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Last active August 24, 2020 07:44
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Save Patbox/0efdf0c6684938dc85bd4e23f760bad2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Modified copy of class TextBlock from BABYLON.JS
import { Observable } from '@babylonjs/core/Misc/observable';
import { Measure } from '@babylonjs/gui/2D/measure';
import { ValueAndUnit } from '@babylonjs/gui/2D/valueAndUnit';
import { Control } from '@babylonjs/gui/2D/controls/control';
import { _TypeStore } from '@babylonjs/core/Misc/typeStore';
import { Nullable } from '@babylonjs/core/types';
export interface IFormatedText {
text: string;
color?: string;
font?: string;
* Class used to create text block control
export class FormTextBlock extends Control {
private _text: Array<IFormatedText> = [];
private _textHorizontalAlignment = Control.HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER;
private _textVerticalAlignment = Control.VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER;
private _lines: any[];
private _resizeToFit: boolean = false;
private _lineSpacing: ValueAndUnit = new ValueAndUnit(0);
private _outlineWidth: number = 0;
private _outlineColor: string = 'white';
public shouldhide: boolean = false;
* An event triggered after the text is changed
public onTextChangedObservable = new Observable<FormTextBlock>();
* An event triggered after the text was broken up into lines
public onLinesReadyObservable = new Observable<FormTextBlock>();
* Function used to split a string into words. By default, a string is split at each space character found
public wordSplittingFunction: Nullable<(line: string) => string[]>;
* Return the line list (you may need to use the onLinesReadyObservable to make sure the list is ready)
public get lines(): any[] {
return this._lines;
* Gets or sets an boolean indicating that the TextBlock will be resized to fit container
public get resizeToFit(): boolean {
return this._resizeToFit;
* Gets or sets an boolean indicating that the TextBlock will be resized to fit container
public set resizeToFit(value: boolean) {
if (this._resizeToFit === value) {
this._resizeToFit = value;
if (this._resizeToFit) {
this._width.ignoreAdaptiveScaling = true;
this._height.ignoreAdaptiveScaling = true;
* Gets or sets text to display
public get text(): Array<IFormatedText> {
return this._text;
* Gets or sets text to display
public set text(value: Array<IFormatedText>) {
if (this._text === value) {
this._text = value;
* Gets or sets text horizontal alignment (BABYLON.GUI.Control.HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER by default)
public get textHorizontalAlignment(): number {
return this._textHorizontalAlignment;
* Gets or sets text horizontal alignment (BABYLON.GUI.Control.HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER by default)
public set textHorizontalAlignment(value: number) {
if (this._textHorizontalAlignment === value) {
this._textHorizontalAlignment = value;
* Gets or sets text vertical alignment (BABYLON.GUI.Control.VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER by default)
public get textVerticalAlignment(): number {
return this._textVerticalAlignment;
* Gets or sets text vertical alignment (BABYLON.GUI.Control.VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER by default)
public set textVerticalAlignment(value: number) {
if (this._textVerticalAlignment === value) {
this._textVerticalAlignment = value;
* Gets or sets line spacing value
public set lineSpacing(value: string | number) {
if (this._lineSpacing.fromString(value)) {
* Gets or sets line spacing value
public get lineSpacing(): string | number {
return this._lineSpacing.toString(this._host);
* Gets or sets outlineWidth of the text to display
public get outlineWidth(): number {
return this._outlineWidth;
* Gets or sets outlineWidth of the text to display
public set outlineWidth(value: number) {
if (this._outlineWidth === value) {
this._outlineWidth = value;
