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Last active February 7, 2024 21:02
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Bukkit/Spigot and Velocity/Bungee default configs for the ForceResourcepacks plugin:
# ForceResourcepacks Bukkit config
# Unfortunately comments might get removed when the config is edited in the plugin and saved
# but you can always find the default config with all comments here:
# ---
# Log some stuff about the players packs to the console (pack sending and the status, turn that of on large servers!)
debug: true
# Default language
default-language: en
# Get notified when a new update of the plugin is released
# If you only want to allow/block ingame notifications use the
# following permission: forceresourcepacks.updatenotification
update-notifications: true
# Disable all metrics included in this plugin.
# If you disabled bStats or PluginMetrics then it will also not send anything :)
disable-metrics: false
# Whether or not resourcepack file hashes should be generated on startup:
autogeneratehashes: true
# Whether to append the pack hash to the end of the URL of the pack like url#hash.
# This is necessary to work around a Vanilla bug which prevents changed packs from being downloaded
# properly again:
append-hash-to-url: true
# Time in seconds in which a user needs to respond to the resourcepack prompt
# This is needed as users can just ESC out of the prompt
# Set to 0 to disable the timeout functionality
prompttimeout: 15
# Time in seconds for which a kick is delayed that way you
# can display a title or chat message before the kick
kickdelay: 0
# Whether /usepack should apply packs temporary or permanent when run without any argument:
usepack-is-temporary: true
# Whether packs that a player has stored will override a matched assignments
stored-packs-override-assignments: false
# When manually setting a permanent pack then it will be reset if the user disconnects in under x amount of seconds.
# 0 or anything below will disable this functionality
permanent-pack-remove-time: 30
# Whether actions require that the plugin sent a pack before or not
only-run-actions-after-pack-send: true
# Whether to hook into authentication plugins
# Currently supported: AuthMe, OpeNLogin and nLogin
use-auth-plugin: true
# Enable or disable WorldGuard integration
worldguard: true
# The url the client should download the resourcepack from.
# Has to be a direct download link! No mediafire/mega/other oneclick-hoster!
# The sha1 hash of the resourcepack's zip file,
# if not correct the client will waste bandwidth but it will still work!
# At least that's what the Minecraft wiki says... (Site:
hash: b5b2e0a6a1881bd497c86fbe89abe0073c1108c2
# The UUID of the pack, if not set then it will be generated from the name
uuid: 01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef
# The format version of this resourcepack.
format: 1
# Directly define the Minecraft version instead of the format.
# Supports string representation of the versions and protocol numbers.
# You don't need to define both the version and the format (if so then the highest one will take effect)
version: "1.8"
# Whether or not this pack will only be send to players with a certain permission
# permission: forceresourcepacks.pack.<packname>
restricted: false
# If you want you can define a specific permission for this pack if you don't want
# the default forceresourcepacks.pack.<packname> permission!
permission: forceresourcepacks.pack.overworld
hash: 012345678abcdef012345678abcdef012345678a
restricted: false
# Set different variants e.g. for different versions or permissions
# This list supports all normal pack settings and is checked top to bottom.
# The first one that matches the player will be used.
- url:
hash: 012345678abcdef012345678abcdef012345678a
version: '1.15'
- url:
hash: 012345678abcdef01234567dddcdef012345678a
version: '1.12'
# Empty pack to use for resetting of the pack for servers which don't have one assigned
hash: 01517226212d27586ea0c5d6aff1aa5492dd2484
# Assignment section for the whole server. (Per worlds assignments override these settings)
pack: overworld
# The list of optional packs to not replace if the user already has one of them
# If no main pack is set the first one also gets used to reset
# the pack if the user has a non-optional one
- gamepack
# Delay in ticks before sending the pack to a player after he logs in/switches to the world
send-delay: 10
# Whether or not declining the pack will disconnect the player
# Only works with 1.17+ servers, use the kick action below for older versions!
required: true
# The message to show on the resource pack prompt
# Using the lang: prefix a language key and per-client messages can be used
prompt-message: "&cYou have to accept the server resource pack in order to play!"
