on msg", 2, 230 8 70 60
text "Yama", 3, 262 122 38 8, right
check "Sound", 7, 17 31 47 10
check "sound off", 8, 17 91 50 10
text "HL-Counter:", 9, 230 72 70 8, center
combo 4, 236 21 58 10, drop
radio "On", 5, 236 33 50 10, group
radio "Off", 6, 236 43 50 10
check "flash off", 10, 88 91 50 10
button "Add Nick", 14, 17 103 30 12
text "No HL for Nick", 15, 17 55 39 8
text "In these channels", 16, 88 55 47 8
edit "", 12, 17 67 60 10
combo 17, 17 79 60 14, drop
combo 18, 88 79 60 14, drop
text "*Leave channel blank, to ignore in all channels.", 21, 17 116 113 8
text "Ignoring whole channel", 23, 158 21 56 8
combo 24, 158 31 60 12, drop
button "Del Nick", 25, 49 103 30 12
check "Fullscreen", 26, 17 41 50 10
combo 27, 88 31 60 14, drop
text "Sound", 28, 88 21 25 8
check "Fullscreen", 1, 236 53 50 10
radio "On", 22, 158 43 23 10, group
radio "Off", 30, 198 43 20 10, left
combo 11, 88 67 60 10, drop
button "Add Chan", 13, 88 103 30 12
button "Del Chan", 29, 120 103 30 12
on *:load: {
.load -rs $scriptdir $+ balloon.mrc
.load -rs $scriptdir $+ hl.mrc
/echo -ae 10Yama's 7Balloon & Highlight scripts 10loaded...
on *:unload: {
.unload -rs $scriptdir $+ balloon.mrc
.unload -rs $scriptdir $+ hl.mrc
/echo -ae 10Yama's 7Balloon & Highlight scripts 10unloaded...
on *:text:!yamahl:#: {
/msg $chan 10Yama's HL-Counter 14since 31.08.2010:4 %hlc
;####### ON INIT #######
on *:dialog:yama-settings:init:0: {
;####### HIGHLIGHT #######
if ( $readini($+($scriptdir,f-settings.ini), hl, hl) == on ) {
/did -c yama-settings 45
if ( $readini($+($scriptdir,f-settings.ini), hl,sound) == on ) {
/did -c yama-settings 7
if ( $readini($scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini, hl,fullscreen) == on ) {
/did -c yama-settings 26
/did -a yama-settings 9 HL-Counter: %hlc
/var %j 1
/while ( %j <= $scon(0) ) {
/scon %j
/var %i 1
/while ( %i <= $chan(0) ) {
/did -a Yama-settings 24 $chan(%i)
/inc %i
/inc %j
;/did -c Yama-settings 24 1
/var %i 4
/while ( %i <= $ini($scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini,0) ) {
/did -a Yama-settings 17 $ini($scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini,%i)
/inc %i
;/did -c Yama-settings 17 1
/did -a Yama-settings 11 Ignore in all Chans
/var %j 1
/while ( %j <= $scon(0) ) {
/scon %j
/var %i 1
/while ( %i <= $chan(0) ) {
/did -a Yama-settings 11 $chan(%i)
/inc %i
/inc %j
;####### TIP ON MSG #######
/var %j 1
/while ( %j <= $scon(0) ) {
/scon %j
/var %i 1
/while ( %i <= $chan(0) ) {
/did -a Yama-settings 4 $chan(%i)
/inc %i
/inc %j
;/did -c Yama-settings 4 1
/noop $findfile($sound(mp3),*.*,0,did -a Yama-settings 27 $gettok($1-,-1,92))
/did -c yama-settings 27 $didwm(yama-settings,27,$readini($scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini,hl,soundfile))
if ( $readini($scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini, balloon, fullscreen) == on ) {
/did -c yama-settings 1
else {
/did -u yama-settings 1
on *:dialog:yama-settings:sclick:17: {
/did -r Yama-settings 18
if ( $readini($scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini, $did(17),sound ) == off ) {
/did -c yama-settings 8
else {
/did -u yama-settings 8
if ( $readini($scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini, $did(17),flash ) == off ) {
/did -c yama-settings 10
else {
/did -u yama-settings 10
if ( $readini($scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini, $did(17),allchan ) == 1 ) {
/did -a Yama-settings 18 Ignore in all Chans
/var %i 01
/while ( %i <= $ini($scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini,$did(17),0) ) {
if ( $readini($scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini, $did(17),channel $+ %i) != $null ) {
/did -a yama-settings 18 $readini($scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini, $did(17),channel $+ %i)
/inc %i
if ( $len(%i) != 2 ) {
/var %i 0 $+ %i
/did -c Yama-settings 18 1
on *:dialog:yama-settings:sclick:24: {
if ( $readini($scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini, chan.ignore, $did(24)) == on ) {
/did -c yama-settings 22
/did -u yama-settings 30
else {
/did -c yama-settings 30
/did -u yama-settings 22
;####### ON SCLICK 'ON/OFF' HLCHANNEL #######
on *:dialog:yama-settings:sclick:22,30: {
if ( $did(22).state == 1 ) {
/writeini $+($scriptdir,f-settings.ini) chan.ignore $did(24) on
else {
/writeini $+($scriptdir,f-settings.ini) chan.ignore $did(24) off
;####### ON SCLICK DROPLIST TIP #######
on *:dialog:yama-settings:sclick:4: {
if ( $readini($+($scriptdir,f-settings.ini), balloon, $did(4)) == on ) {
/did -c yama-settings 5
/did -u yama-settings 6
else {
/did -c yama-settings 6
/did -u yama-settings 5
;####### ON SCLICK 'ON/OFF' BALLOON #######
on *:dialog:yama-settings:sclick:5,6: {
if ( $did(5).state == 1 ) {
/writeini $+($scriptdir,f-settings.ini) balloon $did(4) on
else {
/writeini $+($scriptdir,f-settings.ini) balloon $did(4) off
