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Last active August 13, 2021 21:54
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Contribute to nixpkgs cheatsheet

Tips and tricks for one who wants to write expressions to contribute to NixOS/nixpkgs .

Build a package from local nixpkgs


Override the value of a parameter given to a package

# to build
nix-build -E "with import <nixpkgs>{}; <PACKAGE>.override { <PARAMETER> = <VALUE>; }"
# for a shell
nix-shell -p "with import <nixpkgs> {}; pkgs.<PACKAGE>.override{ <PARAMETER> = <VALUE>; }"

Generate a patch to be used during the patchPhase

git diff > nixpkgs/pkgs/the/package/0001-changes.patch

Use local repository for NUR

  packageOverrides = pkgs: {                                                                                                                                       
    nur = import (builtins.fetchTarball "") {                                                            
      inherit pkgs;                                                                                                                                                
      repoOverrides = {                                                                                                                                            
        angr = import /home/pamplemousse/Workspace/angr/nixpkgs {};                                                                                                

Pull a PR to test locally

git fetch nixos pull/<PR #>/head

List packages that a given user is a maintainer of (defaults to me)

cat << __EOF__ > mypkgs.nix && nix-build mypkgs.nix 2>/dev/null
{ pkgs ? import ./. {}
, maintainer ? "pamplemousse"

with pkgs.lib;
filterAttrs (name: value:
 (builtins.tryEval value).success &&
 elem maintainers.\${maintainer} (value.meta.maintainers or [])
) pkgs
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