* Gets or sets outlineColor of the text to display
public get outlineColor(): string {
return this._outlineColor;
* Gets or sets outlineColor of the text to display
public set outlineColor(value: string) {
if (this._outlineColor === value) {
this._outlineColor = value;
* Creates a new TextBlock object
* @param name defines the name of the control
* @param text defines the text to display (emptry string by default)
* Defines the name of the control
public name?: string,
text: Array<IFormatedText> = []
) {
this.text = text;
protected _getTypeName(): string {
return 'FormTextBlock';
protected _processMeasures(parentMeasure: Measure, context: CanvasRenderingContext2D): void {
if (!this._fontOffset) {
this._fontOffset = Control._GetFontOffset(context.font);
super._processMeasures(parentMeasure, context);
// Prepare lines
this._lines = this._breakLines(this._currentMeasure.width, context);
let maxLineWidth: number = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this._lines.length; i++) {
const line = this._lines[i];
if (line.width > maxLineWidth) {
maxLineWidth = line.width;
if (this._resizeToFit) {
let newHeight = (this.paddingTopInPixels + this.paddingBottomInPixels + this._fontOffset.height * this._lines.length) | 0;
if (this._lines.length > 0 && this._lineSpacing.internalValue !== 0) {
let lineSpacing = 0;
if (this._lineSpacing.isPixel) {
lineSpacing = this._lineSpacing.getValue(this._host);
} else {
lineSpacing = this._lineSpacing.getValue(this._host) * this._height.getValueInPixel(this._host, this._cachedParentMeasure.height);
newHeight += (this._lines.length - 1) * lineSpacing;
if (newHeight !== this._height.internalValue) {
this._height.updateInPlace(newHeight, ValueAndUnit.UNITMODE_PIXEL);
this._rebuildLayout = true;
private _drawText(text: Array<IFormatedText>, textWidth: number, y: number, context: CanvasRenderingContext2D): void {
var width = this._currentMeasure.width;
var x = 0;
switch (this._textHorizontalAlignment) {
x = 0;
x = width - textWidth;
x = (width - textWidth) / 2;
if (this.shadowBlur || this.shadowOffsetX || this.shadowOffsetY) {
context.shadowColor = this.shadowColor;
context.shadowBlur = this.shadowBlur;
context.shadowOffsetX = this.shadowOffsetX;
context.shadowOffsetY = this.shadowOffsetY;
if (this.outlineWidth) {
//context.strokeText(text, this._currentMeasure.left + x, y);
fillMixedText(context, text, this._currentMeasure.left + x, y, this);
/** @hidden */
public _draw(context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, invalidatedRectangle?: Nullable<Measure>): void {;
// Render lines
protected _applyStates(context: CanvasRenderingContext2D): void {
if (this.outlineWidth) {
context.lineWidth = this.outlineWidth;
context.strokeStyle = this.outlineColor;
protected _breakLines(refWidth: number, context: CanvasRenderingContext2D): object[] {
var lines = [];
let textList: Array<Array<IFormatedText>> = [[]];
this.text.forEach((val) => {
let x = val.text.split('\n');
if (x.length > 1) {
textList[textList.length - 1].push({ text: x[0], color: val.color, font: val.font });
for (let y = 1; y < x.length; y++) {
textList.push([{ text: x[y], color: val.color, font: val.font }]);
} else textList[textList.length - 1].push(val);
for (var _line of textList) {
lines.push(...this._parseLineWordWrap(_line, refWidth, context));
return lines;
protected _parseLine(line: string = '', context: CanvasRenderingContext2D): object {
return { text: line, width: context.measureText(line).width };
protected _parseLineWordWrap(line: Array<IFormatedText> = [], width: number, context: CanvasRenderingContext2D): object[] {
var lines = [];
var words = [];
var textOnly = '';
let defaultFont = this.fontFamily;
line.forEach((val) => {
if (val.font == undefined) val.font = defaultFont;
let localWords = val.text.split(' ');
localWords.forEach((x) => {
if (x.length == 0) return;
context.font = `${this.fontSize} ${val.font}`
let metrics = context.measureText(x);
context.font = defaultFont;
