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Created March 20, 2019 17:37
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Örnek Vixio Discord Botu
# Vixio Örnek Bot Skript by Natrotm
# Sürüm : 1.0.0
# Discord : Natrotm#3761
# Botun dili Türkçedir.
# Eğer çeviriye yardımcı olacaksan lütfen iletişime geç.
# Bot Ayarları
bot: Natro #Bot adı
prefix: n! #Bot prefix
token: #Bot token
renk: color from rgb 15, 135, 245 #Embed rengi
# Sunucuya giriş
on load:
login to "{@token}" with the name "{@botname}"
mark "{@bot}" as playing "➥ {@prefix}yardım"
send "&a{@bot} sunucuya katıldı." to console
# Yardım Komutu
discord command {@prefix}yardım:
make embed:
set description of embed to ":postbox: **Yardım komutlarımı sana gönderdim, %mention tag of event-user%!**"
set color of the embed to {@renk}
send last created embed to event-channel with event-bot
wait 1 seconds
make embed:
set author info of embed to an author named "{@bot} Yardım" with no url and icon icon of event-guild
add field named "Bot Komutları" with value "**{@prefix}yardım** botun komutları hakkında yardım mesajı gönderir.%nl%**{@prefix}davet** botu sunucunuza davet etmek için bağlantı gönderir." to embed
add field named "Oyuncu Komutları" with value "%nl%**{@prefix}avatar <kullanıcı>** etiketlediğiniz kullanıcının avatarını gönderir." to embed
add field named "Yetkili Komutları" with value "**{@prefix}temizle <sayı>** girilen sayı kadar mesajı temizler.%nl%**{@prefix}duyuru <yazı>** yazdığınız yazıyı duyuru olarak gönderir.%nl%**{@prefix}oylama <yazı>** girilen yazıyı oylama şeklinde gönderir.%nl%**{@prefix}yazdır <yazı>** yazdığınız yazıyı bot yazmış gibi gösterir." to embed
set color of the embed to {@renk}
send last created embed to event-user with event-bot
# Davet Komutu
discord command {@prefix}davet:
make embed:
set description of embed to "[:white_check_mark: **Beni sunucunuza davet etmek için buraya tıklayın!**]("
set color of the embed to {@renk}
send last created embed to event-channel with "{@bot}"
# Avatar Komutu
discord command {@prefix}avatar <user>:
make embed:
set color of the embed to {@renk}
set author info of embed to an author named "%arg-1%'nin Avatarı" with no url and icon icon of event-guild
set image of embed to "%avatar of arg-1%"
send last created embed to event-channel with "{@bot}"
# Temizleme Komutu
discord command {@prefix}temizle <number>:
if event-member has permission manage server:
if arg-1 isn't greater than 100:
grab the last arg-1 messages in event-channel
purge the grabbed messages with event-bot
make embed:
set description of embed to ":white_check_mark: **Bu kanaldan %arg-1% adet mesaj başarıyla temizlendi!**"
set color of the embed to {@renk}
set the footer of embed to footer with text "5 Saniye sonra bu mesaj silinecektir."
set the timestamp of embed to now
wait 4 seconds
grab the last arg-1 messages in event-channel
purge the grabbed messages with event-bot
send last created embed to event-channel with "{@bot}"
make embed:
set color of the embed to {@renk}
set the description of embed to ":x: **En fazla 100 mesaj silebilirsiniz, %mention tag of event-user%!**"
send last created embed to event-channel with "{@bot}"
make embed:
set color of the embed to {@renk}
set the description of embed to ":x: **Bu komut için gereken izne sahip değilsin, %mention tag of event-user%!**"
send last created embed to event-channel with "{@bot}"
# Duyuru Komutu
discord command {@prefix}duyuru <text>:
if event-member has permission manage server:
purge the event-message with event-bot
make embed:
set author info of embed to an author named "{@bot} Duyuru" with no url and icon icon of event-guild
set description of embed to arg 1
set color of the embed to {@renk}
set the footer of embed to footer with text "%event-member%" and icon "%avatar of event-member%"
set the timestamp of embed to now
send last created embed to event-channel with "{@bot}"
make embed:
set color of the embed to {@renk}
set the description of embed to ":x: **Bu komut için gereken izinlere sahip değilsin, %mention tag of event-user%!**"
send last created embed to event-channel with "{@bot}"
# Oylama Komutu
discord command {@prefix}oylama <text>:
if event-member has permission manage server:
purge the event-message with event-bot
make embed:
set author info of embed to an author named "{@bot} Oylama" with no url and icon icon of event-guild
set description of embed to arg 1
set color of the embed to {@renk}
set the footer of embed to footer with text "%event-member%" and icon "%avatar of event-member%"
set the timestamp of embed to now
send last created embed to event-channel with "{@bot}" and store it in {_embed}
add reaction ":white_check_mark:" and "x" to {_embed} with "{@bot}"
make embed:
set color of the embed to {@renk}
set the description of embed to ":x: **Bu komut için gereken izinlere sahip değilsin, %mention tag of event-user%!**"
send last created embed to event-channel with "{@bot}"
# Yazdır Komutu
discord command {@prefix}yazdır <text>:
if event-member has permission manage server:
purge the event-message with event-bot
reply with arg-1
make embed:
set color of the embed to {@renk}
set the description of embed to ":x: **Bu komut için gereken izinlere sahip değilsin, %mention tag of event-user%!**"
send last created embed to event-channel with "{@bot}"
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