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IOTstack - Using the PiHole container as your container DNS

IOTstack - Using the PiHole container as your container DNS

First, a small bit of editorialising (my gist, my rules). PiHole is an excellent ad-blocker. It's perfectly OK for just about every other device on your home network to use PiHole as its primary DNS.

The one device in your network that shouldn't use PiHole-in-a-container for its DNS is the Raspberry Pi running PiHole in a Docker container. I'll go so far as to describe it as a seriously dumb idea.

Why? Several reasons:

  • Containers start quite late in the boot cycle. Any process starting before Docker that depends on the DNS being "there" can be disappointed. PiHole being late to the party and occasionally disappearing when you do perfectly ordinary things like…
  • … Taking down your stack can trigger resolver failover conditions which don't always recover gracefully. You might think your DNS setup is working just fine with the PiHole container in the prime role but then it all turns to custard and you don't know why.
  • The DNS can be quite difficult to debug. This is a legacy of its longevity and incredible robustness. You might think an answer is coming from a particular server but it can just as easily be coming from an upstream relay or a local resolver cache, and it's easy to draw the wrong conclusions.

In short, it might work. You might also live to regret it. Sufficient warning? Read on!


Commands like DNET and RESTART come from Paraphraser/IOTstackAliases.

The players

  • aka gravel aka = my local upstream DNS. BIND9 running on a MacMini. Authoritative for The DHCP server offers for DNS resolution. Devices that need PiHole services override this.

    Why? Spouse didn't like all the ads being blocked. Nothing more than that. Originally, I told DHCP to offer for DNS so everything went to PiHole. It worked.

  • aka iotdev aka = the Raspberry Pi under test. It is running IOTstack. Two containers concern us:

    • pihole = the container resolving DNS queries
    • nodered = a reference container within which we test DNS resolution
  • aka liveblock aka = a dummy name and IP association which is defined on, and resolves on, gravel:

    … in the zone file …
    liveblock       IN  A
    … in the reverse file …
    90              IN  PTR

    but is blacklisted by PiHole:

    $ sqlite3 \
      ~/IOTstack/volumes/pihole/etc-pihole/gravity.db \
      'select * from vw_blacklist where domain="";'
    domain                  id  group_id
    ----------------------  --  --------  14  0       

You don't need all these players. They are just here for demonstration purposes.


If you want to follow along, you will need dig:

  1. For the Raspberry Pi proper:

    $ sudo apt install -y dnsutils
  2. For the Node-RED container (which runs Alpine Linux):

    $ docker exec nodered apk add --no-cache bind-tools

    This is an ephemeral change and will disappear if you recreate the Node-RED container. To make the change permanent, you need to do it in the Dockerfile.

Exemplar tests

  1. A query directed to the local upstream DNS:

    $ dig @ +short
  2. A query directed to the Raspberry Pi under test:

    $ dig @ +short

    The reply means "blocked". PiHole is configured to relay queries in the domain to gravel. For example:

    $ dig @ +short

    Test 1 shows that gravel can resolve so that name returning when the query is directed to the Raspberry Pi under test is proof that the query is being forwarded to, and is being blocked by, PiHole.

  3. By inference, an undirected query tells us whether the answer is coming from gravel or pihole and, from that, we can deduce the probable traffic flow:

    $ dig +short

    Conclusion: answered by gravel.

Baseline configuration

  1. Confirm that the Raspberry Pi is configured to use gravel for its DNS:

    $ grep "^name_servers=" /etc/resolvconf.conf
  2. Confirm that PiHole is running and listening on expected ports:

    $ DNET pihole
    pihole>53/udp, :::53->53/udp,>53/tcp,>67/udp, :::53->53/tcp, :::67->67/udp,>80/tcp, :::8089->80/tcp
  3. Tests:

    • An undirected query, on iotdev, outside container-space:

       $ dig +short

      Conclusion: answered by gravel.

    • An undirected query, on iotdev, inside a reference container:

       $ docker exec nodered dig +short

      Conclusion: answered by gravel.

    • A query, on iotdev, directed to localhost:

       $ dig @ +short

      Conclusion: answered by PiHole.

Revised configuration 1

  1. Tell the Raspberry Pi to use "itself" ( as the DNS server:

    $ sudo sed -i.bak \
      -e 's/^#name_servers=' \
      -e 's/^name_servers=' \


    • I don't actually expect you to use sed. In any event, the above command assumes:


      is commented-out while:


      is active, and is inverting that arrangement. Those assumptions probably don't hold on your system. You're better off observing that the file being edited is /etc/resolvconf.conf, and then using your favourite text editor to make the necessary changes by hand.

