class SnippetApi { |
constructor() { |
const _mods = webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([[Symbol()],{},({c})=>Object.values(c)]); |
this._mods = _mods; |
webpackChunkdiscord_app.pop(); |
} |
findByProps = (...props) => { |
for (let m of this._mods) { |
try { |
if (!m.exports || m.exports === window) continue; |
if (props.every((x) => m.exports?.[x])) return m.exports; |
for (let ex in m.exports) { |
if (props.every((x) => m.exports?.[ex]?.[x])) return m.exports[ex]; |
} |
} catch {} |
} |
} |
getStore = (store) => { |
return Object.values(Object.values(this._mods.find(x => x?.exports?.default?.getUsers).exports.default._dispatcher._actionHandlers)[3].nodes).filter(s => s.name === store)[0]; |
}; |
getActionHandler = (store, actionHandler) => { |
let stores = Object.values(Object.values(this._mods.find(x => x?.exports?.default?.getUsers).exports.default._dispatcher._actionHandlers)[3].nodes).filter(s => s.name === store); |
let found; |
for (var store of stores) { |
if (!found && store.actionHandler[actionHandler]) found = store; |
}; |
if (found) return found.actionHandler[actionHandler]; |
else return console.error(`${actionHandler} action handler could not found!`); |
}; |
getAllFunctions = () => { |
return this._mods.filter(m => typeof m?.exports?.Z === "object").map(m => Object.entries(m?.exports?.Z).filter(entry => typeof entry[1] === "function").map(entry => entry[0])); |
}; |
searchFunctions = (query) => { |
return this._mods.filter(m => typeof m?.exports?.Z === "object").map(m => Object.entries(m?.exports?.Z).filter(entry => typeof entry[1] === "function" && entry[0].toLowerCase().includes(search)).map(entry => entry[0])).filter(array => array.length !== 0); |
}; |
searchStores = (query) => { |
return Object.fromEntries(this._mods.find(x => x?.exports?.Z?.connectStores).Store.getAll().filter(store => store.getName().toLowerCase().includes(query)).map(matchingStore => [matchingStore.getName(), matchingStore])); |
}; |
searchActionHandlers = (query) => { |
return Object.keys(Object.values(this._mods.find(x => x?.exports?.default?.getUsers).exports.default._dispatcher._actionHandlers)[0]).filter(key => key.toLowerCase().includes(query)); |
}; |
findModule = (func) => this.this._mods.find(func) |
get React() {return this.findByProps("createElement", "cloneElement");} |
get ReactDOM() {return this.findByProps("render", "findDOMNode");} |
/* Guild Info, Stores, and Utilities */ |
get GuildStore() {return this.findByProps("getGuild");} |
get SortedGuildStore() {return this.findByProps("getSortedGuilds");} |
get SelectedGuildStore() {return this.findByProps("getLastSelectedGuildId");} |
get GuildSync() {return this.findByProps("getSyncedGuilds");} |
get GuildInfo() {return this.findByProps("getAcronym");} |
get GuildChannelsStore() {return this.findByProps("getChannels", "getDefaultChannel");} |
get GuildMemberStore() {return this.findByProps("getMember");} |
get MemberCountStore() {return this.findByProps("getMemberCounts");} |
get GuildEmojiStore() {return this.findByProps("getEmojis");} |
get GuildActions() {return this.findByProps("requestMembers");} |
get GuildPermissions() {return this.findByProps("getGuildPermissions");} |
/* Channel Store & Actions */ |
get ChannelStore() {return this.findByProps("getChannel", "getDMFromUserId");} |
get SelectedChannelStore() {return this.findByProps("getLastSelectedChannelId");} |
get ChannelActions() {return this.findByProps("selectChannel");} |
get PrivateChannelActions() {return this.findByProps("openPrivateChannel");} |
/* Current User Info, State and Settings */ |
get UserInfoStore() {return this.findByProps("getSessionId");} |
get UserSettingsStore() {return this.findByProps("guildPositions");} |
