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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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_ff-addon-snippet-X11_XGetWindowProperty - Shows how to use XGetWindowProperty, this is my skeleton for when I use it. [jsctypes] [x11] [unix]
var nixtypesInit = function() {
// BASIC TYPES (ones that arent equal to something predefined by me)
this.ATOM = ctypes.unsigned_long;
this.BOOL =;
this.CHAR = ctypes.char;
this.GDKDRAWABLE = ctypes.StructType('GdkDrawable');
this.GDKWINDOW = ctypes.StructType('GdkWindow');
this.DATA = ctypes.voidptr_t;
this.DISPLAY = new ctypes.StructType('Display');
this.INT =;
this.LONG = ctypes.long;
this.UNSIGNED_CHAR = ctypes.unsigned_char;
this.UNSIGNED_INT = ctypes.unsigned_int;
this.UNSIGNED_LONG = ctypes.unsigned_long;
// ADVANCED TYPES (ones that are equal to something predefined by me, order matters here, as the basic or pre-advanced type needs to be defined before the type)
if (/^(Alpha|hppa|ia64|ppc64|s390|x86_64)-/.test(Services.appinfo.XPCOMABI)) { // // //
this.CARD32 = this.UNSIGNED_INT;
} else {
this.CARD32 = this.UNSIGNED_LONG;
this.WINDOW = this.CARD32;
this.XID = this.CARD32;
this.ANYPROPERTYTYPE = 0; //AnyPropertyType //this.ATOM(0) // need this jsInt for comparison
this.BADGC = 13;
this.NONE = 0; // leave it at 0 (a jsInt) as simple comparison is done in GetAtom, cuz in GetAtom i do `if (rez == ostypes.NONE)` and if is a number here it works. otherwise its weird. ostypes.ATOM(0) and new ostypes.ATOM(0) both give back CData{ value: UInt64{} } but the XInternAtom even thouh return is ostypes.ATOM it gives back UInt64 &&& doing UInt64 == jsInt seems to work. oin ostypes.ATOM(0).value == returnedUInt64 does not work if i do this then i have to to returnedUInt64.toString() == ostypes.ATOM(0).value.toStrin() so weird
this.SUCCESS = 0;
this.XA_CARDINAL = 6; // can do parseInt(GetAtom('CARDINAL').toString()) but dont as i need this a jsInt for comparisons in post _dec('XGetWindowProperty')() logic, otherwise i have to use for equality checks
var ostypes = new nixtypesInit();
var lib = {};
function _lib(path) {
//ensures path is in lib, if its in lib then its open, if its not then it adds it to lib and opens it. returns lib
//path is path to open library
//returns lib so can use straight away
if (!(path in lib)) {
//need to open the library
//default it opens the path, but some things are special like libc in mac is different then linux or like x11 needs to be located based on linux version
switch (path) {
case 'x11':
try {
lib[path] ='');
} catch (e) {
try {
var libName = ctypes.libraryName('X11');
} catch (e) {
console.error('Integration Level 1: Could not get libX11 name; not activating', 'e:', e);
throw new Error('Integration Level 1: Could not get libX11 name; not activating, e:' + e);
try {
lib[path] =;
} catch (e) {
console.error('Integration Level 2: Could not get libX11 name; not activating', 'e:', e);
throw new Error('Integration Level 2: Could not get libX11 name; not activating, e:' + e);
try {
lib[path] =;
} catch (e) {
console.error('Integration Level 1: Could not get open path:', path, 'e:', e);
throw new Error('Integration Level 1: Could not get open path:"' + path + '" e: "' + e + '"');
return lib[path];
// declares in this worker, i set them all = to null for the scratchpad because i may declare it wrong and it wont re-declare unless if it first the var is !
var dec = {};
function _dec(declaration) { // it means ensureDeclared and return declare. if its not declared it declares it. else it returns the previously declared.