      It's a good idea to do as sed does and save the "before" state in a .bak file.

  2. Confirm that the configuration file has been changed:

    $ grep "^name_servers=" /etc/resolvconf.conf
  3. Apply the change:

    • First, tell Raspbian (the resolvconf can return errors - run it multiple times until it shuts up):

       $ sudo resolvconf -u
       $ sudo service dhcpcd reload
    • Then tell Docker to pass the message to the stack:

       $ RESTART
       Restarting pihole       ... done
       Restarting nodered      ... done
  4. Confirm PiHole is still running and listening on expected ports:

    $ DNET pihole
    pihole>53/udp, :::53->53/udp,>53/tcp,>67/udp, :::53->53/tcp, :::67->67/udp,>80/tcp, :::8089->80/tcp
  5. Tests:

    • An undirected query, on iotdev, outside container-space:

       $ dig +short

      Conclusion: answered by PiHole.

    • An undirected query, on iotdev, inside a container:

       $ docker exec nodered dig +short

      Conclusion: answered by PiHole.

    • A query, on iotdev, directed to localhost:

       $ dig @ +short

      Conclusion: answered by PiHole.

Undoing the damage

The sed command used earlier creates a .bak file. If you did something similar (you should have!) and you want to put everything back the way it was:

$ sudo mv /etc/resolvconf.conf.bak /etc/resolvconf.conf
$ sudo service dhcpcd reload

The bottom line

The only way to get other containers to use PiHole for DNS is to set the Raspberry Pi running your IOTstack to use itself ( This implies that:

  • The Raspberry Pi will use PiHole for all DNS resolution; and
  • All other containers will use PiHole for all DNS resolution.

There is no mix and match. It's an all-or-nothing deal.

Revised configuration 2

  1. Assumptions:

  2. docker-compose.yml changed such that all containers except PiHole include:

    restart: "no"
    dns: ${PIHOLE_IPv4}
  3. Start PiHole by itself:

    $ UP pihole
    Creating network "iotstack_default" with the default driver
    Creating pihole ... done
  4. The IP address assigned to the container, dynamically, can be discovered like this:

    $ PIHOLE_CIDR=$(docker network inspect iotstack_default | jq -r '.[0].Containers[] | select(.Name=="pihole") | .IPv4Address')
    $ echo $PIHOLE_CIDR
  5. The prefix length can be removed like this:

    $ export PIHOLE_IPv4=${PIHOLE_CIDR%/*}
    $ echo $PIHOLE_IPv4
  6. The PIHOLE_IPv4 variable, having been "exported" is now available when you bring up the remainder of the stack:

    $ UP
    pihole is up-to-date
    Creating influxdb     ... done
    Creating portainer-ce ... done
    Creating nodered      ... done
    Creating grafana      ... done
    Creating mosquitto    ... done
  7. Tests:

    • An undirected query, on iotdev, outside container-space:

       $ dig +short

      Conclusion: answered by gravel (ie the Raspberry Pi is respecting /etc/resolvconf.conf and/or DHCP).

    • An undirected query, on iotdev, inside a container:

       $ docker exec nodered dig +short

      Conclusion: answered by PiHole.

    • A query, on iotdev, directed to localhost:

       $ dig @ +short

      Conclusion: answered by PiHole.

Using this in production

The reason for specifying restart: "no" for each container (replacing the more common restart: unless-stopped) is because of what happens during a reboot. Docker will attempt to restart the containers in a random order so the IPv4 address of the pihole container may well change. I have no idea whether the value of the PIHOLE_IPv4 environment variable is preserved by Docker but, even if it persists, it may well be wrong.

One possible approach is a script like the following:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# declare the path to the compose file

# start the pihole container
docker-compose -f "$COMPOSE" up -d pihole

# wait for the container to be ready for business
while ! nc -w 1 53 ; do echo "waiting for PiHole on TCP port 53"; sleep 1; done

# discover the IPv4 address of the pihole container in CIDR form
PIHOLE_CIDR=$(docker network inspect iotstack_default | jq -r '.[0].Containers[] | select(.Name=="pihole") | .IPv4Address')

# extract the IPv4 address without the prefix length
export PIHOLE_IPv4=${PIHOLE_CIDR%/*}

# bring up the remaining containers
docker-compose -f "$COMPOSE" up -d

Assuming that script was named start_iotstack, it could be invoked by cron via a directive like:

@reboot start_iotstack

Nevertheless, it would still be quite fragile. Any event which caused the PiHole container to change its IP address would bring proceedings to a halt until everything was restarted in the proper order.

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