get StreamerModeStore() {return this.findByProps("hidePersonalInformation");} |
get UserSettingsUpdater() {return this.findByProps("updateRemoteSettings");} |
get OnlineWatcher() {return this.findByProps("isOnline");} |
get CurrentUserIdle() {return this.findByProps("isIdle");} |
get RelationshipStore() {return this.findByProps("isBlocked", "getFriendIDs");} |
get RelationshipManager() {return this.findByProps("addRelationship");} |
get MentionStore() {return this.findByProps("getMentions");} |
/* User Stores and Utils */ |
get UserStore() {return this.findByProps("getCurrentUser", "getUser");} |
get UserStatusStore() {return this.findByProps("getStatus", "getState");} |
get UserTypingStore() {return this.findByProps("isTyping");} |
get UserActivityStore() {return this.findByProps("getActivity");} |
get UserNameResolver() {return this.findByProps("getName");} |
get UserNoteStore() {return this.findByProps("getNote");} |
get UserNoteActions() {return this.findByProps("updateNote");} |
/* Emoji Store and Utils */ |
get EmojiInfo() {return this.findByProps("isEmojiDisabled");} |
get EmojiUtils() {return this.findByProps("getGuildEmoji");} |
get EmojiStore() {return this.findByProps("getByCategory", "EMOJI_NAME_RE");} |
/* Invite Store and Utils */ |
get InviteStore() {return this.findByProps("getInvites");} |
get InviteResolver() {return this.findByProps("resolveInvite");} |
get InviteActions() {return this.findByProps("acceptInvite");} |
/* Discord Objects & Utils */ |
get DiscordConstants() {return this.findByProps("Permissions", "ActivityTypes", "StatusTypes");} |
get DiscordPermissions() {return this.findByProps("Permissions", "ActivityTypes", "StatusTypes").Permissions;} |
get Permissions() {return this.findByProps("computePermissions");} |
get ColorConverter() {return this.findByProps("hex2int");} |
get ColorShader() {return this.findByProps("darken");} |
get TinyColor() {return WebpackModules.getByPrototypes("toRgb");} |
get ClassResolver() {return this.findByProps("getClass");} |
get ButtonData() {return this.findByProps("ButtonSizes");} |
get NavigationUtils() {return this.findByProps("transitionTo", "replaceWith", "getHistory");} |
get KeybindStore() {return this.findByProps("keyToCode");} |
/* Discord Messages */ |
get MessageStore() {return this.findByProps("getMessage", "getMessages");} |
get ReactionsStore() {return this.findByProps("getReactions", "_dispatcher");} |
get MessageActions() {return this.findByProps("jumpToMessage", "_sendMessage");} |
get MessageQueue() {return this.findByProps("enqueue");} |
/* Experiments */ |
get ExperimentStore() {return this.findByProps("getExperimentOverrides");} |
get ExperimentsManager() {return this.findByProps("isDeveloper");} |
get CurrentExperiment() {return this.findByProps("getExperimentId");} |
/* Streams */ |
get StreamStore() {return this.findByProps("getAllActiveStreams", "getStreamForUser");} |
get StreamPreviewStore() {return this.findByProps("getIsPreviewLoading", "getPreviewURL");} |
/* Images, Avatars and Utils */ |
get ImageResolver() {return this.findByProps("getUserAvatarURL", "getGuildIconURL");} |
get ImageUtils() {return this.findByProps("getSizedImageSrc");} |
get AvatarDefaults() {return this.findByProps("getUserAvatarURL", "DEFAULT_AVATARS");} |
/* Drag & Drop */ |
get DNDSources() {return this.findByProps("addTarget");} |
get DNDObjects() {return this.findByProps("DragSource");} |
/* Electron & Other Internals with Utils*/ |
get ElectronModule() {return this.findByProps("setBadge");} |
get Flux() {return this.findByProps("Store", "connectStores");} |
get Dispatcher() {return this.findByProps("dirtyDispatch");} |
get PathUtils() {return this.findByProps("hasBasename");} |
get NotificationModule() {return this.findByProps("showNotification");} |
