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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Save Noitidart/9033922 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components;
const self = {
id: 'Bootstrap-Skeleton-Plus',
suffix: '@jetpack',
path: 'chrome://bootstrap-skeleton-plus/content/',
aData: 0,
const myServices = {};
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(myServices, 'as', function(){ return Cc[';1'].getService(Ci.nsIAlertsService) });
function startup(aData, aReason) {
self.aData = aData;
var bData = [1,2,['a','b',true,true],4,{str1:'a string',arr1:[false,false,false,false]},6, null, undefined, new RegExp('rawr','g')];
t:'d2 - aData startup',
depth: 2,
/* cDumpClassic(aData, 'classic', 1); */
//cDumpClassic(aData,' classic: adata startup', 1);
Services.rawr = aData;
function shutdown(aData, aReason) {
if (aReason == APP_SHUTDOWN) return;
function install() {}
function uninstall() {}
//cDumpClassic(table, 'table classic',1);
function cDumpNeo(obj, opts) {
t - title for tab, window, and in prettyPrint
inbg - load tab inbg
depth - number (default 1);
if (!opts) { opts = {}; }
if (!'depth' in opts) { opts.depth = 1 };
if (!'inbg' in opts) { opts.inbg = false };
if (!'objStr' in opts) { opts.objStr = 'NAME_STRING_UNDEFINED' }
var cWin = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser');
Cu.reportError('cWin == ' + cWin);
if (!cWin) {
Cu.reportError('no recent browser with tabs found. cannot cDump. aborted.');
var doc;
var win;
var onloadFunc = function() {
cWin.gBrowser.selectedTab = cWin.gBrowser.tabContainer.childNodes[cWin.gBrowser.tabContainer.childNodes.length-1];
newTabBrowser.removeEventListener('load', onloadFunc, true);
doc = newTabBrowser.contentDocument;
win = doc.defaultView;
doc.title = opts.t !== undefined ? opts.t : 'cDump';
var div = ['div', {}, dig(obj, 0)];
var referenceNodes = {};
var createdDiv = jsonToDOM(div , cWin.document, referenceNodes);
//start make htmldatauri
var dummyDiv = cWin.document.createElementNS(jsonToDOM.defaultNamespace, 'div');
var head = '';
var body = '';
body += dummyDiv.innerHTML; // i have to set the location to it, otherwise the findbar doesnt work, its so weird
Cu.reportError('toSource = ' + dummyDiv.toSource());
if (opts.t) {
head += '<title>' + opts.t + '</title>';
head += ' <meta charset="UTF-8">';
var htmlDataUri = 'data:text/html,' + encodeURIComponent('<head>' + head + '</head>' + '<body>' + body + '</body>');
//end make htmldatauri
doc.location = htmlDataUri;
// createdDiv // cannot appendChild, also on restart, it doesnt persist, i have to set the location to it, otherwise the findbar doesnt work, its so weird
var dig = function(targ, cDepth) {
var json;
var cTypes = cTypeof(targ, ['objS','funcS','nodeS','obj','func']); //obj and func are just for debug purposes, in case something strange comes up
var scType = cTypes.nodeS ? cTypes.nodeS : cTypes.objS; //single type to define it
if (scType == 'Object') {
var specificType = cTypes.funcS;
json =
['table', {},
['tr', {}, //start header 1
['th', {},
targ.toString() + ' |||| ' + cTypes.objS + ' |||| ' + cTypes.funcS
] //end header 1
Cu.reportError('targ = "' + targ + '"');
Cu.reportError('scType = "' + scType + '"');
Cu.reportError('cTypes.obj = "' + cTypes.obj + '"');
Cu.reportError('cTypes.func = "' + cTypes.func + '"');
switch (scType) {
case 'Array':
['tr', {},
['th', {},
['th', {},
] //header 2
for (var i=0; i<targ.length; i++) {
var dug;
try {
dug = targ[i];
} catch (ex) {
dug = ex; //dont need to worry that it will find keys on this, because obviously going targ[i] is throwing error so when it does Object.keys(TARG[I]) it will throw
try {
var keys = undefined;
keys = Object.keys(targ[i]); //note: ES5 feature //dont use Object.keys(dug) here because if dug is an ex it will explore that
Cu.reportError('XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper || Object --> targ[i] ("' + targ[i] + '") has keys!: type.obj = ' + cTypeof(keys,['obj']).obj + ' length = ' + keys.length + ' val = ' + keys);
} catch (ex) {
Cu.reportError('XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper || Object --> ex when keys of targ[i] ("' + targ + '[' + i + ']"): ' + ex);
if (cDepth < opts.depth) {
if (keys && keys.length) {
dug = dig(targ[i], cDepth + 1);
