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Created November 19, 2020 00:32
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PowerShell IPv4 Threat Intel APIs AbuseIPDB Auth0
#Just replace all of "GET-YOUR-OWN" with relevant API keys
#Credit goes to various Internet sources, also register @
###This is for running jobs in-process [[[START11 ; look for END11]]]
$code = @'
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Management.Automation;
using System.Management.Automation.Runspaces;
namespace InProcess
public class InMemoryJob : System.Management.Automation.Job
public InMemoryJob(PowerShell PowerShell, string name)
_PowerShell = PowerShell;
private void SetUpStreams(string name)
_PowerShell.Streams.Verbose = this.Verbose;
_PowerShell.Streams.Error = this.Error;
_PowerShell.Streams.Debug = this.Debug;
_PowerShell.Streams.Warning = this.Warning;
_PowerShell.Streams.Information = this.Information;
_PowerShell.Runspace.AvailabilityChanged += new EventHandler<RunspaceAvailabilityEventArgs>(Runspace_AvailabilityChanged);
int id = System.Threading.Interlocked.Add(ref InMemoryJobNumber, 1);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
this.Name = name;
this.Name = "InProcessJob" + id;
void Runspace_AvailabilityChanged(object sender, RunspaceAvailabilityEventArgs e)
if (e.RunspaceAvailability == RunspaceAvailability.Available)
PowerShell _PowerShell;
static int InMemoryJobNumber = 0;
public override bool HasMoreData
get {
return (Output.Count > 0);
public override string Location
get { return "In Process"; }
public override string StatusMessage
get { return "A new status message"; }
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
if (!isDisposed)
isDisposed = true;
if (!IsFinishedState(JobStateInfo.State))
foreach (Job job in ChildJobs)
private bool isDisposed = false;
internal bool IsFinishedState(JobState state)
return (state == JobState.Completed || state == JobState.Failed || state == JobState.Stopped);
public override void StopJob()
public void Start()
_asyncResult = _PowerShell.BeginInvoke<PSObject, PSObject>(null, Output);
IAsyncResult _asyncResult;
public void WaitJob()
public void WaitJob(TimeSpan timeout)
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $code
function Start-JobInProcess
[scriptblock] $ScriptBlock,
[string] $Name
function Get-JobRepository
function Add-Job
$PowerShell = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock)
if ($ArgumentList)
$ArgumentList | ForEach-Object {
$MemoryJob = New-Object InProcess.InMemoryJob $PowerShell, $Name
Add-Job $MemoryJob
###This is for running jobs in-process [[[END11 ; look for START11]]]
#This is going to remove any completed jobs just because
Remove-Job -State Completed | Out-Null
#Was checking jobs for debugging
#Clean console
#Ask for IPv4 address e.g.
Write-Host -NoNewline "IPv4 address: "
#Read input, IP address
$global:remoteIp = Read-Host
#Take the progress-bar out of invoked webreqs
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Start-JobInProcess -Name ($global:remoteIp + "ipinfo") -ArgumentList $global:remoteIp {(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ("" + $args[0] + "?token=GET-YOUR-OWN")).content}
#This goes in -Body
#$json = @"{"alert_policy":[{"enabled":"true"}]"@
#AbuseIPDB as a source below
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Start-JobInProcess -Name ($global:remoteIp + "abuse") -ArgumentList $global:remoteIp {(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" -Body @{"ipAddress" = $args[0]} -ContentType "application/json" -Headers @{"Key" = "GET-YOUR-OWN"; "Accept" = "application/json"} -Method Get -UseBasicParsing)}
#Auth0 as a source below
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Start-JobInProcess -Name ($global:remoteIp + "auth") -ArgumentList $global:remoteIp {(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ("" + $args[0]) -ContentType "application/json" -Headers @{"x-auth-token" = "GET-YOUR-OWN"; "accept" = "application/json"} -Method Get -UseBasicParsing)}
Get-Job -Name ($global:remoteIp + "auth") | Wait-Job
Get-Job -Name ($global:remoteIp + "abuse") | Wait-Job
Get-Job -Name ($global:remoteIp + "ipinfo") | Wait-Job
$authData = Get-Job -Name ($global:remoteIp + "auth") | Select Id
$abuseData = Get-Job -Name ($global:remoteIp + "abuse") | Select Id
$ipData = Get-Job -Name ($global:remoteIp + "ipinfo") | Select Id
$authParse = Receive-Job -Id $authData.Id
$abuseParse = Receive-Job -Id $abuseData.Id
$ipParse = Receive-Job -Id $ipData.Id
Write-Host "Auth0 score - low bad: "$authParse.fullip.score
Write-Host "AbuseIPDB score - high bad: "$
#Figure out willing risk IP, do what you want
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