if (metrics.width < width) words.push({ text: x + ' ', font: val.font, color: val.color });
else {
const s1 = x.substring(0, Math.ceil(x.length / 2));
const s2 = x.substring(Math.floor(x.length / 2));
context.font = `${this.fontSize} ${val.font}`
metrics = context.measureText(s1);
let metrics2 = context.measureText(s2);
context.font = defaultFont;
if (metrics.width < width) words.push({ text: s1 + ' ', font: val.font, color: val.color });
else words.push({ text: ' [...] ', font: val.font, color: val.color });
if (metrics2.width < width) words.push({ text: s2 + ' ', font: val.font, color: val.color });
else words.push({ text: ' [...] ', font: val.font, color: val.color });
textOnly = textOnly + val.text;
var lineWidth = 0;
context.font = `${this.fontSize} ${line[0].font}`
let metrics = context.measureText(textOnly);
context.font = defaultFont;
if (metrics.width < width) {
return [{ text: line, width: lineWidth }];
let lastText = '';
let lastWidth = 0;
let formatted: Array<IFormatedText> = [];
for (var n = 0; n < words.length; n++) {
let tempText = n == 0 ? words[0].text : lastText + words[n].text;
context.font = `${this.fontSize} ${ words[n].font}`
let metrics = context.measureText(tempText);
context.font = defaultFont;
if (metrics.width > width) {
lines.push({ text: [...formatted], width: lastWidth });
formatted = [];
tempText = '';
lastWidth = 0;
for (let x = 0; x < n; x++) words.shift();
n = -1;
} else {
lastText = tempText;
lastWidth = metrics.width;
lines.push({ text: [...formatted], width: lastWidth });
return lines;
protected _renderLines(context: CanvasRenderingContext2D): void {
var height = this._currentMeasure.height;
var rootY = 0;
var rootX = 0;
switch (this._textVerticalAlignment) {
rootY = this._fontOffset.ascent;
rootY = height - this._fontOffset.height * (this._lines.length - 1) - this._fontOffset.descent;
rootY = this._fontOffset.ascent + (height - this._fontOffset.height * this._lines.length) / 2;
rootY +=;
for (let i = 0; i < this._lines.length; i++) {
const line = this._lines[i];
if (i !== 0 && this._lineSpacing.internalValue !== 0) {
if (this._lineSpacing.isPixel) {
rootY += this._lineSpacing.getValue(this._host);
} else {
rootY = rootY + this._lineSpacing.getValue(this._host) * this._height.getValueInPixel(this._host, this._cachedParentMeasure.height);
this._drawText(line.text, rootX, rootY, context);
rootY += this._fontOffset.height;
* Given a width constraint applied on the text block, find the expected height
* @returns expected height
public computeExpectedHeight(): number {
if (this.text && this.widthInPixels) {
const context = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d');
if (context) {
if (!this._fontOffset) {
this._fontOffset = Control._GetFontOffset(context.font);
const lines = this._lines
? this._lines
: this._breakLines(this.widthInPixels - this.paddingLeftInPixels - this.paddingRightInPixels, context);
let newHeight = this.paddingTopInPixels + this.paddingBottomInPixels + this._fontOffset.height * lines.length;
if (lines.length > 0 && this._lineSpacing.internalValue !== 0) {
let lineSpacing = 0;
if (this._lineSpacing.isPixel) {
lineSpacing = this._lineSpacing.getValue(this._host);
} else {
lineSpacing = this._lineSpacing.getValue(this._host) * this._height.getValueInPixel(this._host, this._cachedParentMeasure.height);
newHeight += (lines.length - 1) * lineSpacing;
return newHeight;
return 0;
dispose(): void {
const fillMixedText = (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, arg: Array<IFormatedText>, x: number, y: number, self) => {
if (arg == undefined) return;
let defaultFillStyle = ctx.fillStyle;
let defaultFont = ctx.font;;
arg.forEach((txt) => {
if (txt.text == undefined) return;
if (txt.font == undefined) txt.font = defaultFont;
ctx.font = `${self.fontSize} ${txt.font}`
ctx.fillStyle = txt.color || defaultFillStyle;
ctx.fillText(txt.text, x, y);
ctx.font = defaultFont;
x = x + ctx.measureText(txt.text).width;
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