['tr', {},
['td', {},
['td', {},
] //index value pair
if (keys && keys.length && cDepth == opts.depth) {
['span', {title:'Depth Reached - Click to go one level deeper', 'class': 'max-depth'},
case 'XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper':
case 'Object':
json[2][2][1].colspan = 2;
['tr', {},
['th', {},
['th', {},
] //header 2
for (var p in targ) {
try {
var dug = dig(targ[p], cDepth + 1);
} catch (ex) {
dug = ex;
Cu.reportError('init - ' + p);
var dug;
try {
dug = targ[p];
} catch (ex) {
dug = ex; //dont need to worry that it will find keys on this, because obviously going targ[p] is throwing error so when it does Object.keys(TARG[P]) it will throw
try {
var keys = undefined;
keys = Object.keys(targ[p]); //note: ES5 feature //dont use Object.keys(dug) here because if dug is an ex it will explore that
Cu.reportError('XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper || Object --> targ[p] ("' + targ[p] + '") has keys!: type.obj = ' + cTypeof(keys,['obj']).obj + ' length = ' + keys.length + ' val = ' + keys);
} catch (ex) {
Cu.reportError('XPCWrappedNative_NoHelper || Object --> ex when keys of targ[p] ("' + targ + '[' + p + ']"): ' + ex);
if (cDepth < opts.depth) {
if (keys && keys.length) {
dug = dig(targ[p], cDepth + 1);
['tr', {},
['td', {},
['td', {},
] //key value pair
Cu.reportError('pushed - ' + p);
Cu.reportError('its dug = ' + dug);
if (keys && keys.length && cDepth == opts.depth) {
['span', {title:'Depth Reached - Click to go one level deeper', 'class': 'max-depth'},
var dug;
try {
dug = targ;
} catch (ex) {
dug = ex; //dont need to worry that it will find keys on this, because obviously going targ is throwing error so when it does Object.keys(TARG) it will throw
try {
var keys = undefined;
keys = Object.keys(targ); //note: ES5 feature //dont use Object.keys(dug) here because if dug is an ex it will explore that
Cu.reportError('default: targ ("' + targ + '") has keys!: type.obj = ' + cTypeof(keys,['obj']).obj + ' length = ' + keys.length + ' val = ' + keys);
} catch (ex) {
Cu.reportError('default: ex when keys of targ ("' + targ + '"): ' + ex);
if (cDepth < opts.depth) {
if (keys && keys.length) {
dug = dig(targ, cDepth + 1);
/* json.push(
['span', {class:'default'},
); */
['tr', {},
['td', {},
] //key value pair
//355a 021614 im thinking if its in this section its not an object so how can it have keys? so it cant be going deeper
if (keys && keys.length && cDepth == opts.depth) {
['span', {title:'Depth Reached - Click to go one level deeper', 'class': 'max-depth'},
return json;
var newTabBrowser = cWin.gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(cWin.gBrowser.loadOneTab('about:blank', {inBackground:opts.inbg}));
newTabBrowser.addEventListener('load', onloadFunc, true);
//changing so its data uri so html persists after restart
var head = '';
var body = '';
body += table.outerHTML;
if (opts.t) {
head += '<title>' + opts.t + '</title>';
var htmlDataUri = 'data:text/html,' + encodeURIComponent('<head>' + head + '</head>' + '<body>' + body + '</body>');
//from mdn
function jsonToDOM(xml, doc, nodes) {
function namespace(name) {
var m = /^(?:(.*):)?(.*)$/.exec(name);
return [jsonToDOM.namespaces[m[1]], m[2]];
function tag(name, attr) {
if (Array.isArray(name)) {
var frag = doc.createDocumentFragment();
Array.forEach(arguments, function (arg) {
if (!Array.isArray(arg[0]))
frag.appendChild(tag.apply(null, arg));
arg.forEach(function (arg) {
frag.appendChild(tag.apply(null, arg));
return frag;
var args = Array.slice(arguments, 2);
var vals = namespace(name);
//Cu.reportError('vals[0] = "' + vals[0] + '"');
//Cu.reportError('vals[1] = "' + vals[1] + '"');
var elem = doc.createElementNS(vals[0] || jsonToDOM.defaultNamespace, vals[1]);
for (var key in attr) {
var val = attr[key];
if (nodes && key == "key")
nodes[val] = elem;
vals = namespace(key);
if (typeof val == "function")
elem.addEventListener(key.replace(/^on/, ""), val, false);
elem.setAttributeNS(vals[0] || "", vals[1], val);
args.forEach(function(e) {
//Cu.reportError('e == ' + e);
//Cu.reportError('typeof == ' + cTypeof(e));
//Cu.reportError('e instanceof doc.defaultView.Node == ' + (e instanceof doc.defaultView.Node));
elem.appendChild(cTypeof(e, ['obj']).obj == '[object Array]' ?
