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Last active August 29, 2017 08:02
GSoC 2017 Final Report

Project idea

Quality of source code can be examined by many different tools, Checkstyle is one of them, but not the only one. Checkstyle team uses its own tool to check its sources. But there is no limit to perfection and we can make Checkstyle source code even better than it is now. The idea is to reuse and configure some other well-known static code analysers (PMD,  Sonar, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA Inspection, HuntBugs, SpotBugs, Pitest) to run all rules, checks, inspections, validations, mutations on Checkstyle main and test source code at each pull request to ease and speed-up code-review or patch acceptance process. Usage of such tool allow author receive first feedback on his changes in short period of time (as soon as automated validation finish)  and allow maintainers to review code with full focus on design issues that neither of such tools could validate.


Project was splitted to several parts, each of them includes interaction with some specific tool:

  • Pitest
  • PMD
  • HuntBugs and SpotBugs
  • IntelliJ IDEA inspections
  • Sonar
  • Eclipse
  • Jacoco


Pitest is all about mutation testing. This tool mutates the code in several different ways (see mutators) and checks if any test fail after this mutations.

The goal of this part of the project was to increase code mutation coverage to 100%, so that every mutation will break some test.

In scope of this part of the project such commits were merged:

add pitest non-checks code profiles 

add pitest-checks-annotation profile 

increase mutation coverage of pitest-checks-header profile to 94% 

increase coverage of pitest-checks-common profile to 85% 

increase coverage of pitest-checkstyle-utils profile to 49% 

increase coverage of pitest-checkstyle-common profile to 89% 

increase coverage of pitest-checkstyle-utils profile to 67% 

increase coverage of pitest-checkstyle-tree-walker profile to 89% 

united api and filters profiles, increased coverage to 85% 

increase coverage of pitest-checkstyle-common profile to 92% 

increase coverage of pitest-checkstyle-utils profile to 99% 

increase coverage of pitest-checkstyle-common profile to 95% 

increase coverage of pitest-checkstyle-common profile to 98% 

increase coverage of pitest-checkstyle-api-filters profile to 90% 

increase coverage of pitest-checkstyle-common profile to 100% 

increase coverage of pitest-checkstyle-utils profile to 100% 

increase coverage of pitest-checkstyle-tree-walker profile to 94% 

increase coverage of pitest-checkstyle-main profile to 100% 

increase coverage of pitest-checkstyle-tree-walker profile to 100% 

rearranged pitest-checkstyle-api-filters profile 

increase coverage of pitest-checkstyle-api profile to 96% 

increase coverage of pitest-checkstyle-api profile to 100% 

fix last mutation 

increase coverage of pitest-checkstyle-filters profile to 100% 

increase coverage of pitest-checks-header profile to 100% 

increase coverage of pitest-checks-annotation to 100% 

increase coverage of pitest-checkstyle main profile to 100% 

increase coverage of pitest-checks-misc to 93% 

increase coverage of pitest-checkstyle-tree-walker to 100% 

increased coverage of pitest-checks-regexp to 100% 

increased coverage of pitest-checks-misc to 96% 

increased coverage of pitest-checks-whitespace to 98%

increased coverage of pitest-checks-sizes to 100%

In scope of this part of the project such commit was proposed:

increase coverage of pitest-checks-imports to 96%

increase coverage of pitest-checks-design to 100%

Created several issues which should be resolved out of GSoC:

pitest: increase mutation coverage for pitest-checkstyle-gui profile to 100%


PMD scans source code and looks for potential problems like: possible bugs, dead code, suboptimal code, overcomplicated expressions, duplicate code.

The goal of this part of the project was to fix or suppress all PMD violations in tests.

In scope of this part of the project such commits were merged:

bumped version of pmd-mvn-plugin to 3.8 and pmd to 5.7.0 

enable test checks for pmd, create separate configs and suppress all violations 

suppresed production code violations as they should not be fixed 

fix pmd violations for CheckstyleCustomShortVariable 

fix pmd violations for CommentDefaultAccessModifier 

fix pmd violations for ConfusingTernary 

fix pmd violations for JUnit4TestShouldUseTestAnnotation 

suppress pmd violations for NcssMethodCount 

fix pmd violations for LoggerIsNotStaticFinal 

fix pmd violations for UncommentedEmptyMethodBody 

fix pmd violations for InsufficientStringBufferDeclaration 

fix pmd violations for AppendCharacterWithChar 

fix pmd violations for UselessOverridingMethod 

suppress pmd violations for it package 

fix first bunch of pmd violations for JUnitAssertionsShouldIncludeMessage 

fix second bunch of pmd violations for JUnitAssertionsShouldIncludeMessage 

fix third bunch of pmd violations for JUnitAssertionsShouldIncludeMessage 

fix pmd violations for TestClassWithoutTestCases 

fix fourth bunch of pmd violations for JUnitAssertionsShouldIncludeMessage 

fix first part of tentative pmd violations 

fix pmd dependencies which prevented it from using the latest version 

fix second part of JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssert violations 

fix third part of JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssert violations 

fix AccessorClassGeneration and JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssert violations 

fix TreeWalkerTest JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssert violations 

HuntBugs and SpotBugs

SpotBugs is a program which uses static analysis to look for bugs in Java code.

