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class Treatment {
class Bandaging {
class FieldDressing {
// How effect is the bandage for treating one wounds type injury
effectiveness = 1;
// What is the chance and delays (in seconds) of the treated default injury reopening
reopeningChance = 0.1;
reopeningMinDelay = 120;
reopeningMaxDelay = 200;
class Abrasion {
_object = player;
_string = "guy";
_array = [1,2,3,player];
typeName _object == "OBJECT";
typeName _object == "OBJECT";
typeName _object == "OBJECT";
typeName _object == "OBJECT";
typeName _object == "OBJECT";
_addEventHandlerToOjbect = {
params [_class, _event, _code];
if (_x isKindOf _class) then {
_events = _x getVariable [format ["extended_%1", _event], []];
_events pushBack _code;
} forEach (allUnits + vehicles);
x_A = [{
diag_log text format ["---%1 - A Running %2", diag_tickTime, (_this select 1)];
}, 1, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
diag_log text format ["---%1 - Adding A %2", diag_tickTime, x_A];
x_B = [{
diag_log text format ["---%1 - B Running %2", diag_tickTime, (_this select 1)];
}, 1, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
diag_log text format ["---%1 - Adding B %2", diag_tickTime, x_B];
23:01:02 "VirtualMan_F = _this call bis_fnc_initVirtualUnit;"
23:01:02 "HeadlessClient_F = _this call bis_fnc_initVirtualUnit;"
23:01:02 "I_G_Story_Protagonist_F = "
23:01:02 "I_G_resistanceLeader_F = "
23:01:02 "I_G_resistanceCommander_F = "
23:01:02 "Static_Designator_01_base_F = (_this select 0) execVM "\A3\Static_F_Mark\Designator_01\Scripts\init.sqf""
23:01:02 "B_Static_Designator_01_F = (_this select 0) execVM "\A3\Static_F_Mark\Designator_01\Scripts\init.sqf""
23:01:02 "Static_Designator_02_base_F = (_this select 0) execVM "\A3\Static_F_Mark\Designator_02\Scripts\init.sqf""
23:01:02 "O_Static_Designator_02_F = (_this select 0) execVM "\A3\Static_F_Mark\Designator_02\Scripts\init.sqf""
23:01:02 "MBT_03_base_F = if (local (_this select 0)) then {{(_this select 0) animate [_x,(random 1)]} forEach ['HideHull','HideTurret']}"
class OpticsIn
delete Narrow;
delete Medium;
delete Wide;
class ACE_WideUnstabalized
opticsDisplayName = "WU";
initAngleX = 0;