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Last active December 31, 2015 23:39
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Save Niels-V/8061137 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Lightweight PowerShell monitoring solution. Write simple test in stand alone test cmdlets, and schedule the test runner with the Task Scheduler to receive a daily email with the test results.
Import-Module .\Tests\TestModule.psm1
Start-Tests -testContainer C:\Example\Tests
$result = Get-EmptyResult
$result.TestName = "301 Redirect on root site"
$result.Group = "SEO"
$url = "http://www.nielsvrolijk.local"
$req = [system.Net.WebRequest]::Create($url)
$req.AllowAutoRedirect = $false
$res = $req.GetResponse()
$result.Data = $res.GetResponseHeader("Location")
$result.Value = $res.StatusCode
$result.Success = $res.StatusCode -eq []::MovedPermanently
return $result
$result = Get-EmptyResult
$result.TestName = "NV UA-Id present"
$result.Group = "Google Analytics"
$url = "http://www.nielsvrolijk.local/"
$body = (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString($url)
$testString = "_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-42-1'])"
$result.Success = $body.Contains($testString)
return $result
$testProperty = @{
TestName = "Empty result"
Success = $false
Data = ""
Value = ""
Group = ""
function Get-EmptyResult
$result = New-Object PSObject -Property $testProperty
return $result
function Start-Tests([switch]$displayOnly, $testContainer) {
#Run tests
$tests = Get-ChildItem $testContainer -Filter Test-*.ps1
$fs = "<font face=""Calibri, Arial, sans-serif"">"
$fe = "</font>"
$body =
*, body, table, tr, th, td { font-family: Calibri, Arial, sans-serif;}
th { text-align: left; }
.OK .status { background-color:Green; }
.Fail .status { background-color:Red; }
<thead><tr><th>$fs Test$fe</th><th>$fs Status$fe</th><th>$fs Waarde$fe</th><th>$fs Aanvullende data$fe</th></tr></thead>
$jobs = @()
$results = @()
$r = Remove-Job * -Force
foreach ($test in $tests)
$jobs += Start-Job -Init ([ScriptBlock]::Create("Set-Location $testContainer;Import-Module .\TestModule.psm1")) -FilePath $test.FullName
$r = Wait-Job $jobs
foreach ($job in $jobs)
$result = Receive-Job $job
$results += $result
$results = $results | Group-Object Group
if ($displayOnly) {
foreach($group in $results) {
Write-Output $group.Group
foreach ($groupResult in $results)
$body += "<tr><td colspan=""4""><strong>$fs$Group$fe</strong></td></tr>"
foreach ($result in $groupResult.Group)
$testName = $result.TestName
$success = "OK"
if (!$result.Success) {
$success = "Fail"
$colorStyle =
$value = $result.Value
$data = $result.Data
#Write-Host $result.Group
$body = "$body <tr class=""$success""><td>$fs$testName$fe</td><td class=""status"">$fs$success$fe</td><td>$fs$value$fe</td><td>$fs$data$fe</td></tr>"
$body = "$body </table></body>"
#Send mail
$smtp = "smtp.local"
$to = "Niels <niels@nielsvrolijk.local>"
$from = "Daily Test <test@nielsvrolijk.local>"
$subject = "Daily test"
if ($displayOnly) {
Write-Host $body
} else {
Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $smtp -To $to -From $from -Subject $subject -Body $body -BodyAsHtml
export-modulemember -function Get-EmptyResult, Start-Tests
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