# Possible pack status:
# A request has been send to the player's client to download a certain pack
# The player choose "yes" on the download screen or has the server pack enabledfor this server entry in his multiplayer list
# The player choose "no" on the download screen or has the server pack disabled for this server entry in his multiplayer list
# The player finished downloading the pack and the client applied it
# The client failed to download the pack, e.g. when the pack url is wrong
# The client failed to react on the server resourcepack sent prompt in the amount of seconds set at "prompttimeout"
# If no extra reaction on TIMEOUT is set the DECLINED actions are used
# No pack can be send to a player because all that would be available in that world are restricted
# and the player doesn't have the permissions he would need for that pack
# If no extra reaction on NO_PERMISSION is set the DECLINED actions are used
# No pack can be send because all packs that would be available in that world have a pack format that would be
# incompatible with the player's client version. Currently pre 1.9 is pack format 1, 1.9 and higher is 2
# (If ViaVersion is not installed it will use the server version to determinate which pack format is the correct one.)
# If no extra reaction on WRONG_VERSION is set the DECLINED actions are used
message: "&aYou are now using the &e%pack%&a pack!"
# Possible actions:
# Sends a message to the player
# Using the lang: prefix a language key and per-client messages can be used
# Send a title (multiline strings don't work in titles and action bar)
# Send a subtitle (can be used without the title action)
# Set the title's fade in timing (in ticks)
# Set the title's stay timing (in ticks)
# Set the title's fade out timing (in ticks)
# Send a message in the action bar chat slot above the user's inventory bar
# Kick the player from the BungeeCord proxy with the value of this action as the kick message
# Send the player to a specific world on your server, the value of this action is the world's name!
# Formatting codes with & work in all actions besides the send action
# %pack% will get replaced by the name of the pack from the packs section in all reactions
# Execute a command as the minecraft server console. %player% is the player's name
# Use a list or new lines to execute multiple commands!
# Execute a command as the player who reacted on the status.
# Use a list or new lines to execute multiple commands!
# Please note that he needs the permission to run the command!
# Example definition to kick a player when he declines the pack
kick: "&cYou have to accept the server resource pack in order to play!\n&cVisit &e for info on how to enable it!"
# If this is the first join of the player run different actions!
message: "&aYou are now using the &e%pack%&a pack!"
kick: "&cYou have to accept the server resource pack in order to play!\n&cVisit &e for info on how to enable it!"
# pack-actions:
# packname:
# loaded:
# message: "Per pack message"
# first-join-pack-actions:
# packname:
# ...
# Per pack (first join) actions use the same structure as global actions! They can be used in the per-world config too!
# Example worlds assignment structure below
# Use a regex to target all worlds with a certain name
regex: 'example_world_.*'
# You can define multiple packs starting with 1.20.3
# On versions prior to it only the first pack will be used
- overworld
- globalpack
- nether
message: "&aYou are now using the &e%pack%&a pack!"
title: "&cPlease accept pack!"
subtitle: "&eIt looks a lot nicer with it!"
message: "&cVisit &e for info on how to enable the server resource pack!"
kick: "&ePlease try rejoining, you need the pack!"
message: "&cDownloading server resource pack..."
pack: nether
send: world
title: "&cYou need the pack!"
subtitle: "&eYou cannot play without it!"
message: "&cVisit &e for info on how to enable the server resource pack!"
send: lobby
title: "&cPlease accept the pack!"
subtitle: "&eYou cannot play without it!"
