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Building awesome things

Michael Pacheco Pacheco95

Building awesome things
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minikube stop; minikube delete &&
docker stop $(docker ps -aq) &&
rm -rf ~/.kube ~/.minikube &&
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/localkube /usr/local/bin/minikube &&
launchctl stop '*kubelet*.mount' &&
launchctl stop localkube.service &&
launchctl disable localkube.service &&
sudo rm -rf /etc/kubernetes/ &&
docker system prune -af --volumes
Pacheco95 / cond.c
Created January 30, 2019 21:15 — forked from rtv/cond.c
An example of using pthread's condition variables, showing how to block a main thread while waiting for worker threads to finish their work, without joining the threads. This could be useful if you want to loop the threads, for example.
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
/* Compile like this:
gcc --std=c99 -lpthread cond.c -o cond
Pacheco95 / gitlab-markdown-toc.js
Created May 29, 2019 15:28 — forked from nisests/gitlab-markdown-toc.js
creates a gitlab markdown table of contents for a page
// quick and dirty snippet to creates a gitlab markdown table of contents for a page
// preview gitlab page and paste in browser console
var str = "";
.find('h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h7')
.each((i, node) => {
// node.tagName is H1 H2...
let indent = Number(node.tagName[1]) - 1;
// markdown mested lists are
// - xxx
Pacheco95 /
Created July 6, 2019 21:23 — forked from ruanbekker/
Install a 3 Node Kubernetes Cluster on Ubuntu 16

Master: Dependencies

apt update && apt upgrade -y
curl | apt-key add -

cat <<EOF > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
deb kubernetes-xenial main