if (!(declaration in dec)) {
dec[declaration] = preDec[declaration](); //if declaration is not in preDec then dev messed up
return dec[declaration];
var preDec = { //stands for pre-declare (so its just lazy stuff) //this must be pre-populated by dev // do it alphabateized by key so its ez to look through
gdk_window_get_toplevel: function() {
* GdkWindow* gdk_window_get_toplevel (
* GdkWindow *window
* );
return _lib('').declare('gdk_window_get_toplevel', ctypes.default_abi,
ostypes.GDKWINDOW.ptr, // return
ostypes.GDKWINDOW.ptr // *window
gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid: function() {
* XID gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid (
* GdkDrawable *drawable
* );
return _lib('').declare('gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid', ctypes.default_abi,
ostypes.XID, // return
ostypes.GDKDRAWABLE.ptr // *drawable
XCloseDisplay: function() {
* int XCloseDisplay(
* Display *display
* );
return _lib('x11').declare('XCloseDisplay', ctypes.default_abi,
ostypes.INT, // return
ostypes.DISPLAY.ptr // *display
XFree: function() {
* int XFree(
* void *data
* );
return _lib('x11').declare('XFree', ctypes.default_abi,
ostypes.INT, // return
ostypes.DATA // *data
XGetWindowProperty: function() {
* int XChangeProperty(
* Display *display,
* Window w,
* Atom property,
* long long_offset,
* long long_length,
* Bool delete,
* Atom req_type,
* Atom *actual_type_return,
* int *actual_format_return,
* unsigned long *nitems_return,
* unsigned long *bytes_after_return,
* unsigned char **prop_return,
* );
return _lib('x11').declare('XGetWindowProperty', ctypes.default_abi,
ostypes.INT, // return
ostypes.DISPLAY.ptr, // *display
ostypes.WINDOW, // w
ostypes.ATOM, // property
ostypes.LONG, // long_offset
ostypes.LONG, // long_length
ostypes.BOOL, // delete
ostypes.ATOM, // req_type // note on note: actually if ANYPROPERTYTYPE and NONE are jsInt then thse can be atoms. note to self: always put a jsInt here because in comparison checks after running `_dec('XGetWindowProperty')` I do `xgwpArg.req_type != xgwpArg.$actual_type_return` to test for mismatch, and i also test to make sure its not ostypes.ANYPROPERTYTYPE. and on return they are `UInt64{}` (even though declared to be `ostypes.ATOM.ptr` in `preDec`) but `new ostypes.ATOM(5)` is `CData{ UInt64{} }`. so doing a simple == for comparison requires one or the other be a jsInt
ostypes.ATOM.ptr, // *actual_type_return
ostypes.INT.ptr, // *actual_format_return
ostypes.UNSIGNED_LONG.ptr, // *nitems_return
ostypes.UNSIGNED_LONG.ptr, // *bytes_after_return
ostypes.UNSIGNED_CHAR.ptr.ptr // **prop_return
XInternAtom: function() {
* Atom XInternAtom(
* Display *display,
* char *atom_name,
* Bool only_if_exists
* );
return _lib('x11').declare('XInternAtom', ctypes.default_abi,
ostypes.ATOM, // return
ostypes.DISPLAY.ptr, // *display
ostypes.CHAR.ptr, // *atom_name
ostypes.BOOL // only_if_exists
XOpenDisplay: function() {
* Display *XOpenDisplay(
* char *display_name
* );
return _lib('x11').declare('XOpenDisplay', ctypes.default_abi,
ostypes.DISPLAY.ptr, // return
ostypes.CHAR.ptr // *display_name
/* start helper functions */
function jscGetDeepest(obj) {
// used to get the deepest .contents .value and so on. expecting a number object
