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-- user options
set KillWindows_User to {"app1", "app2"}
set KillWindows_with_window to {"BCompare", "gimp", "soffice", "sublime_text"}
set output_volume_before_shutdown_and_restart to "off" -- "on" or "off"
set output_volume to 0 -- you can set from 0 - 100
-- end of user options
-- option 'KillWindows_User' is desinged for killing apps that sit in the menubar. If the name of app is not correct (case sensitive), that app won't be killed. To check a name of menubar app, use this code -- tell application "System Events" to set frontapps to get the name of every process whose background only is true -- copy from 'tell' to 'true' then paste in Script Editor, click menu 'Script', click 'Run', check the name in tab 'Result' at the bottom.
-- option 'KillWindows_with_window' is for the situation when script is interrupted by dialog "Choose Application" with message "Where is (app name)?", put the app name in the list "KillWindows_with_window"
set input_list_choose to
-- user options
set KillWindows_User to {"app1", "app2"}
set KillWindows_with_window to {"BCompare", "gimp", "soffice", "sublime_text"}
set output_volume_before_shutdown_and_restart to "off" -- "on" or "off"
set output_volume to 0 -- you can set from 0 - 100
-- end of user options
-- option 'KillWindows_User' is desinged for killing apps that sit in the menubar. If the name of app is not correct (case sensitive), that app won't be killed. To check a name of menubar app, use this code -- tell application "System Events" to set frontapps to get the name of every process whose background only is true -- copy from 'tell' to 'true' then paste in Script Editor, click menu 'Script', click 'Run', check the name in tab 'Result' at the bottom.
-- option 'KillWindows_with_window' is for the situation when script is interrupted by dialog "Choose Application" with message "Where is (app name)?", put the app name in the list "KillWindows_with_window"
set input_list_choose to
tell application "System Events"
key code 8 using command down
end tell
delay 1
set the clipboard to (get the clipboard as text)
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 200
#IfWinActive, ahk_exe WINWORD.EXE
;The Combination of 3 scripts (links below) and a small change by me in order to work with apps on Windows 11.
; Scroll speed parameter
{ "title": "Rules for Karabiner-Elements | Scroll horizontally - Hold Button 4",
"rules": [
{ "description": "Rules for Karabiner-Elements | Scroll horizontally - Hold Button 4",
"type": "basic",
"from": {
{ "title": "Mouse Chording - Karabiner-Elements Rule",
"rules": [
"description": "Mouse Chording - Karabiner-Elements Rule",
"manipulators": [
"type": "basic",
"conditions": [{ "type": "frontmost_application_if",
"bundle_identifiers": [
tell application "Flux" to launch
delay 2
tell application "System Events"
set inviApps to (get name of every application process whose visible is false)
end tell
repeat until "Flux" is in inviApps
delay 1
tell application "System Events"
set inviApps to (get name of every application process whose visible is false)
end tell
-- user options
set KillWindows_User to {"app1", "app2"}
set KillWindows_with_window to {"BCompare", "gimp", "soffice", "sublime_text"}
set output_volume_before_shutdown_and_restart to "off" -- "on" or "off"
set output_volume to 0 -- you can set from 0 - 100
-- end of user options
-- option 'KillWindows_User' is desinged for killing apps that sit in the menubar. If the name of app is not correct (case sensitive), that app won't be killed. To check a name of menubar app, use this code -- tell application "System Events" to set frontapps to get the name of every process whose background only is true -- copy from 'tell' to 'true' then paste in Script Editor, click menu 'Script', click 'Run', check the name in tab 'Result' at the bottom.
-- option 'KillWindows_with_window' is for the situation when script is interrupted by dialog "Choose Application" with message "Where is (app name)?", put the app name in the list "KillWindows_with_window"
set input_list_choose to
set list_total_condition to {}
-- user input - add apps/files
set F1_1 to ""
set F1_2 to ""
set F1_3 to ""
set F1_4 to ""
set F1_5 to ""
set F1_6 to ""
set F1_7 to ""