get RouterModule() {return this.findByProps("Router");} |
get APIModule() {return this.findByProps("getAPIBaseURL");} |
get AnalyticEvents() {return this.findByProps("AnalyticEventConfigs");} |
get Buffers() {return this.findByProps("Buffer", "kMaxLength");} |
get DeviceStore() {return this.findByProps("getDevices");} |
get SoftwareInfo() {return this.findByProps("os");} |
get i18n() {return this.findByProps("Messages", "languages");} |
/* Media Stuff (Audio/Video) */ |
get MediaDeviceInfo() {return this.findByProps("Codecs", "MediaEngineContextTypes");} |
get MediaInfo() {return this.findByProps("getOutputVolume");} |
get MediaEngineInfo() {return this.findByProps("determineMediaEngine");} |
get VoiceInfo() {return this.findByProps("getEchoCancellation");} |
get SoundModule() {return this.findByProps("playSound");} |
/* Window, DOM, HTML */ |
get WindowInfo() {return this.findByProps("isFocused", "windowSize");} |
get DOMInfo() {return this.findByProps("canUseDOM");} |
/* Locale/Location and Time */ |
get Moment() {return this.findByProps("parseZone");} |
get LocationManager() {return this.findByProps("createLocation");} |
get Timestamps() {return this.findByProps("fromTimestamp");} |
/* Strings and Utils */ |
get StringFormats() {return this.findByProps("a", "z");} |
get StringUtils() {return this.findByProps("toASCII");} |
/* URLs and Utils */ |
get URLParser() {return this.findByProps("Url", "parse");} |
get ExtraURLs() {return this.findByProps("getArticleURL");} |
/* Text Processing */ |
get hljs() {return this.findByProps("highlight", "highlightBlock");} |
get SimpleMarkdown() {return this.findByProps("parseBlock", "parseInline", "defaultOutput");} |
/* DOM/React Components */ |
/* ==================== */ |
get LayerManager() {return this.findByProps("popLayer", "pushLayer");} |
get UserSettingsWindow() {return this.findByProps("open", "updateAccount");} |
get ChannelSettingsWindow() {return this.findByProps("open", "updateChannel");} |
get GuildSettingsWindow() {return this.findByProps("open", "updateGuild");} |
/* Modals */ |
get ModalActions() {return this.findByProps("openModal", "updateModal");} |
get ModalStack() {return this.findByProps("push", "update", "pop", "popWithKey");} |
get UserProfileModals() {return this.findByProps("fetchMutualFriends", "setSection");} |
get ChangeNicknameModal() {return this.findByProps("open", "changeNickname");} |
get CreateChannelModal() {return this.findByProps("open", "createChannel");} |
get PruneMembersModal() {return this.findByProps("open", "prune");} |
get NotificationSettingsModal() {return this.findByProps("open", "updateNotificationSettings");} |
/* Popouts */ |
get PopoutStack() {return this.findByProps("open", "close", "closeAll");} |
get PopoutOpener() {return this.findByProps("openPopout");} |
/* Context Menus */ |
get ContextMenuActions() {return this.findByProps("openContextMenu");} |
/* Misc */ |
get FlexChild() {return this.findByProps("Child");} |
get Titles() {return this.findByProps("Tags", "default");} |
get Tooltip() {return this.findByProps("TooltipContainer").TooltipContainer;} |
/* Scrollers */ |
get ScrollerThin() {return this.findByProps("ScrollerThin").ScrollerThin;} |
get ScrollerAuto() {return this.findByProps("ScrollerAuto").ScrollerAuto;} |
get AdvancedScrollerThin() {return this.findByProps("AdvancedScrollerThin").AdvancedScrollerThin;} |
get AdvancedScrollerAuto() {return this.findByProps("AdvancedScrollerAuto").AdvancedScrollerAuto;} |
get AdvancedScrollerNone() {return this.findByProps("AdvancedScrollerNone").AdvancedScrollerNone;} |
get Dropdown() {return this.findByProps("SingleSelect").SingleSelect;} |
}; |
window.snippetApi = new SnippetApi(); |
just update this shit bro 🔥