//'start jscGetDeepest:', obj.toString());
while (isNaN(obj) && ('contents' in obj || 'value' in obj)) {
if ('contents' in obj) {
obj = obj.contents;
} else if ('value' in obj) {
obj = obj.value
} else {
throw new Error('huh, isNaN, but no contents or value in obj', 'obj:', obj);
//'loop jscGetDeepest:', obj.toString());
//'pre final jscGetDeepest:', obj.toString());
if (!isNaN(obj)) {
obj = obj.toString();
//'finaled jscGetDeepest:', obj.toString());
return obj;
function jscEqual(obj1, obj2) {
// ctypes numbers equal
// compares obj1 and obj2
// if equal returns true, else returns false
// check if equal first
var str1 = obj1;
var str2 = obj2;
var str1 = jscGetDeepest(str1); //cuz apparently its not passing by reference
var str2 = jscGetDeepest(str2); //cuz apparently its not passing by reference
if (str1 == str2) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function OpenNewXDisplay() {
var rez_XOpenDisplay = _dec('XOpenDisplay')(null);
console.log('debug-msg :: rez_XOpenDisplay:', rez_XOpenDisplay, uneval(rez_XOpenDisplay));
// when rez_XOpenDisplay is null it is CData of `Display.ptr(ctypes.UInt64("0x0"))"`
if (rez_XOpenDisplay.isNull()) {
throw new Error('XOpenDisplay failed to open display');
return rez_XOpenDisplay;
var GetXDisplayConst = undefined; //ostypes.DISPLAY.ptr // runtime defined constants
function GetXDisplay() {
if (!GetXDisplayConst) {
GetXDisplayConst = OpenNewXDisplay(); // returns Display*
return GetXDisplayConst;
var _GetAtomCache = {};
function GetAtom(name, createIfDNE) {
// createIfDNE is jsBool, true or false. if set to true/1 then the atom is creatd if it doesnt exist. if set to false/0, then an error is thrown when atom does not exist
// default behavior is throw when atom doesnt exist
// name is ostypes.CHAR.ptr
// returns ostypes.ATOM
var onlyIfExists = 1;
if (createIfDNE) {
onlyIfExists = 0;
if (!(name in _GetAtomCache)) {
var atom = _dec('XInternAtom')(GetXDisplay(), name, createIfDNE ? 0 : 1); //passing 3rd arg of false, means even if atom doesnt exist it returns a created atom, this can be used with GetProperty to see if its supported etc, this is how Chromium does it
if (jscEqual(atom, ostypes.NONE)) { //will never equal ostypes.NONE if i pass 3rd arg of `false` to XInternAtom
console.warn('No atom with name:', name, 'return val of atom:', atom, uneval(atom), atom.toString());
throw new Error('No atom with name, "' + name + '", return val of atom:"' + atom + '" toString:"' + atom.toString() + '"');
_GetAtomCache[name] = atom;
return _GetAtomCache[name];
function xidFromXULWin(aXULWin) {
if (!aXULWin) {
throw new Error('No window found, aXULWin is null');
var aBaseWin = aXULWin.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
var aGDKWindowPtrString = aBaseWin.nativeHandle;
var aGDKWindowPtr = ostypes.GDKWINDOW.ptr(ctypes.UInt64(aGDKWindowPtrString));
//var topGDKWindowPtr = _dec('gdk_window_get_toplevel')(aGDKWindowPtr);
//var aGDKDrawablePtr = ctypes.cast(topGDKWindowPtr, ostypes.GDKDRAWABLE.ptr);
var aGDKDrawablePtr = ctypes.cast(aGDKWindowPtr, ostypes.GDKDRAWABLE.ptr);
var aXID = _dec('gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid')(aGDKDrawablePtr); //no need for error checking here as if it doesnt exist it crashes?
