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Using WebSockets in Fly applications

Creating a global notification system with WebSockets on Fly

In this day and age, it's quite common to provide real-time updates to users. What app doesn't use spinners, blinking notifications, or progress bars to indicate something is happening?

In ancient times, we used polling to solve this. We nagged the server periodically to check if something had changed, but these days it's much more common to use WebSockets (WS). The downside is that having an open socket requires a persistent connection. This rules out most serverless compute solutions on the market as these generally disappear into the ether after doing their thing.

Fly is kinda like serverless containers running at the edge. Applications are deployed to multiple regions and Fly will spin containers up and down depending on load. Because of this, I initially thought it wouldn't be possible to use WebSockets on Fly.

In this article we're going to see how to architecture a global notifications system on Fly using WebSockets and Google Cloud Pub/Sub. Each user will be able to alert all other connected users in real-time of alien landings on Earth. You wouldn't want to miss an alien landing, right?

How scaling works in Fly

Fly applications can be configured to run in one or multiple regions. Requests will be routed to the closest available region via Fly's routing layer.

The total number of virtual machines (VMs) that Fly will run for a given application will depend on the app's scaling configuration. By default, Fly apps will run a single VM regardless of the configured regions. The number of VMs can be increased manually and will be distributed evenly across regions.

If autoscaling is enabled, Fly will manage the configured total number of VMs depending on traffic. As the number of concurrent requests on a region grows, Fly will spin up more VMs in that region to be able to satisfy the demand. In consequence, when autoscaling is enabled, your requests will rarely hit the same the same VM every time on a hot region.

Regardless of your scaling settings, this process is totally seamless. From the outside world, the application is just a domain or IP address answering requests.

How WebSockets work in Fly

Fly's networking layer handles all the data packets that go in and out of an application, so it will know whenever a client connects and disconnects from a VM. As long as there's one WS client connected to a VM, Fly will keep it alive.

If the WS connection is interrupted, clients will probably try to reconnect and may land on the same VM, or not. It will all depend on the scaling settings and number of concurrent connections in a particular region.

Client-side, this process is completely seamless. As mentioned before, from the outside world, a Fly app is just a domain.

Server-side, you won't need anything special either. It will all work as expected as long as your Fly application is stateless. This is not specific to using WS as it's assumed a Fly VM might shut down at any time. Either because of the scaling settings, or because a new version of the application is deployed.

Now that we've seen an overview of how it all works let's see a more practical example.

Broadcasting messages to all clients

If we just wanted a single WS client and a single Fy VM to talk to each other we could simply use a typical WS setup.

As explaine before, connecting a client to a Fly server using WS works pretty much as you'd expect:

const server = 'ws://'
const socket = new WebSocket(server);

This is not enough if we want to be able to communicate between clients as these will most likely be connected to different VMs.

To solve this, we're going to use Google Cloud Pub/Sub, a messaging service that will allow us to broadcast messages from our WS clients to all our Fly VMs, and in turn to their connected clients.

Using Pub/Sub with Fly

As it name implies, Pub/Sub follows the publisher/subscriber pattern. Each Pub/Sub project has a number of topics. Topics have subscriptions, and each subscription has one or more subscribers.

Messages can be published to topics, and Pub/Sub will ensure they will be received by at least one subscriber of every subscription.

For our use case, we want to ensure all our Pub/Sub messages are sent to all our Fly VMs, so we need one subscription (and subscriber) for every VM.

Fly VMs receive a number of environment variables when booting up. One of those is FLY_ALLOC_ID, a unique UUID identifying a VM. This is perfect, as it will allow us to dynamically create subscriptions such as:


Note that we need to add ID_ in front of subscription name to ensure it always with a letter and comply with the Pub/Sub resource name rules.

Once our VM shuts down, we can simply delete the subscription. It's possible something could go wrong (eg: alien attack) and a VM could crash or shut down without deleting the subscription. Not to worry, Pub/Sub will not send any messages to a subscription without subscribers and it will be deleted after 31 days of inactivity.

The whole thing looks like this:

  1. A WS client sends a notification to a Fly VM with an alert that there's an alien landing in the vecinity
  2. The WS server will forward the message to the ALIEN_NOTIFICATIONS topic
  3. Pub/Sub will send a copy of the message to each subscription
  4. Since there's one subscription per VM, each VM will receive a Pub/Sub message and forward it to every WS client

How to run and deploy the demo app on Fly

To deploy the demo app to Fly you're going to need:

1. Set up Google Cloud Pub/Sub

1.1 Create a new Google Cloud project

To setup Pub/Sub, first go to the Google Cloud console and create a new project.