HuntBugs is a new Java bytecode static analyzer tool based on Procyon Compiler Tools aimed to supersede the FindBugs

In scope of this part of the project such commits were merged:

add Spotbugs to the project 

Huntbugs was investigated and discussed here. Finally, we made a decision to not use it in Checkstyle project as it is not supported and already dead.

IntelliJ IDEA inspections

IntelliJ IDEA static code analyser detects compiler and runtime errors, different code inefficiencies, unreachable code, unused code, non-localized string, unresolved method, memory leaks and even spelling problems.

The goal of this part of the project was to either fix all uncommented in Checkstyle IntelliJ config violations or suppress them with some meaningful comment.

In scope of this part of the project such commits were merged:

fixed abstraction IDEA violations 

fixed code style idea violations 

update suppress comment 

fixed part of idea violations 

fix easy cases of the fifth part of idea violations 

fix easy cases of the seventh part of idea violations 

add suppressions 

add suppressions 

fix SimplifiableIfStatement, suppress MissingPackageInfo violations 

fix all violations from the fourth part of idea violations 

fix all violations from the third part of idea violations 

delete deprecated: AbstractComplexityCheck, AbstractIllegalCheck   AbstractIllegalMethodCheck, AbstractNestedDepthCheck 

fix CallToSimpleGetterInClass, MismatchedCollectionQueryUpdate  NullableProblems idea violations 

add inspections passed without violations 

fixed remained violations for the nineth part of idea violations 

introduce InterfaceMayBeFunctional violation, add annotations 

add suppressions on the eleventh part of IDEA violations 

fix FieldNotUsedInToString IDEA violations 

fix EqualsReplaceableByObjectsCall IDEA violation 

fix MethodMayBeStatic idea violations 

fix HtmlTagCanBeJavadocTag idea violation 

fix all violations from the sixth part of idea violations 

fix all violations from the tenth part of idea violations 

fix first 200 AssertsWithoutMessages violations 

fix InconsistentResourceBundle idea violation 

fix some violations from eleventh part of idea violations 

fix AlphaUnsortedPropertiesFile idea violation 

fix second 200 AssertsWithoutMessages violations 

fix 300 more AssertsWithoutMessages violations 

fix final 300 AssertsWithoutMessages idea violations 

fix EqualsUsesNonFinalVariable, HashCodeUsesNonFinalVariable... 

fix all violations of BooleanParameter idea check except... 

hot fix for BooleanParameter idea violation 

fix avoid boolean parameters for public methods 

fix some violations from the eleventh part of idea violations 

add suppressions on the twelfth part of idea violations 

fix HtmlTagCanBeJavadocTag idea violation for TokenTypes 

fix twelfth part idea violations 

fix BooleanParameter idea violation for it package 

fix MultipleReturnPointsPerMethod idea violation 

fix ThisEscapedInConstructor idea violation for ImportControl class 

fix HtmlTagCanBeJavadocTag in TokenTypes 

In scope of this part of the project such commit was proposed:

add script for checking idea inspections (for windows)

Created several issues which should be resolved out of GSoC:

idea: fix ThisEscapedInConstructor idea violation for AbstractClassCouplingCheck.FileContext class

idea: fix ThisEscapedInConstructor idea violation for AbstractLoader class

idea: fix ThisEscapedInConstructor idea violation for IndentationCheck class


Sonar is one more static analyser which also detects bugs, code smells, security vulnerabilities and some more.

The goal of this part of the project was to activate Sonar for PR validation to prevent bad code leak to the project.

In scope of this part of the project such commit was proposed:

add initial scripts for running sonar in docker 


Eclipse compiler also performs a static code analysis, detects compiler errors, bugs and vulnerabilities.

The goal of this part of the project was to introduce eclipse compiler checks to the build flow.

In scope of this part of the project such commit was merged:

add eclipse violation check as a maven plugin

In scope of this part of the project such commit was proposed:

improved some items


Originally there was plan to start to use jacoco code coverage tool instead of cobertura tool. But jacoco team did not make long awaited release with implemented filters that could allow checkstyle project to use jacoco without any compromise of code quality. Admins of Checkstyle project allowed to skip this sub tasks from GSoC as it does not make sense to do now.

What I get to know during GSoC

  • contribution process in github;
  • process of working on several tasks at the same time;
  • continuous integration process and automated regression testing process by means of opensource tools and free web services that have integration with github;
  • become familiar with all known opensource java static analysis tools;
  • understand that not all best practices, rules are good for particular project;
  • neither tool cover all best practices and there are a lot of overlaps between tools, but all of them have smth unique, more reliable or configurable implementations;
  • it became clear how difficult is it to resolve technical debt in existing project/code and that is not so easy to not allow it appearance during code acceptance without such checkers as static code analysers and more;
  • how to gradually (step by step) introduce new static code analysis tools to actively developed project;
  • benefits of splitting task to multiple subtasks and deliver results to acceptance to target code base as soon as some part of the work is done;
  • big patches or Pull Requests are very difficult for maintainer to review and hard to change, rebasing changes to the latest code to avoid conflicts became also very complicated for an author of a patch.  So it is very convenient to split your changes to multiple patches if possible.

I want to thank all who was helping me during this GSoC project, especially @romani and @rnveach. I gained a great experience struggling for the better code quality with Checkstyle! Thank you! 😃

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