if (jscEqual(aXID, 0)) {
throw new Error('aXULWin is no longer open, as aXID is 0');
}'aXID:', aXID, aXID.toString(), uneval(aXID));
return aXID;
function readAsChar8ThenAsChar16(stringPtr, known_len, jschar) {
// when reading as jschar it assumes max length of 500
// stringPtr is either char or jschar, if you know its jschar for sure, pass 2nd arg as true
// if known_len is passed, then assumption is not made, at the known_len position in array we will see a null char
// i tried getting known_len from stringPtr but its not possible, it has be known, i tried this:
//"stringPtr.contents.toString()" "95"
//"stringPtr.toString()" "ctypes.unsigned_char.ptr(ctypes.UInt64("0x7f73d5c87650"))"
// so as we see neither of these is 77, this is for the example of "_scratchpad/EnTeHandle.js at master · Noitidart/_scratchpad - Mozilla Firefox"
// tries to do read string on stringPtr, if it fails then it falls to read as jschar
var readJSCharString = function() {
var assumption_max_len = known_len ? known_len : 500;
var ptrAsArr = ctypes.cast(stringPtr, ctypes.unsigned_char.array(assumption_max_len).ptr).contents; // MUST cast to unsigned char (not ctypes.jschar, or ctypes.char) as otherwise i dont get foreign characters, as they are got as negative values, and i should read till i find a 0 which is null terminator which will have unsigned_char code of 0 // can test this by reading a string like this: "_scratchpad/EnTeHandle.js at master · Noitidart/_scratchpad - Mozilla Firefox" at js array position 36 (so 37 if count from 1), we see 183, and at 77 we see char code of 0 IF casted to unsigned_char, if casted to char we see -73 at pos 36 but pos 77 still 0, if casted to jschar we see chineese characters in all spots expect spaces even null terminator is a chineese character'ptrAsArr.length:', ptrAsArr.length);
//console.log('debug-msg :: dataCasted:', dataCasted, uneval(dataCasted), dataCasted.toString());
var charCode = [];
var fromCharCode = []
for (var i=0; i<ptrAsArr.length; i++) { //if known_len is correct, then will not hit null terminator so like in example of "_scratchpad/EnTeHandle.js at master · Noitidart/_scratchpad - Mozilla Firefox" if you pass length of 77, then null term will not get hit by this loop as null term is at pos 77 and we go till `< known_len`
var thisUnsignedCharCode = ptrAsArr.addressOfElement(i).contents;
if (thisUnsignedCharCode == 0) {
// reached null terminator, break
console.log('reached null terminator, at pos: ', i);
}'charCode:', charCode);'fromCharCode:', fromCharCode);
var char16_val = fromCharCode.join('');'char16_val:', char16_val);
return char16_val;
if (!jschar) {
try {
var char8_val = stringPtr.readString();'stringPtr.readString():', char8_val);
return char8_val;
} catch (ex if ex.message.indexOf('malformed UTF-8 character sequence at offset ') == 0) {
console.warn('ex of offset utf8 read error when trying to do readString so using alternative method, ex:', ex);
return readJSCharString();
} else {
return readJSCharString();
/* end helper functions */
// my globals:
var libgdk = '';
function shutdown() {
if (GetXDisplayConst && GetXDisplayConst.isNull && !GetXDisplayConst.isNull()) {
console.log('closing disp');
var rez_XCloseDisplay = _dec('XCloseDisplay')(GetXDisplay()); //it seems like XCloseDisp returns 0 on success, docs dont clarify that, they just say that XCloseDisplay can "generate" BadGC (they dont clarify what generate means return) //
console.log('debug-msg :: rez_XCloseDisplay:', rez_XCloseDisplay, uneval(rez_XCloseDisplay));
if (!jscEqual(rez_XCloseDisplay, 0)) {
throw new Error('XCloseDisplay failed with error code: "' + rez_XCloseDisplay + '"');
} else {
console.warn('no need to close disp');
for (var l in lib) {
function main() {
var xgwpArg = {
$display: /*DISPLAY.ptr*/ GetXDisplay(),
w: /*WINDOW*/ xidFromXULWin(Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow('navigator:browser')),
property: /*ATOM*/ GetAtom('_NET_WM_PID'),
long_offset: /*LONG*/ ostypes.LONG(0),