# ForceResourcepacks BungeeCord config
# Unfortunately comments might get removed when the config is edited in the plugin and saved
# but you can always find the default config with all comments here:
# ---
# Log some stuff about the players packs to the console (pack sending and the status, turn that of on large servers!)
debug: true
# Default language
default-language: en
# Get notified when a new update of the plugin is released
# If you only want to allow/block ingame notifications use the
# following permission: forceresourcepacks.updatenotification
update-notifications: true
# Disable all metrics included in this plugin.
# If you disabled bStats or PluginMetrics then it will also not send anything :)
disable-metrics: false
# Whether or not resourcepack file hashes should be generated on startup:
autogeneratehashes: true
# Whether to append the pack hash to the end of the URL of the pack like url#hash.
# This is necessary to work around a Vanilla bug which prevents changed packs from being downloaded
# properly again:
append-hash-to-url: true
# Store joins of players to the disk in order to determinate if this is a first join or not over restarts
# Only necessary if you want to use first-join-actions
store-joins: false
# Time in seconds in which a user needs to respond to the resourcepack prompt
# This is needed as users can just ESC out of the prompt
# Set to 0 to disable the timeout functionality
prompttimeout: 15
# Time in seconds for which a kick is delayed that way you
# can display a title or chat message before the kick
kickdelay: 0
# Whether /usepack should apply packs temporary or permanent when run without any argument:
usepack-is-temporary: true
# Whether packs that a player has stored will override a matched assignments
stored-packs-override-assignments: false
# When manually setting a permanent pack then it will be reset if the user disconnects in under x amount of seconds.
# 0 or anything below will disable this functionality
permanent-pack-remove-time: 30
# Whether actions require that the plugin sent a pack before or not
only-run-actions-after-pack-send: true
# Whether to only send packs if authenticated on the Minecraft server
# Requires ForceResourcepacks to be installed on the Minecraft server too or nLogin on the proxy
use-auth-plugin: false
# The url the client should download the resourcepack from.
# Has to be a direct download link! No mediafire/mega/other oneclick-hoster!
# The sha1 hash of the resourcepack's zip file,
# if not correct the client will waste bandwidth but it will still work!
# At least that's what the Minecraft wiki says... (Site:
hash: b5b2e0a6a1881bd497c86fbe89abe0073c1108c2
# The UUID of the pack, if not set then it will be generated from the name
uuid: 01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef
# The format version of this resourcepack.
format: 1
# Directly define the Minecraft version instead of the format.
# Supports string representation of the versions and protocol numbers.
# You don't need to define both the version and the format (if so then the highest one will take effect)
version: "1.8"
# Whether or not this pack will only be send to players with a certain permission
# permission: forceresourcepacks.pack.<packname>
restricted: false
# If you want you can define a specific permission for this pack if you don't want
# the default forceresourcepacks.pack.<packname> permission!
permission: forceresourcepacks.pack.lobby
restricted: false
# Set different variants e.g. for different versions or permissions
# This list supports all normal pack settings and is checked top to bottom.
# The first one that matches the player will be used.
- url:
hash: 012345678abcdef012345678abcdef012345678a
version: '1.15'
- url:
hash: 012345678abcdef01234567dddcdef012345678a
version: '1.12'
# Empty pack to use for resetting of the pack for servers which don't have one assigned
hash: 01517226212d27586ea0c5d6aff1aa5492dd2484
# Assignment section for all servers connected to the BungeeCord. (Per servers assignments override these settings)
pack: lobby
# Secondary is the list of packs to not replace if the user already has them
# If no main pack is set the first one also gets used to reset
# the pack if the user has a non-optional one
- gamepack
# Delay in ticks before sending the pack to a player after he logs in/switches to the world
send-delay: 20
# Whether or not declining the pack will disconnect the player
# Only works with 1.17+ clients, use the kick action below for older clients!
required: true
# The message to show on the resource pack prompt
# Using the lang: prefix a language key and per-client messages can be used
prompt-message: "&cYou have to accept the server resource pack in order to play!"
# Possible pack status:
# A request has been send to the player's client to download a certain pack
# The player choose "yes" on the download screen or has the server pack enabledfor this server entry in his multiplayer list
# The player choose "no" on the download screen or has the server pack disabled for this server entry in his multiplayer list
# The player finished downloading the pack and the client applied it
# The client failed to download the pack, e.g. when the pack url is wrong
# The client failed to react on the server resourcepack sent prompt in the amount of seconds set at "prompttimeout"
# If no extra reaction on TIMEOUT is set the DECLINED actions are used
# No pack can be send to a player because all that would be available on that server are restricted
# and the player doesn't have the permissions he would need for that pack
# If no extra reaction on NO_PERMISSION is set the DECLINED actions are used
# No pack can be send because all packs that would be available on that server have a pack format that would be
# incompatible with the player's client version. Currently pre 1.9 is pack format 1, 1.9 and higher is 2
# If no extra reaction on WRONG_VERSION is set the DECLINED actions are used
message: "&aYou are now using the &e%pack%&a pack!"