;####### ON SCLICK 'OK' #######
on *:dialog:yama-settings:sclick:19: {
;#### HIGHLIGHT ####
if ($did(45).state == 0) {
/writeini $+($scriptdir,f-settings.ini) hl hl off
if ($did(45).state == 1) {
/writeini $+($scriptdir,f-settings.ini) hl hl on
if ($did(7).state == 0) {
/writeini $+($scriptdir,f-settings.ini) hl sound off
if ($did(7).state == 1) {
/writeini $+($scriptdir,f-settings.ini) hl sound on
if ( $did(1).state == 1 ) {
/writeini $+($scriptdir,f-settings.ini) balloon fullscreen on
else {
/writeini $+($scriptdir,f-settings.ini) balloon fullscreen off
if ( $did(26).state == 1 ) {
/writeini $+($scriptdir,f-settings.ini) hl fullscreen on
else {
/writeini $+($scriptdir,f-settings.ini) hl fullscreen off
;####### ON SCLICK 'SOUND' #######
on *:dialog:yama-settings:sclick:27: {
/writeini $scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini hl soundfile $did(yama-settings,27).seltext
;####### ON SCLICK 'ADD NICK' #######
on *:dialog:yama-settings:sclick:14: {
if ( $did(8).state == 1 ) {
/writeini $scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini $did(12) sound off
else {
/writeini $scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini $did(12) sound on
if ( $did(10).state == 1 ) {
/writeini $scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini $did(12) flash off
else {
/writeini $scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini $did(12) flash on
if ( $did(11) != $null ) {
if ( $did(11).sel == 1 ) {
/did -a Yama-settings 18 Ignore in all Chans
/writeini $scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini $did(12) allchan 1
else {
/writeini $scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini $did(12) allchan 0
/writeini $scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini $did(12) channel01 $did(11)
/did -a Yama-settings 17 $did(12)
;####### ON SCLICK 'DEL NICK' #######
on *:dialog:yama-settings:sclick:25: {
/remini $scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini $did(17)
/did -r Yama-settings 18
/did -u Yama-settings 8,10
/did -d Yama-settings 17 $didwm(17,$did(17))
;####### ON SCLICK 'SOUND/FLASH' #######
on *:dialog:yama-settings:sclick:8,10: {
if ( $did(10).state == 1 ) {
/writeini $scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini $did(17) flash off
else {
/writeini $scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini $did(17) flash on
if ( $did(8).state == 1 ) {
/writeini $scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini $did(17) sound off
else {
/writeini $scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini $did(17) sound on
;####### ON SCLICK 'ADD CHAN' #######
on *:dialog:yama-settings:sclick:13: {
if ( $did(11) != $null ) {
if ( $did(11).sel == 1 ) {
/did -a Yama-settings 18 Ignore in all Chans
/writeini $scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini $did(17) allchan 1
else {
/writeini $scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini $did(17) allchan 0
/var %count $calc($right($ini($scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini,$did(17),$ini($scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini, $did(17),0)),2)+1)
if ( $len(%count) != 2 ) {
/var %count 0 $+ %count
if ( $didwm(18,$did(18)) == $null ) {
/writeini $scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini $did(17) channel $+ %count $did(11)
/did -a Yama-settings 18 $did(11)
;####### ON SCLICK 'DEL CHAN' #######
on *:dialog:yama-settings:sclick:29: {
/var %i 1
/while ( %i <= $ini($scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini, $did(17),0) ) {
if ( $len(%i) != 2 ) {
/var %i 0 $+ %i
if ( $readini($scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini, $did(17),channel $+ %i) == $did(18) ) {
/remini $scriptdir $+ f-settings.ini $did(17) channel $+ %i
/did -d Yama-settings 18 $didwm(18, $did(18))
/inc %i
;--------------------------------------------------- - - - -
;| Yama Balloon Control © 28.09.2008
;--------------------------------------------------- - - - -
;| Version: 2.1
;| mIRC: v7.27
;| Script-Planung: Yama
;| Script-Mod: Yama
;--------------------------------------------------- - - - -
;| Beschreibung: Zeigt ein Balloon-Tip,
;| sobald eine bestimmte änderung im bestimmten Channel geschieht.
;--------------------------------------------------- - - - -
on *:JOIN:#: {
if ( $nick != $me ) && ( $readini($+($scriptdir,f-settings.ini),balloon,$chan) == on ) {
if ( $chan != $active ) || ( $appactive == $false ) {
return $tip(join $+ $chan,4Join $chan $+ !,10 $+ $nick joined,3,$mircexe,4,$null,$null)
on *:text:*:#,?: {
if ( $chan != $active || $appactive == $false ) {
if ( $readini($+($scriptdir,f-settings.ini),balloon, $chan) == on ) {
if ( $nick != *buffextras ) {
if ( Yama !isin $1- ) {
/return $tip($chan,4 $+ $chan,6 $+ $nick $+ : $1-,3,$mircexe,24,$null,$null)
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