long_length: /*LONG*/ ostypes.LONG(ostypes.UNSIGNED_LONG.size), // if just query'ing, meaning sending xgwpArg.req_type that doesnt match type of, then this is ignored // this is critical for when wanting data returned, dont set this to 0, otherwise even if stuff is there, you will get 0 data returned in $$prop_return and 0 for $nitems_return // so after reading docs, this isnt the amount automatically allocated, if the long_length (this value) is less then the "actual length of the stored property in bytes (even if the format is 16 or 32)" then it will return "this (long_length) much * 4" to prop_data, otherwise it will return ("actual length of the stored property in bytes (even if the format is 16 or 32)" minus the "long_offset") // so im thinking its safe to just set this number to some huge number to make sure to get all the bytes always because this number is not what is actually allocated (even though if it was it would be XFree'ed but i still dont wouldnt want to allocate a huge amount) // should verify this // so in summary; its ok to set this to be some crazy big number if you expect to get all of the data stored with this property on the window returned, IF you dont put enough of a length then you wont get all the data, and i log a warning, its easy to tell if you didnt get all of the data because the pointer to $bytes_after_return is set to the bytes that were not read
delete: /*BOOL*/ 0,
req_type: /*ATOM - jsInt*/ /*ostypes.ANYPROPERTYTYPE*/ 1, //if want to query for actual_type_return, actual_format_return, long_length, then set this to be NOT the type of the return
$actual_type_return: /*ATOM.ptr*/ ostypes.ATOM(),
$actual_format_return: /*INT.ptr*/ ostypes.INT(), // i can set this to whatever i want, im very sure, as it gets set to 0, if prop DNE and it gets set to right format if it exists (in both existance situations [(req_type != AnyPropertyType && req_type != actual_type_return) || (req_type == AnyPropertyType || req_type == actual_type_return]
$nitems_return: /*UNSIGNED_LONG.ptr*/ ostypes.UNSIGNED_LONG(),
$bytes_after_return: /*UNSIGNED_LONG.ptr*/ ostypes.UNSIGNED_LONG(),
$$prop_return: /*UNSIGNED_CHAR.ptr.ptr*/ ostypes.UNSIGNED_CHAR.ptr()
var rez_XGetWinProp = _dec('XGetWindowProperty')(xgwpArg.$display, xgwpArg.w,, xgwpArg.long_offset, xgwpArg.long_length, xgwpArg.delete, xgwpArg.req_type, xgwpArg.$actual_type_return.address(), xgwpArg.$actual_format_return.address(), xgwpArg.$nitems_return.address(), xgwpArg.$bytes_after_return.address(), xgwpArg.$$prop_return.address());'rez_XGetWinProp:', rez_XGetWinProp, rez_XGetWinProp.toString(), uneval(rez_XGetWinProp));
//'xgwpArg:', xgwpArg, uneval(xgwpArg));
//'xgwpArg:', xgwpArg.$$prop_return, uneval(xgwpArg.$$prop_return));
//'xgwpArg:', xgwpArg.$$prop_return.contents, uneval(xgwpArg.$$prop_return.contents));
if (!jscEqual(rez_XGetWinProp, ostypes.SUCCESS)) {
console.log('XGetWindowProperty failed with reason:', rez_XGetWinProp, rez_XGetWinProp.toString(), uneval(rez_XGetWinProp));
} else {
if(jscEqual(xgwpArg.$actual_type_return, ostypes.NONE) && jscEqual(xgwpArg.$actual_format_return, 0) && jscEqual(xgwpArg.$bytes_after_return, 0)) {
// nitems_return argument will be empty
console.log('The specified property does not exist for the specified window. The delete argument was ignored. The nitems_return argument will be empty.');
if (jscGetDeepest(xgwpArg.$nitems_return) != 0) {
console.warn('nitems_return argument should be empty but its not!', 'xgwpArg[argNameIndex[\'*nitems_return\']]:', xgwpArg.$nitems_return, xgwpArg.$nitems_return.toString(), uneval(xgwpArg.$nitems_return));
} else if (!jscEqual(xgwpArg.req_type, ostypes.ANYPROPERTYTYPE) && !jscEqual(xgwpArg.req_type, xgwpArg.$actual_type_return)) {
// so this is result, is a answer to the query for what the actual type is, the actual length, and actual format
// this is done by setting xgwpArg.req_type to a type we know the resultant is not
// nitems_return argument will be empty
console.log('Specified property/atom exists on window but here because returns actual type does not match the specified type (the xgwpArg.req_type) you supplied to function. The delete argument was ignored. The nitems_return argument will be empty.');
