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Sean Collins OzuYatamutsu

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from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Union
from enum import Enum
from random import choice
class Item:
name: str
def chessBoardCellColor(cell1: str, cell2: str) -> bool:
Given two cells on the standard chess board,
determines whether they have the same color or not.
def _get_color(cell: str) -> str:
# Cells are a letter and a number.
# If letter is even index, blacks = even, whites = odd.
# If letter is odd index, blacks = odd, whites = even.
def fizzbuzz(n: int) -> None:
Prints out a series of numbers, 1 to n (inclusive), following these rules:
If n is divisible by 2, print 'fizz'
If n is divisible by 3, print 'buzz'
If both apply, print 'fizzbuzz'
If neither, print the number.
from collections import namedtuple
def find_max_area(heights: list, debug=False) -> int:
Point = namedtuple('Point', ['x', 'y'])
distance = lambda p2, p1: p2.x - p1.x if p2.x >= p1.x else p1.x - p2.x
move_point = lambda point, increment: Point(point.x + increment, heights[point.x + increment])
# Calculate area based on distance between lowest heights.
calc_max_area = lambda p2, p1: min(p2.y, p1.y) * distance(p2, p1)
const verify_v4_numHosts = [
{input: 0, output: 4294967294},
{input: 1, output: 2147483646},
{input: 2, output: 1073741822},
{input: 3, output: 536870910},
{input: 4, output: 268435454},
{input: 5, output: 134217726},
{input: 6, output: 67108862},
{input: 7, output: 33554430},
{input: 8, output: 16777214},
jinhai@seanc-VirtualBox ~/d/cs4251-project> ./client 9999
Welcome to the Internet Time and Weather Service (ITWS).
Please select an option below:
1) Get current server time
2) Get current weather at server location
3) Quit
The current server time is: Fri Nov 20 20:07:35 2015
jinhai@seanc-VirtualBox:~/dev/cs4251-project$ cat server.log
[Server] Opening socket on port 9999.
[Client] Connected.
[Client] Connected.
[Client] Connected.
[Client] Q: What time is it?
[Client] A: Fri Nov 20 19:54:07 2015
[Client] Q: What's the weather?
[Client] A: Mostly sunny, 10 degrees Celsius
[Client] Q: What time is it?
while True:
if cate.water_level is 0:
return # Class is over
PDF[NormalDistribution[Mean[sample0], StandardDeviation[sample0]],
PDF[NormalDistribution[Mean[base], StandardDeviation[base]], x]/150,
}, {x, 0.20590695205165493`, 0.3019270479483451`},
PlotRange -> Full, Axes -> {True, True}]
echo "The following runtime deltas are reported in seconds."
echo "Collecting $NUM_SAMPLES samples..."
# Build project from scratch each time.
prepare_build() {
make clean
make all