tag.apply(null, e) :
e instanceof doc.defaultView.Node ? //note: for this line to work when dumping xpcom stuff, must pass in cWin.document as 2nd arg of jsonToDOM
e :
return elem;
return tag.apply(null, xml);
jsonToDOM.namespaces = {
html: "",
xul: ""
jsonToDOM.defaultNamespace = jsonToDOM.namespaces.html;
//end from mdn
function cTypeof(o, returnMethod) {
//returnMethod is array of methods you want returned
if (!returnMethod || (returnMethod.length !== undefined && returnMethod.length == 0)) {
returnMethod = ['obj', 'objS', 'func', 'funcS', 'nodeS'];
var method = {};
var methodRetVals = {};
method.obj = function () {
if (!('obj' in methodRetVals)) {
try {
methodRetVals.obj =;
} catch (ex) {
methodRetVals.obj = ex;
return methodRetVals.obj;
method.func = function () {
if (!('func' in methodRetVals)) {
try {
methodRetVals.func =;
} catch (ex) {
methodRetVals.func = ex;
return methodRetVals.func;
method.objS = function () { //obj string
if (!('obj' in methodRetVals)) {
try {
methodRetVals.objS = methodRetVals.obj.substring(8, methodRetVals.obj.length - 1);
} catch (ex) {
methodRetVals.objS = ex;
return methodRetVals.objS;
method.funcS = function () { //obj string
if (!('func' in methodRetVals)) {
try {
methodRetVals.funcS = methodRetVals.func.substring(9, methodRetVals.func.indexOf('()'));
} catch (ex) {
methodRetVals.funcS = ex;
return methodRetVals.funcS;
method.node = function () { //obj string
var nodeType = o.nodeType;
if (nodeType !== undefined && nodeType !== null) {
methodRetVals.node = nodeType;
} else {
methodRetVals.node = 0;
return nodeType;
method.nodeS = function () { //obj string
var nodeName = o.nodeName;
if (nodeName !== undefined && nodeName !== null) {
methodRetVals.nodeS = nodeName;
} else {
methodRetVals.nodeS = 0;
return nodeName;
method.nodeS = function () { //obj string
try {
var nodeType = o.nodeType;
if (nodeType !== undefined && nodeType !== null) {
methodRetVals.nodeS = 'Node';
} else {
methodRetVals.nodeS = 0;
} catch (ex) {
methodRetVals.nodeS = ex;
return nodeType;
var retVal = {};
//var retStr = [];
[], function(m) {
if (m in method) {
retVal[m] = method[m](); //so must return values in funcs above
} else {
return retVal;
function cDumpClassic(obj, title, deep) {
var tstr = '';
var bstr = '';
if (deep) {
bstr = '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="var subdivs = document.querySelectorAll(\'div > div\'); for(var i=0;i<subdivs.length;i++) { subdivs[i].style.display = subdivs[i].style.display==\'block\'?\'none\':\'block\'; }">block</a>\n\n';
var fstr = '';
for (var b in obj) {
bstr += b+'='+obj[b]+'\n';
if (deep) {
bstr += '<div style="margin-left:35px;color:gray;cursor:pointer;border:1px solid blue;" onclick="this.childNodes[1].style.display=this.childNodes[1].style.display==\'block\'?\'none\':\'block\';this.scrollIntoView(true);">click to toggle<div style="display:none;">';
for (var c in obj[b]) {
try {
bstr += '\t\t\t' + c+'='+obj[b][c]+'\n';
} catch(e0) {
bstr += '\t\t\t' + c+'=e0=deep_fstr='+e0+'\n';
bstr += '</div></div>'
} catch (e) {
fstr = b+'='+e+'\n';
if (deep) {
bstr = bstr.replace(/<div[^>]*?>click to toggle<div[^>]*?><\/div><\/div>/g,'');
tstr += '<b>BSTR::</b>\n' + bstr;
tstr += '\n<b>FSTR::</b>\n' + fstr;
var cWin = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser');
var onloadFunc = function() {
cWin.gBrowser.selectedTab = cWin.gBrowser.tabContainer.childNodes[cWin.gBrowser.tabContainer.childNodes.length-1];
newTabBrowser.removeEventListener('load', onloadFunc, true);
if (title) { newTabBrowser.contentDocument.title = title; }
newTabBrowser.contentDocument.body.innerHTML = tstr.replace(/\n/g,'<br>')
var newTabBrowser = cWin.gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(cWin.gBrowser.addTab('about:blank'));
newTabBrowser.addEventListener('load', onloadFunc, true);
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