var theRetunedPropertyTypeActuallyIs = jscGetDeepest(xgwpArg.$actual_type_return);
// if the passed in *actual_format_return didn't match, it is changed to be what the format is, if it matched, then it stays the same
var theReturnedFormat = jscGetDeepest(xgwpArg.$actual_format_return);
var ifWantedReturnItWouldNeedThisManyLength = jscGetDeepest(xgwpArg.$bytes_after_return); // this is "actual length of the stored property in bytes (even if format is 16 or 32)"
//'you requested this many bytes, but this value was ignored, as in this situation it just populates this pointer with how many bytes you should request when setting req_type to AnyPropertyType or the matching expected type:', jscGetDeepest(xgwpArg.long_length), 'and on return this is how many bytes we got:', theReturnedPropLengthInBytes); //if jscEqual(theReturnedPropLengthInBytes, xgwpArg.long_length) then probably theres more available unless you knew exactly how much to expect and set long_length confidently'ifWantedReturnItWouldNeedThisMuchLengh:', ifWantedReturnItWouldNeedThisManyLength); // the ctual needed bytes would be this * 4'ifWantedReturnItWouldNeedThisMuchBYTES:', ifWantedReturnItWouldNeedThisManyLength * 4); // the ctual needed bytes would be this * 4'theReturnedFormat:', theReturnedFormat);'theRetunedPropertyTypeActuallyIs:', theRetunedPropertyTypeActuallyIs);
// so can query by not setting req_type to AnyPropertyType, and not what you expect, so set it to 0, then we get get the `theReturnedPropLengthInBytes` then re-query with exact
// so whaever you put for long_length, is not reallly what was requested, in this situation, it just needs a pointer and it fills it with how many bytes long_length should be
if (jscGetDeepest(xgwpArg.$nitems_return) != 0) {
console.warn('nitems_return argument should be empty but its not!', 'xgwpArg[argNameIndex[\'*nitems_return\']]:', xgwpArg.$nitems_return, xgwpArg.$nitems_return.toString(), uneval(xgwpArg.$nitems_return));
} else if (jscEqual(xgwpArg.req_type, ostypes.ANYPROPERTYTYPE) || jscEqual(xgwpArg.req_type, xgwpArg.$actual_type_return)) {
// i think nitems_return CAN be empty here, so a check of if nitems_return is empty or not cannot qualify for these two existance situations
console.log('The specified property exists and either you assigned AnyPropertyType to the req_type argument or the specified type matched the actual property type of the returned data.');
if (jscEqual(xgwpArg.req_type, ostypes.ANYPROPERTYTYPE)) {
// `xgwpArg.$actual_type_return` was set to what the type of the returned property really is
} else {
// `xgwpArg.req_type` and xgwpArg.$actual_type_return match
var theRetunedPropertyTypeActuallyIs = jscGetDeepest(xgwpArg.$actual_type_return); // if AnyPropertyType was not used then this is just the same as req_type (but it will not be jsInt, like i expect myself to be setting `req_type` to
var theReturnedFormat = jscGetDeepest(xgwpArg.$actual_format_return); // set to the format of the returned property (so there is a chnance this can change) (so this makes me think maybe the arg when being passed in can be passed as anything? unless x11 does some internal checks to see if its 8, 16, or 32
// bytes_after_return should be MIN between ("actual length of the stored property in bytes (even if format is 16 or 32)" - "4*xgwpArg.long_offset" || "4*xgwpArg.long_length") IF THIS VALUE TURNS OUT BE NEGATIVE, THEN ostypes.BADVALUE IS RETURNED BY `_dec('XGetWindowProperty')`
var numberOfUnreturnedBytes = jscGetDeepest(xgwpArg.$bytes_after_return); // if you had a combination of long_offset and long_length which did not return to you the full stored property, this will be something > 0
var jsInt_nitems_return = parseInt(jscGetDeepest(xgwpArg.$nitems_return)); // assuming here that i never get more then biggest 53bit int
if ($bytes_after_return.value, ctypes.UInt64(0)) == 1) { //testing if greater then 0
// impossible for $bytes_after_return to be < 0 as that would through a make XGetWindowProperty return BadValue
var numberOfUnreturnedLength = parseInt(numberOfUnreturnedBytes) / 4;