# Possible actions:
# Sends a message to the player
# Using the lang: prefix a language key and per-client messages can be used
# Send a title (multiline strings don't work in titles and action bar)
# Send a subtitle (can be used without the title action)
# Set the title's fade in timing (in ticks)
# Set the title's stay timing (in ticks)
# Set the title's fade out timing (in ticks)
# Send a message in the action bar chat slot above the user's inventory bar
# Kick the player from the BungeeCord proxy with the value of this action as the kick message
# Send the player to a specific server on your bungeecord network, the value of this action is the server's name!
# Formatting codes with & work in all actions besides the send action
# %pack% will get replaced by the name of the pack from the packs section in all reactions
# Execute a command as the bungeecord console. %player% is the player's name
# Use a list or new lines to execute multiple commands!
# Execute a command as the player who reacted on the status.
# Use a list or new lines to execute multiple commands!
# Please note that he needs the permission to run the command!
# Example definition to kick a player when he declines the pack
kick: "&cYou have to accept the server resource pack in order to play!\n&cVisit &e &cfor info on how to enable it!"
# If this is the first join of the playerrun different actions!
# Only works if "track-joins" is set to true!
message: "&aYou are now using the &e%pack%&a pack!"
kick: "&cYou have to accept the server resource pack in order to play!\n&cVisit &e &cfor info on how to enable it!"
# pack-actions:
# packname:
# loaded:
# message: "Per pack message"
# first-join-pack-actions:
# packname:
# ...
# Per pack (first join) actions use the same structure as global actions! They can be used in the per-server config too!
# Example server assignments structure below
# You can define multiple packs starting with 1.20.3
# On versions prior to it only the first pack will be used
- lobby
- globalpack
- game
message: You are now using the &e%pack%&a pack!
title: "&cPlease accept pack!"
subtitle: "&eIt looks a lot nicer with it!"
message: "&cVisit &e &cfor info on how to enable the server resource pack!"
kick: "&ePlease try rejoining, you need the pack!"
message: "&cDownloading server resource pack..."
action_bar: "&eDownload server resource pack..."
# Use a regex to target all servers with a certain name
regex: 'example_minigame_.*'
pack: game
send: example_lobby
title: "&cYou need the pack!"
subtitle: "&3You cannot play without it!"
message: "&cVisit &e for info on how to enable the server resource pack!"
send: example_lobby
title: "&cPlease accept the pack!"
subtitle: "&eYou cannot play without it!"
usage: "Usage: /%command% %usage%"
reloaded: "&aReloaded %plugin% config!%optional-resend%"
optional-resend: " Resend packs to all online players!"
version: "&a%plugin% version: %version%"
not-enabled: "&c%plugin% is not enabled!"
invalid-input: "&f%input%&c is not a valid %expected%"
no-permission: "&cYou don't have the permission &f%permission%&c!"
unknown-pack: "&cNo pack with the name &e%input%&c found!"
name-already-used: "&cA pack with the name of &f%name%&c already exists!"
url-already-used: "&cThe pack &f%name%&c is already using the url &f%url%&c!"
added: "&eAdded new pack &f%name%&e with url &f%url%"
removed: "&eRemoved pack &f%name%&e with url &f%url%"
updated: "&eSet &f%type%&e of pack &f%pack%&e to &f%value%"
info: |-
&7----- &ePack &f%name%&e Info: &7-----
&eUrl: &f%url%
&eHash: &f%hash%
&eFormat: &f%format%
&eVersion: &f%version%
&eRestricted: &f%restricted%
&ePermission: &f%permission%
&eVariants: &f%variants%
info-variants: |-
&7----- &ePack &f%name%&e Info: &7-----
&eFormat: &f%format%
&eVersion: &f%version%
&eRestricted: &f%restricted%
&ePermission: &f%permission%
&e%variants% Variants:
player-not-online: "&cThe player &f%input%&c is not online"
pack: "&aYou have the pack &e%pack% &aapplied!"