I'll name my project fly-alien-landings:

1.2 Activate the Pub/Sub service

Once that's done, activate the Pub/Sub service for this project by simply navigating to the service from the console main menu.

Once activated, we don't need to do anything else. Our application will automatically create the needed topic and subscriptions at runtime.

1.3 Create a service account

We now need to create a service account to allow our Fly application to interact with our Google Cloud project. From the main menu, open the IAM & Admin section, and go to Service accounts:

Then, create a new service account, and give it the role of Pub/Sub Admin:

1.4 Download the JSON key

Finally, open the new service account, go to the Keys section, and create a new key of JSON type:

This will prompt a download for a .json file. Save it somewhere safe as we will need it later on.

Do not commit this file to your Git repository.

2. Get the code and configure the Fly application

Now that we're done with Pub/Sub, let's focus on our application.

2.1 Clone or download the repo

We can now either clone the repository with the application by doing:

git clone

Or download a .zip with the project from Github.

2.2 Copy the JSON key

Once the repo is in your dev machine, copy the .json key file into the project folder and rename it to google-service-account.json.

2.3 Initialize the Fly application

Before we can use the Fly CLI we need to authenticate with Fly by doing:

fly auth login

Next, open the project folder with a terminal and simply do:

fly launch

The CLI is smart enough to understand this is a Node project. It will create a default fly.toml configuration file using the Node Buildpack (similar to Heroku Buildpacks).

You will be asked to give the app a name or use a provided name. Your app will be available at:


The CLI will also ask you if you want to deploy the app. You can do it now, or later with:

fly deploy

3. Adding more regions

Initially, our Fly application will be configured to run a single VM in a single region. We can verify that by listing the the app's regions with:

fly regions list

We're now going to add a couple more regions so that our notification system is truly global. The command to do this is:

fly regions add <region-code>

Check the docs with the full list of Fly regions and their codes.

With this in mind let's add 4 more regions.

First let's add Amsterdam:

fly regions add ams

Then Singapore:

fly regions add sin

Then Los Angeles:

fly regions add lax

Let's also add Sydney (they probably have aliens down there too!):

fly regions add syd

If we now list our regions with fly regions list we should have something similar to this:

Region Pool:

(dfw is my initial region but yours will probably be different)

As I mentioned before, although we have configured multiple regions, Fly is only allowing one VM instance to run.

We can verify that by doing fly status:

67a0fec8 7       syd    run     running 1 total, 1 passing 0        6m50s ago

As you can see, the Fly is only running a single VM on the Sydney region.

Let's now tell Fly we want our application to run five VMs :

fly scale count 5

This will return:

5bc3e3ad 8       ams    run     pending                    0        5s ago
3f2df1d3 8       dfw    run     pending                    0        5s ago
d6bbc9a8 8       lax    run     pending                    0        5s ago
5c42daf4 8       sin(B) run     pending                    0        5s ago
67a0fec8 8       syd    run     running 1 total, 1 passing 0        7m11s ago

Because we've allowed more VMs to be activated, Fly will now distribute those across all configured regions.

If we do fly status again a minute later, we'll see our application is now running in all regions!

d6bbc9a8 8       lax    run     running 1 total, 1 passing 0        10m29s ago
5c42daf4 8       sin(B) run     running 1 total, 1 passing 0        10m29s ago
5bc3e3ad 8       ams    run     running 1 total, 1 passing 0        10m29s ago
3f2df1d3 8       dfw    run     running 1 total, 1 passing 0        10m29s ago
67a0fec8 8       syd    run     running 1 total, 1 passing 0        17m35s ago

Testing our app

To access the app, simply open the the browser on:


You should see the UI of the application:

After clicking the red button, the client will send a WS message the VM, which in turn will send a Pub/Sub message to the ALIEN_NOTIFICATIONS topic.

The Pub/Sub message will be received by all active VMs (including the one that sent it) and then re-sent to all their connected WS clients.


So there you have it, a global notification system that will scale automatically to be able to handle any load. The more regions you add, the lower the latency between the servers and the clients will be.

Now we only have to wait for an alien landing!

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