console.warn('This warning applies to you only if you were expecting all of the data stored with this associated property to be returned: YOUR LONG_LENGTH WAS NOT SUFFICIENT TO RETURN ALL DATA. MEANING THERE IS MORE DATA TO BE RETURNED, INCREASE YOUR ARGUMENT OF xgwpArg.long_length OR SET xgwpArg.long_offset TO 0, THE NUMBER OF BYTES REMAINING TO BE READ:', numberOfUnreturnedBytes, 'NUMBER OF LENGTH UNREAD:', numberOfUnreturnedLength);
var numberOfBytesReturned = 4 * jsInt_nitems_return; // i thought it would ostypes.LONG.size * jsInt_nitems_return or ostypes.SHORT.size or ostypes.CHAR.size but this return is always in multiple of 4
var theMaxPossibleOfBytesToReturn = numberOfBytesReturned + ' + ' + numberOfUnreturnedBytes;'numberOfBytesReturned:', numberOfBytesReturned);'numberOfLENGTHReturned:', numberOfBytesReturned / 4);'theMaxPossibleOfBytesToReturn:', 'take out a calculator and calculate this = ' + theMaxPossibleOfBytesToReturn); // i write this out as equation cuz it might be UInt64 which i cant do math on, i can but i dont want to bother with writing the UInt64 math functions like the add function here:'theMaxPossibleOfLENGTHToReturn:', 'take out a calculator and calculate this = (' + theMaxPossibleOfBytesToReturn + ') / 4'); // i write this out as equation cuz it might be UInt64 which i cant do math on, i can but i dont want to bother with writing the UInt64 math functions like the add function here:
}'numberOfUnreturnedBytes:', numberOfUnreturnedBytes);'theReturnedFormat:', theReturnedFormat);'theRetunedPropertyTypeActuallyIs:', theRetunedPropertyTypeActuallyIs);
console.log('jsInt_nitems_return deepest:', jsInt_nitems_return);
if (jscEqual(xgwpArg.$actual_format_return, 8)) {
// then xgwpArg.$$prop_return is represented as a char array
console.log('then xgwpArg.$$prop_return is represented as a char array');
// if passed a xgwpArg.long_length of 8 then max characters returned will be 32, no idea why but this is what tests yielded
// no need to cast xgwpArg.$$prop_return can just read string on it
// test results one, with long_length 8 on ubuntu
// "xgwpArg.$$prop_return.readString():" "Restore Session - Mozilla Firefo"
// "xgwpArg.$$prop_return.contents.toString():" "82"
// test results one, with long_length 40 on ubuntu
// "stringPtr.readString():" "Restore Session - Mozilla Firefox"
// "xgwpArg.$$prop_return.contents.toString()" "82"
// "xgwpArg.$$prop_return.toString()" "ctypes.unsigned_char.ptr(ctypes.UInt64("0x7fc506538df0"))"
readAsChar8ThenAsChar16(xgwpArg.$$prop_return);'xgwpArg.$$prop_return.contents.toString()', xgwpArg.$$prop_return.contents.toString());'xgwpArg.$$prop_return.toString()', xgwpArg.$$prop_return.toString());
} else if (jscEqual(xgwpArg.$actual_format_return, 16)) {
// then xgwpArg.$$prop_return is represented as a short array and should be cast to `xgwpArg.$actual_type_return`'s jsctypes equivalent type to obtain the elements
console.log('then xgwpArg.$$prop_return is represented as a short array and should be cast to `xgwpArg.$actual_type_return`\'s jsctypes equivalent type to obtain the elements');
} else if (jscEqual(xgwpArg.$actual_format_return, 32)) {
// then xgwpArg.$$prop_return is represented as a long array and should be cast to `xgwpArg.$actual_type_return`'s jsctypes equivalent type to obtain the elements
console.log('then xgwpArg.$$prop_return is represented as a long array and should be cast to `xgwpArg.$actual_type_return`\'s jsctypes equivalent type to obtain the elements');
// i have to cast even if i want a ctypes.long
//'xgwpArg.$$prop_return:', xgwpArg.$$prop_return, xgwpArg.$$prop_return.toString(), uneval(xgwpArg.$$prop_return));
//'xgwpArg.$$prop_return.contents:', xgwpArg.$$prop_return.contents, xgwpArg.$$prop_return.contents.toString(), uneval(xgwpArg.$$prop_return.contents));
var prop_return_casted = ctypes.cast(xgwpArg.$$prop_return, ostypes.LONG.array(jsInt_nitems_return).ptr).contents; // jsInt_nitems_return is a js int, i can supply .array a UInt64, so i can go xgwpArg.$bytes_after_return.value but i didnt bother because i dont think ill ever have that many elements'prop_return_casted:', prop_return_casted, prop_return_casted.toString(), uneval(prop_return_casted));