pack-other: "&e%player% &ahas the pack &e%pack% &aapplied!"
no-pack: "&cYou have no pack (or the empty one) applied."
no-pack-other: "&f%player% &chas no pack (or the empty one) applied."
player-not-found: "&cThe player &f%input%&c is not online. You have to input the UUID for offline players!"
pack: "&aYou have the pack &e%pack% &astored!"
pack-other: "&e%player% &ahas the pack &e%pack% &astored!"
no-pack: "&cYou have no pack stored."
no-pack-other: "&f%player% &chas no pack stored."
info: |-
&7----- &ePack &f%pack%&e Usage: &7-----
&eApplied: &f%applied%
&eStored: &f%stored%
new-assignment: "&cNo assignment with the name &e%input%&c found! Creating new one!"
updated: "&eSet &f%type%&e of assignment &f%assignment%&e to &f%value%"
added: "&eAdded pack &f%pack%&e to the optional pack list of assignment &f%assignment%&e!"
already-added: "&cPack &f%pack%&c is already on the optional pack list of assignment &f%assignment%&c?"
removed: "&eRemoved pack &f%pack%&e from the optional pack list of assignment &f%assignment%&e!"
not-added: "&cPack &f%pack%&c is not on the optional pack list of assignment &f%assignment%&c?"
added: "&eAdded &f%action%&e action with value &f%value%&e to &f%status%&e status of assignment &f%assignment%&e."
changed: "&eChanged &f%action%&e action from &f%previous%&e to &f%value%&e for &f%status%&e status of assignment &f%assignment%&e."
action-not-set: "&cAssignment &f%assignment%&c has no &f%action%&c action defined for status &f%status%&c!"
status-not-set: "&cAssignment &f%assignment%&c has no actions defined for status &f%status%&c!"
action: "&eRemoved &f%action%&e action for status &f%status%&e from assignment &f%assignment%&e. (Had value of &f%value%&e)"
status: "&eRemoved all actions for status %f%status%&e from assignment &f%assignment%&e."
info: |-
&7----- &eAssignment &f%name%&e Info: &7-----
&ePack: &f%pack%
&eOptional Packs: &f%optional-packs%
&eRegex: &f%regex%
&eSend Delay: &f%send-delay%
&eRequired: &f%required%
&ePrompt message: &f%prompt-message%
&eFirst join Actions:
unknown-assignment: "&cNo assignment with the name &e%input%&c found!"
deleted: "&eAssignment &f%name%&e was deleted!"
head: "&aAssignments configured:"
entry: "&e%name%"
invalid-temporary: "&f%input%&c is not a valid Boolean temporary value! (true/false)"
player-not-online: "&cThe player &f%input%&c is not online"
bedrock-not-supported: "&cChanging the pack of Bedrock players is not supported!"
already-in-use: "&f%player%&c already uses the pack '&f%pack%&c'!"
permission: "&f%player%&c can't use any variant of the pack '&f%pack%&c' due to their permissions!"
version: "&f%player%&c can't use any variant of the pack '&f%pack%&c' due to their version!"
perm-and-version: "&f%player%&c can't use any variant of the pack '&f%pack%&c' due to their version and permissions!"
restricted: "&cYou don't have the permission &f%permission%%c to set the restricted pack '&f%pack%&c'!"
unknown-pack: "&cError: There is no pack with the name '&f%input%&c'!"
success-other: "&f%player% &anow uses the pack '&f%pack%&a'!"
success: "&aYou now use the pack %pack%!"
head: "&aPacks available to you:"
entry: " [&e%pack%](/usepack %pack%)%optional-format%%optional-version%"
entry-selected: "> [%pack%](/resetpack)%optional-format%%optional-version%"
optional-format: "&7 (Format: %format%)"
optional-version: "&7 (Version: %version%)"
no-packs: "&cNo packs found!"
player-not-online: "&cThe player &f%input%&c is not online"
bedrock-not-supported: "&cChanging the pack of Bedrock players is not supported!"
