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Created August 24, 2016 17:25
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import editor
import math
import ui
import circular_slider as CS
def css_clr_to_rgba(css_name, a):
c = ui.parse_color(css_name)
return (c[0], c[1], c[2], a)
def rects_on_circle_path(rect_path, obj_width,
margin=2, N=12):
def calculate_a_rect(i):
a = 2 * math.pi * i/ N - math.pi/2
# careful: cos,sin! not sin,cos
pos = (math.cos(a)*(radius*1), math.sin(a)*(radius*1))
r1 = ui.Rect(*pos, obj_width, obj_width)
r1.x += r.width / 2 - obj_width / 2 + r.x
r1.y += r.height / 2 - obj_width / 2 + r.y
return r1
r = ui.Rect(*rect_path).inset(obj_width / 2 + margin, obj_width / 2 + margin)
radius = r.width / 2
return r, [calculate_a_rect(i) for i in range(N)]
def draw_arc(rect, start, finish,
ln_color = 'white', ln_width = 15, offset = -90):
# offset = -90 for degress, offset = 0 for radians
r = ui.Rect(*rect)
cy =[0]
cx =[1]
s = ui.Path()
radius = r.width / 2
start = math.radians(start + offset)
finish = math.radians(finish + offset )
x = cy+radius * math.cos(start)
y = cx+radius * math.sin(start)
s.move_to(x, y)
s.add_arc(cy, cx, radius, start, finish)
s.line_width = ln_width
s.line_cap_style = ui.LINE_CAP_ROUND
def create_btn_list(N = 12, *args, **kwargs):
def btn_action(sender):
def apply_kwargs(obj, **kwargs):
for k, v in kwargs.items():
if hasattr(obj, k):
setattr(obj, k, v)
btn_list = []
for i in range(0, N):
btn = ui.Button(name = str(i), title = str(i))
btn.action = btn_action
apply_kwargs(btn, **kwargs)
return btn_list
def create_lb_list(N = 12, *args, **kwargs):
def apply_kwargs(obj, **kwargs):
for k, v in kwargs.items():
if hasattr(obj, k):
setattr(obj, k, v)
lb_list = []
for i in range(0, N):
lb = ui.Label(name = str(i))
lb.text = str(i)
lb.font=('Arial Rounded MT Bold', 16)
lb.alignment = ui.ALIGN_CENTER
apply_kwargs(lb, **kwargs)
return lb_list
class Test(ui.View):
def __init__(self, obj_list, obj_w=32, margin = 2, action =None,
*args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.cs = None
self.r = None
self.obj_list = obj_list
self.obj_w = obj_w
self.margin = margin
self.action = action = 0
def make_view(self):
for obj in self.obj_list:
def layout(self):
r , rects = rects_on_circle_path(self.bounds, self.obj_w, margin=self.margin, N=len(self.obj_list))
self.r = r
if not self.cs:
self.cs = CS.CircularSlider(frame = r, name = 'CS')
self.cs.action = self.cs_action
self.cs.continuous = True
self.cs.alpha = .05
for i, r in enumerate(rects):
self.obj_list[i].frame = r
def cs_action(self, sender): = sender.value * 360 -90
def draw(self):
draw_arc(self.r, 0,,
ln_color = css_clr_to_rgba('lime', 5), ln_width = 30, offset = -90)
def knob(r, degree = 0):
inset_v = 35
with ui.GState():
obj_r = ui.Rect(*r).inset(inset_v, inset_v)
ui.set_shadow('orange', 5, 5, 8)
s = ui.Path.oval(*obj_r)
ui.set_shadow('black', 5, 5, 8)
dot_r = ui.Rect(*obj_r).inset(30, 30)
draw_arc(dot_r, degree, degree,
ln_color = css_clr_to_rgba('yellow', 5), ln_width = 30)
if __name__ == '__main__':
_use_theme = True
w=h = 500
f = (0, 0, w, h)
style = 'sheet'
margin = 40
N = 12
ow = 20
#obj_list = create_btn_list(N = N, bg_color = 'lime')
obj_list = create_lb_list(N = N, tint_color = 'orange')
mc = Test(obj_list, margin = margin, frame=f, bg_color='white', obj_w = ow)
if not _use_theme:
mc.present(style = style, animated=False)
editor.present_themed(mc, theme_name='Oceanic', style=style, animated=False)
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