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Created August 24, 2020 21:26
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Project-4: Visualize Data with a Choropleth Map
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<title>Choropleth Map</title>
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<meta name="author" content="Anuj Yadav">
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<meta name="description" content="Solution for Choropleth Map for freecodecamp project, this uses d3 library for charting purpose">
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<h1 id="title">United States Educational Attainment</h1>
<h3 id="description">Percentage of adults age 25 and older with a bachelor's degree or higher (2010-2014)</h3>
* @fileOverview Choropleth Map implementation for comparing United States Educational
* Attainment, reflecting the peoples educational attainment classifying them in
* two categories on basis of having a bachelor or masters degree or not.
* The data is represented county wise across the United States using D3.js library.
* @author Anuj Yadav
* @see Access Education Data {@link|Education Datasource}
* @see Access County Data {@link|County Datasource}
* @see Other Charts {@link|D3.js-Charts}
* @see Cod Pen {@link|Codpen}
* @external fetch
* @see
* @description The Fetch API provides an interface for fetching resources
* (including across the network). It will seem familiar to anyone who has used
* XMLHttpRequest, but the new API provides a more powerful and flexible feature set.
* Function listens to DOM loading then listen for the two data sources using promises
* once both promises gets resolved then call the function loadMap. Promise.All is used
* it gets resolved only when both of the Promises are resolved and resolves only after
* the last resolvling promise will is resolved.Access the data set at
* {@link|Education Datasource}
*{@link|County Datasource}
* @function
* @name DOMContentLoadedFunction
* @listens DOMContentLoaded
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",() => {
let usCountyDataPromise=fetch("");
let educationDataPromise=fetch('');
* This function will load the choropleth map.
* @param {Array<Object>} tempDataset The county dataset that represents all
* the counties of US used for construcing the chart.
* @param {Array<Object>} educationDetails The education dataset that represents
* all eductaion attainment percent of all the counties corresponding with county id.
let loadMap=(countyDetails,educationDetails)=>{
const countyData=JSON.parse(countyDetails);
const educationData=JSON.parse(educationDetails);
const svgHeight=getChartHeight();
const svgWidth=getChartWidth();
const padding=getChartPadding();
let svg=loadSvg(svgHeight,svgWidth);
let path = d3.geoPath();
let tooltip=loadTooltip();
.attr("class", "counties")
.data(topojson.feature(countyData, countyData.objects.counties).features)
.attr("fill", (d)=> {
let degreeHoldersPercent=getPercentOfDegreeHolders(,educationData);
return getCountyFillColor(degreeHoldersPercent);
.attr("d", path)
tooltip.attr("data-education", ()=> getPercentOfDegreeHolders(,educationData))
.style("left", `${(d3.event.pageX+10)}px`)
.style("top", `${(d3.event.pageY-25)}px`)
let legendSvg=loadSvg(50,200).attr("id","legend");
let axisSvg=loadSvg(50,200).attr("id","axisSvg");
var customScale = d3.scaleLinear()
let xAxis = d3.axisBottom().scale(customScale)
/** Return chart height.*/
const getChartHeight=()=>600;
/** Return chart width.*/
const getChartWidth=()=>950;
/** Return chart padding.*/
const getChartPadding=()=>100;
/** Add svg in body and return it.*/
let loadSvg=(height,width)=>{
/** Return tooltip that will show inforamtion about a rectangle when it is hovered.*/
let loadTooltip=()=>{
/** Fetch county educational details and then return percent of degree holders.*/
let getPercentOfDegreeHolders=(elementToSearch,ArraryForSearch)=>{
let countyEducationDetails= getCountyEducationDetails(elementToSearch,ArraryForSearch);
return countyEducationDetails.bachelorsOrHigher;
* This will search for the education data in education dataset using filter
* method and the test condition for filter is to match the county id which
* are saved as fips in educational dataset and as id in county dataset.
* @param {number} elementToSearch the particular county id or number to check the
* corresponding value of education in education dataset.
* @param {Array<object>} arrayForSearch The array that contains all the education data.
let getCountyEducationDetails=(elementToSearch,arrayForSearch)=>{
let countyEducationData=arrayForSearch.filter((element)=>{
return element;
return countyEducationData[0];
/** Return tooltip that will show inforamtion about a rectangle when it is hovered.*/
let getToolTipCountyEducationDetails=(elementToSearch,ArraryForSearch)=>{
let countyEducationDetails= getCountyEducationDetails(elementToSearch,ArraryForSearch);
let resultHTML=`${countyEducationDetails.area_name}, ${countyEducationDetails.state} : ${countyEducationDetails.bachelorsOrHigher}%`;
return resultHTML;
* This function will get the degree holders percent value as input parameter and return the color
* corresponding to the education attainment percent.
* @function
* @param {number} percentOfDegreeHolders Value of degree holders in county.
let getCountyFillColor=(percentOfDegreeHolders)=>{
let resultColor="black";
if(percentOfDegreeHolders < 12)
else if(percentOfDegreeHolders < 21)
else if(percentOfDegreeHolders < 30)
else if(percentOfDegreeHolders < 39)
else if(percentOfDegreeHolders < 48)
else if(percentOfDegreeHolders < 57)
else if(percentOfDegreeHolders < 66)
else if(percentOfDegreeHolders >= 66)
return resultColor;
/** Add custom properties to all the elements of legend svg element. */
let addLegendProperties=(legendSvg)=>{
let legendColorRange=["<12","<21","<30","<39","<48","<57","<66",">=66"];
let colorData=["#f99ba9","#f5536b","#f32c4a","#dc0d2c","#a00920","#6d0616","#37030b","#1c0206"];
return legendSvg.selectAll("rect")
.attr("fill",(d,i)=> d)
position: absolute;
background-color: #0cf3cd;
color: #ffffff;
font-size: 15px;
max-width: 200px;
border-radius: 2%;
padding: 5px;
border: 1px solid #0cf3cd;
border-radius: 2px;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
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