no-pack-stored: "&cNo pack stored."
had-stored-pack: "&aHad pack '&f%pack%&a' stored."
success-other: "&aReset the pack of &f%player%&a!"
success: "&aReset your pack!"
no-pack: "&cYou have no pack (or the empty one) applied?"
no-pack-other: "&f%player% &chas no pack (or the empty one) applied?"
generating: "&eGenerating hashes..."
downloading: "&eDownloading &f%pack%&e..."
hash-sum: "&eSHA 1 hash of &f%pack%&e: &f%hash%"
invalid-url: "&e%url%&c is not a valid url!"
failed-to-load-pack: "&cCould not load %pack%! %error%"
changed: "&aHashes of %amount% packs changed! Saving to config."
none-changed: "&aNo hash changed!"
# ForceResourcepacks Velocity config
# Unfortunately comments might get removed when the config is edited in the plugin and saved
# but you can always find the default config with all comments here:
# ---
# Log some stuff about the players packs to the console (pack sending and the status, turn that of on large servers!)
debug: true
# Default language
default-language: en
# Get notified when a new update of the plugin is released
# If you only want to allow/block ingame notifications use the
# following permission: forceresourcepacks.updatenotification
update-notifications: true
# Disable all metrics included in this plugin.
# If you disabled bStats or PluginMetrics then it will also not send anything :)
disable-metrics: false
# Whether or not resourcepack file hashes should be generated on startup:
autogeneratehashes: true
# Whether to append the pack hash to the end of the URL of the pack like url#hash.
# This is necessary to work around a Vanilla bug which prevents changed packs from being downloaded
# properly again:
append-hash-to-url: true
# Store joins of players to the disk in order to determinate if this is a first join or not over restarts
# Only necessary if you want to use first-join-actions
store-joins: false
# Time in seconds in which a user needs to respond to the resourcepack prompt
# This is needed as users can just ESC out of the prompt
# Set to 0 to disable the timeout functionality
prompttimeout: 15
# Time in seconds for which a kick is delayed that way you
# can display a title or chat message before the kick
kickdelay: 0
# Whether /usepack should apply packs temporary or permanent when run without any argument:
usepack-is-temporary: true
# Whether packs that a player has stored will override a matched assignments
stored-packs-override-assignments: false
# When manually setting a permanent pack then it will be reset if the user disconnects in under x amount of seconds.
# 0 or anything below will disable this functionality
permanent-pack-remove-time: 30
# Whether actions require that the plugin sent a pack before or not
only-run-actions-after-pack-send: true
# Whether to only send packs if authenticated on the Minecraft server
# Requires ForceResourcepacks to be installed on the Minecraft server too or nLogin on the proxy
use-auth-plugin: false
# The url the client should download the resourcepack from.
# Has to be a direct download link! No mediafire/mega/other oneclick-hoster!
# The sha1 hash of the resourcepack's zip file,
# if not correct the client will waste bandwidth but it will still work!
# At least that's what the Minecraft wiki says... (Site:
hash: b5b2e0a6a1881bd497c86fbe89abe0073c1108c2
# The UUID of the pack, if not set then it will be generated from the name
uuid: 01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef
# The format version of this resourcepack.
format: 1
# Directly define the Minecraft version instead of the format.
# Supports string representation of the versions and protocol numbers.
# You don't need to define both the version and the format (if so then the highest one will take effect)
version: "1.8"
