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Created March 23, 2019 06:08
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import collections
_Food = collections.namedtuple('Food', 'name carbs protein fat vitamins calories')
class Food(_Food):
def nutrients(self):
return sum(self[1:5])
def tot_avg(food, attr):
return (
sum(f.calories * getattr(f, attr) for f in food)
/ sum(f.calories for f in food)
def ratio_transform(attrs):
largest = max(attrs[1:5])
if largest == 0:
return 0, 0, 0, 0
return tuple(100 * a / largest for a in attrs[1:5])
def bulid_ratios(food_ratios, delta_step):
def _ratios(attrs, delta):
wanted = []
for *ratio, food in food_ratios:
if all((a - delta) <= r <= (a + delta) for r, a in zip(ratio, attrs)):
return wanted
def ratios(attrs, calories):
ratios = ratio_transform(attrs)
ratios = tuple(100 - int(round(r)) for r in ratios)
delta = delta_step
while delta <= 100:
rets = _ratios(ratios, delta)
rets = [f for f in rets if f.calories <= calories]
if rets:
return rets
delta += delta_step
return ratios
def find_sp(total):
nutrients = [
tot_avg(total, 'carbs'),
tot_avg(total, 'protein'),
tot_avg(total, 'fat'),
tot_avg(total, 'vitamins')
balance = sum(nutrients) / 2 / max(nutrients)
except ZeroDivisionError:
return None
return tot_avg(total, 'nutrients') * balance + 12
def test_peil(available, max_calories, delta_step=10):
available = list(sorted(available, key=lambda f: f.nutrients, reverse=True))
food_ratios = [
ratio_transform(food[1:5]) + (food,)
for food in available
ratios = bulid_ratios(food_ratios, delta_step)
largest = (0, ())
for food in available:
if food.calories > max_calories:
if food.nutrients * 2 <= largest[0]:
foods = [food]
calories = food.calories
attrs = [a * food.calories for a in food[1:5]]
while True:
new_foods = ratios(attrs, max_calories - calories)
if not new_foods:
new_food = new_foods[0]
calories += new_food.calories
attrs = [a + b * new_food.calories for a, b in zip(attrs, new_food[1:5])]
sp = find_sp(foods)
if sp > largest[0]:
largest = sp, tuple(foods)
return largest
def read_foods(foods):
for food in foods:
name, *other = food.split('/')
yield Food(name, *[float(v) for v in other])
def main():
available = ['Fiddleheads/3/1/0/3/80', 'Fireweed Shoots/3/0/0/4/150', 'Prickly Pear Fruit/2/1/1/3/190', 'Huckleberries/2/0/0/6/80', 'Rice/7/1/0/0/90', 'Camas Bulb/1/2/5/0/120', 'Beans/1/4/3/0/120', 'Wheat/6/2/0/0/130', 'Crimini Mushrooms/3/3/1/1/200', 'Corn/5/2/0/1/230', 'Beet/3/1/1/3/230', 'Tomato/4/1/0/3/240', 'Raw Fish/0/3/7/0/200', 'Raw Meat/0/7/3/0/250', 'Tallow/0/0/8/0/200', 'Scrap Meat/0/5/5/0/50', 'Prepared Meat/0/4/6/0/600', 'Raw Roast/0/6/5/0/800', 'Raw Sausage/0/4/8/0/500', 'Raw Bacon/0/3/9/0/600', 'Prime Cut/0/9/4/0/600', 'Cereal Germ/5/0/7/3/20', 'Bean Paste/3/5/7/0/40', 'Flour/15/0/0/0/50', 'Sugar/15/0/0/0/50', 'Camas Paste/3/2/10/0/60', 'Cornmeal/9/3/3/0/60', 'Huckleberry Extract/0/0/0/15/60', 'Yeast/0/8/0/7/60', 'Oil/0/0/15/0/120', 'Infused Oil/0/0/12/3/120', 'Simple Syrup/12/0/3/0/400', 'Rice Sludge/10/1/0/2/450', 'Charred Beet/3/0/3/7/470', 'Camas Mash/1/2/9/1/500', 'Campfire Beans/1/9/3/0/500', 'Wilted Fiddleheads/4/1/0/8/500', 'Boiled Shoots/3/0/1/9/510', 'Charred Camas Bulb/2/3/7/1/510', 'Charred Tomato/8/1/0/4/510', 'Charred Corn/8/1/0/4/530', 'Charred Fish/0/9/4/0/550', 'Charred Meat/0/10/10/0/550', 'Wheat Porridge/10/4/0/10/510', 'Charred Sausage/0/11/15/0/500', 'Fried Tomatoes/12/3/9/2/560', 'Bannock/15/3/8/0/600', 'Fiddlehead Salad/6/6/0/14/970', 'Campfire Roast/0/16/12/0/1000', 'Campfire Stew/5/12/9/4/1200', 'Wild Stew/8/5/5/12/1200', 'Fruit Salad/8/2/2/10/900', 'Meat Stock/5/8/9/3/700', 'Vegetable Stock/11/1/2/11/700', 'Camas Bulb Bake/12/7/5/4/400', 'Flatbread/17/8/3/0/500', 'Huckleberry Muffin/10/5/4/11/450', 'Baked Meat/0/13/17/0/600', 'Baked Roast/4/13/8/7/900', 'Huckleberry Pie/9/5/4/16/1300', 'Meat Pie/7/11/11/5/1300', 'Basic Salad/13/6/6/13/800', 'Simmered Meat/6/18/13/5/900', 'Vegetable Medley/9/5/8/20/900', 'Vegetable Soup/12/4/7/19/1200', 'Crispy Bacon/0/18/26/0/600', 'Stuffed Turkey/9/16/12/7/1500']
available = list(read_foods(available))
from pprint import pprint
ret = max((test_peil(available, i) for i in range(3001)), key=lambda i:i[0])
pprint((sum(f.calories for f in ret[1]),) + ret)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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