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Created February 12, 2023 02:26
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Unity Streaming Virtual Texture Request improvement
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using VT = UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing;
// [ExecuteInEditMode]
public class VTRequester : MonoBehaviour
List<VTProperty> m_Stacks = new List<VTProperty>();
//The standard texture tile size is 128 pixels.
const int k_TileSizeInPxl = 128;
public struct VTProperty
public Material mat;
public int stackId;
public int topMip;
public void CacheVTProperties()
Debug.Log("caching VT properties");
Renderer[] meshRenderers = FindObjectsOfType<MeshRenderer>(true);
var skinnedMeshRenderers = FindObjectsOfType<SkinnedMeshRenderer>(true);
var renderers = meshRenderers.Concat(skinnedMeshRenderers);
Dictionary<int, Material> materials = new Dictionary<int, Material>();
//find all unique materials
foreach (Renderer r in renderers)
var materialsOfRenderer = r.sharedMaterials;
foreach(var mat in materialsOfRenderer) {
if (mat == null) continue;
if( !materials.ContainsKey(mat.GetInstanceID()) )
materials.Add(mat.GetInstanceID(), mat);
foreach (var m in materials)
//We use the stack ID to request a mip map of this stack to be streamed
//We use the max Dimension to calculate the top mip
var stackIDandMaxDimensions = GetAllStackIDAndMaxDimensions(m.Value);
var tailMips = (int)Mathf.Log(k_TileSizeInPxl, 2);
if (stackIDandMaxDimensions.Count != 0)
foreach (var item in stackIDandMaxDimensions)
var stackId = item.Key;
var stackSize = item.Value;
if (stackSize != 0) {
//Calculate the lowest resolution mip available. A stack does not have mips smaller than the tile size.
//a texture of 128x128 has 1 mip level, 256x256 has 2 mip levels, etc...
int topMip = (int)Mathf.Log(stackSize, 2) - tailMips ;
VTProperty s;
s.mat = m.Value;
s.stackId = stackId;
s.topMip = topMip;
//Debug.Log("found materials " + materials.Count);
void Update()
var i = Random.Range(0, m_Stacks.Count);
var s = m_Stacks[i];
VT.Streaming.RequestRegion(s.mat, s.stackId, new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1), s.topMip, 1);
//In the future there might be better ways to do this.
Dictionary<int, int> GetAllStackIDAndMaxDimensions(Material mat)
Shader shader = mat.shader;
var stackIDandMaxDimensions = new Dictionary<int, int>();
int count = shader.GetPropertyCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (shader.GetPropertyType(i) == UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyType.Texture)
string stackName;
int layerIndex;
//check if textures on a material are part of a stack.
if (shader.FindTextureStack(i, out stackName, out layerIndex))
var stackId = Shader.PropertyToID(stackName);
if (!stackIDandMaxDimensions.ContainsKey(stackId))
int w = 0, h = 0;
VT.Streaming.GetTextureStackSize(mat, stackId, out w, out h);
if (w == 0 || h == 0) {
// TODO: resolve invalid streaming requests
// Debug.Log($"Invalid stack {}");
stackIDandMaxDimensions[stackId] = Mathf.Max(w, h);
return stackIDandMaxDimensions;
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