# Whether or not this pack will only be send to players with a certain permission
# permission: forceresourcepacks.pack.<packname>
restricted: false
# If you want you can define a specific permission for this pack if you don't want
# the default forceresourcepacks.pack.<packname> permission!
permission: forceresourcepacks.pack.lobby
restricted: false
# Set different variants e.g. for different versions or permissions
# This list supports all normal pack settings and is checked top to bottom.
# The first one that matches the player will be used.
- url:
hash: 012345678abcdef012345678abcdef012345678a
version: '1.15'
- url:
hash: 012345678abcdef01234567dddcdef012345678a
version: '1.12'
# Empty pack to use for resetting of the pack for servers which don't have one assigned
hash: 01517226212d27586ea0c5d6aff1aa5492dd2484
# Assignment section for all servers connected to the BungeeCord. (Per servers assignments override these settings)
pack: lobby
# Secondary is the list of packs to not replace if the user already has them
# If no main pack is set the first one also gets used to reset
# the pack if the user has a non-optional one
- gamepack
# Delay in ticks before sending the pack to a player after he logs in/switches to the world
send-delay: 20
# Whether or not declining the pack will disconnect the player
# Only works with 1.17+ clients, use the kick action below for older clients!
required: true
# The message to show on the resource pack prompt
# Using the lang: prefix a language key and per-client messages can be used
prompt-message: "&cYou have to accept the server resource pack in order to play!"
# Possible pack status:
# A request has been send to the player's client to download a certain pack
# The player choose "yes" on the download screen or has the server pack enabledfor this server entry in his multiplayer list
# The player choose "no" on the download screen or has the server pack disabled for this server entry in his multiplayer list
# The player finished downloading the pack and the client applied it
# The client failed to download the pack, e.g. when the pack url is wrong
# The client failed to react on the server resourcepack sent prompt in the amount of seconds set at "prompttimeout"
# If no extra reaction on TIMEOUT is set the DECLINED actions are used
# No pack can be send to a player because all that would be available on that server are restricted
# and the player doesn't have the permissions he would need for that pack
# If no extra reaction on NO_PERMISSION is set the DECLINED actions are used
# No pack can be send because all packs that would be available on that server have a pack format that would be
# incompatible with the player's client version. Currently pre 1.9 is pack format 1, 1.9 and higher is 2
# If no extra reaction on WRONG_VERSION is set the DECLINED actions are used
message: "&aYou are now using the &e%pack%&a pack!"
# Possible actions:
# Sends a message to the player
# Using the lang: prefix a language key and per-client messages can be used
# Send a title (multiline strings don't work in titles and action bar)
# Send a subtitle (can be used without the title action)
# Set the title's fade in timing (in ticks)
# Set the title's stay timing (in ticks)
# Set the title's fade out timing (in ticks)
# Send a message in the action bar chat slot above the user's inventory bar
# Kick the player from the BungeeCord proxy with the value of this action as the kick message
# Send the player to a specific server on your bungeecord network, the value of this action is the server's name!
# Formatting codes with & work in all actions besides the send action
# %pack% will get replaced by the name of the pack from the packs section in all reactions
# Execute a command as the bungeecord console. %player% is the player's name
# Use a list or new lines to execute multiple commands!
# Execute a command as the player who reacted on the status.
# Use a list or new lines to execute multiple commands!
# Please note that he needs the permission to run the command!
# Example definition to kick a player when he declines the pack
kick: "&cYou have to accept the server resource pack in order to play!\n&cVisit for info on how to enable it!"
# If this is the first join of the playerrun different actions!
# Only works if "track-joins" is set to true!
message: "&aYou are now using the &e%pack%&a pack!"
kick: "&cYou have to accept the server resource pack in order to play!\n&cVisit for info on how to enable it!"
# pack-actions:
# packname:
# loaded:
# message: "Per pack message"
# first-join-pack-actions:
# packname:
# ...
# Per pack (first join) actions use the same structure as global actions! They can be used in the per-server config too!
# Example server assignments structure below
# You can define multiple packs starting with 1.20.3
# On versions prior to it only the first pack will be used
- lobby
- globalpack
- game
message: You are now using the &e%pack%&a pack!
title: "&cPlease accept pack!"
subtitle: "&eIt looks a lot nicer with it!"
message: "&cVisit for info on how to enable the server resource pack!"
kick: "&ePlease try rejoining, you need the pack!"
message: "&cDownloading server resource pack..."
action_bar: "&eDownload server resource pack..."
# Use a regex to target all servers with a certain name
regex: 'example_minigame_.*'
pack: game
send: example_lobby
title: "&cYou need the pack!"
subtitle: "&3You cannot play without it!"
message: "&cVisit for info on how to enable the server resource pack!"
send: example_lobby
title: "&cPlease accept the pack!"
subtitle: "&eYou cannot play without it!"
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