// test results
//when 4 items returned:
//"xgwpArg.$$prop_return:" CData { contents: 2 } "ctypes.unsigned_char.ptr(ctypes.UInt64("0x7fdb7862f550"))" "ctypes.unsigned_char.ptr(ctypes.UInt64("0x7fdb7862f550"))"
//"xgwpArg.$$prop_return.contents:" 1 "1" "1"
//"prop_return_casted:" CData { length: 4 } "ctypes.long.array(4)([ctypes.Int64("1"), ctypes.Int64("1"), ctypes.Int64("26"), ctypes.Int64("1")])" "ctypes.long.array(4)([ctypes.Int64("1"), ctypes.Int64("1"), ctypes.Int64("26"), ctypes.Int64("1")])"
// when 1 item returned:
//"xgwpArg.$$prop_return:" CData { contents: 1 } "ctypes.unsigned_char.ptr(ctypes.UInt64("0x7fdb78cd4d20"))" "ctypes.unsigned_char.ptr(ctypes.UInt64("0x7fdb78cd4d20"))"
//"xgwpArg.$$prop_return.contents:" 216 "216" "216"
//"prop_return_casted:" CData { length: 1 } "ctypes.long.array(1)([ctypes.Int64("5592")])" "ctypes.long.array(1)([ctypes.Int64("5592")])"
// so i always have to cast, even if just one item
} else {
throw new Error('extremely weird, this should NEVER happen, it should always be 8, 16, or 32');
// must always XFree, even if prop_return is empty because: XGetWindowProperty always allocates one extra byte in prop_return (even if the property is zero length) and sets it to zero
// @foudfou XFree's the casted which casts with `ctypes.cast(prop_value, ctypes.unsigned_long.array(nitems.value).ptr);`:
// @zotero XFree's the non-casted even though he does cast with `clientList = ctypes.cast(res[0], X11Window.array(nClients).ptr).contents`:
//so in conclusion: i can XFree on casted or on non-casted as: console.log('XFree\'ing on prop_return_casted, and won\'t need to XFree on xgwpArg.$$prop_return.contents as the casted is connected by reference, so XFree\'ing this will free that');
var rez_XFree = _dec('XFree')(xgwpArg.$$prop_return);'rez_XFree:', rez_XFree, rez_XFree.toString(), uneval(rez_XFree));
} else {
console.warn('some unknown combinations returned');
try {
} catch(ex) {
console.error('error:', ex);
} finally {
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  • Works

  • However if you run it multiple times sometimes (I've seen it once) we get this weird error:

    Internalization allocation error....

  • For sure though, if we run it multiple times, its crashing, at least with or without Browser Console open, I'm not sure what exactly is responsible, it might be the console.loging of live ctypes connected objects

  • Actually just run it once and wait, it will crash


  • Added check for if XGetWindowProperty was successful
  • Crashing issues of Rev1 still stand


  • The crashing was fixed when I XFreed the .contents of $$prop_data. So it looks like if constructor is double pointer like this: CType { targetType: CType, name: "unsigned_char**", size: 8, ptr: CType, prototype: CData } then should XFree the xgwpArg.$$prop_data.contents. I haven't tested yet, but if cast then I think should just free the cast. Maybe this is format dependent to. So I was doing all this work so far on _NET_WM_ICON which returns format type of 32. Also note that I started type at 123 so it does look like i just needs a holder/pointer of whatever initially.



  • Added notes on reading cast stuff in the format == 32 section

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The getDeepest has a problem, i should not check isNaN as 64bit numbers will not fit, well i think its a problem. see profilist for latest one, i just use object.hasOwnProperty to decide to dig

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This is my holy grail where I learned XGetWindowProperty returned stuff. I always reference it. The comments are critical. On line 455 I say console.log('then xgwpArg.$$prop_return is represented as a char array'); but it should sitll be casted, as it will not have a length and I need to get it to an array with length in order to have readString on it, also it is an unsigned_char by arg type def in funciton, so i probably should cast it to char. That's how I did it in NativeShot aOptions.getTitle.

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