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PProvost / timer_light.yaml
Last active January 27, 2021 19:03
A simple timer light blueprint for home assistant
name: Timer Light
description: Turn off a light when after a specified amount of time has passed
domain: automation
name: Light
PProvost / node-red-iot-central.json
Created October 4, 2018 16:21
A simple node-red flow showing DHT22->Pi->Azure IoT Central
[{"id":"9e47273a.f12738", "type":"tab", "label":"DHT22-IoTC", "disabled":false, "info":""}, {"id":"b3d8f5b6.a243b8", "type":"debug", "z":"9e47273a.f12738", "name":"Hub Response", "active":true, "tosidebar":true, "console":false, "tostatus":false, "complete":"true", "x":740, "y":340, "wires":[]}, {"id":"117b0c09.6b3a04", "type":"azureiothub", "z":"9e47273a.f12738", "name":"Azure IoT Hub", "protocol":"mqtt", "x":520, "y":340, "wires":[["b3d8f5b6.a243b8"]]}, {"id":"ee333823.1d33a8", "type":"inject", "z":"9e47273a.f12738", "name":"", "topic":"", "payload":"", "payloadType":"date", "repeat":"60", "crontab":"", "once":false, "onceDelay":"", "x":210, "y":120, "wires":[["38f14b0d.96eb14"]]}, {"id":"38f14b0d.96eb14", "type":"rpi-dht22", "z":"9e47273a.f12738", "name":"", "topic":"rpi-dht22", "dht":22, "pintype":"0", "pin":4, "x":400, "y":120, "wires":[["f0bfed44.e988b"]]}, {"id":"f0bfed44.e988b", "type":"change", "z":"9e47273a.f12738", "name":"", "rules":[{"t":"set", "p":"payload", "pt":"msg", "to":"{\t \"devi
PProvost / 3mmBox - PLA.gcode
Created February 1, 2017 19:57
The model file used for my DuetWifi firmware testing videos
;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 2.3.1
M190 S35
M104 S218
M109 S218
G32 ; Bed level compensation
G1 Z5 F1000 ; Up a bit
PProvost / config.g
Created February 1, 2017 19:56
The DuetWifi config file used for my firmware testing videos
; Configuration file for Duet WiFi (firmware version 1.17)
; executed by the firmware on start-up
; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool on Thu Dec 29 2016 23:38:47 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
; General preferences
M111 S0 ; Debugging off
G21 ; Work in millimetres
G90 ; Send absolute coordinates...
M83 ; ...but relative extruder moves
PProvost / PrintrbotPlayToolbelt.scad
Created January 12, 2016 19:41
A remix of Dataman's toolbelt shelf for the Printrbot play
// PrintrBot Play ToolBelt
// 12/6/2016 Dataman,
// Rev 1.7
union() {
radius = 5;
PProvost / gist:6f52133fb7fe8b4cde7d
Created February 12, 2015 04:37
Cron script to clean up Archived episodes in SickBeard
# Source:
PProvost / AsyncTestExample.cs
Created May 26, 2012 17:24
Simple Example of C# Async Unit Test in VS11
public class SystemUnderTest
public Task<string> LongRunningOperation()
return Task.Run(() =>
Thread.Sleep(2000); // Simulate the long operation
return "Hello there";
PProvost / Start-FileWatcher.ps1
Created May 9, 2012 18:48
Basic file watching in powershell
[string] $rootFolder = ".",
[string] $filter = "*.*"
$path = resolve-path $rootFolder -errorAction Stop
write-host "Monitoring $path for changes"
$fsw = new-object System.IO.FileSystemWatcher $path, $filter
$fsw.IncludeSubdirectories = $true
PProvost / gist:2583571
Created May 3, 2012 05:41
Powershell convert string to HTML entities
$str = "some long assed string you want to convert"
$str.ToCharArray() | % { "&#{0};" -f [Convert]::ToInt32($_) } | Join-String | clip
PProvost / Generate-VsSettings.ps1
Created April 19, 2012 06:47
Used to generate VS11 Colors settings for the Solarized theme
Generate-VsSettings creates a .vssetting file using the Solarized
color pallette created by Ethan Schoonover.
The Solarized palette was designed by Ethan Schoonover for maximum readability
and contrast. The color choices were chosen based on the highlighting colors
listed in the canonical Vim implementation. For more information see