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Created March 10, 2020 08:16
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C64 RS232 driver using a SwiftLink cartridge (a real ACIA, not emulated)
; been trying to follow application notes for the SwiftLink
; terminal code @ $c0b7 (waiting for Shift+C=)
; &,49 getmod $b915
; &,4 getmdm $aab3
; There are a few problems/things I want to improve with with this version of the SwiftLink driver:
; 1) 19.2k communication "looks slower", according to others.
; Not sure why yet. Wrong BPS rate, I'm guessing?
; 2) Testing out setting parity to "space" so tcpser enters 8-bit binary mode
; (shouldn't get "stuck" during a file transfer looking for valid telnet NVT IAC $ff responses)
; (another option might be to put setting the parity parameter in the OPEN 2 statement in "im")
; 3) testing out whether un-commenting 'oldchrout' and 'newchrout' routines actually does anything.
; The code was commented out in the FastAssembler version.
; when the code is uncommented, it outputs lots of data via RS232 even if DCD is not asserted.
; {undef:comment_out} allows the 'oldchrout' and 'newchrout' code to be included in the final binary.
; 4) It has been reported that while the BBS is online, if it loads a (large?)
; module, and the user keeps typing during the load, the loaded module is corrupt.
; CTS is handled by the 6551, so an IRQ problem?
; "rsdisab" is called before a load in "disk-io.asm"
; gets relocated when LOADed and &,16,1 is issued at BBS init
orig $0800
; Using the ACIA frees many addresses in zero page normally used by
; Kernal RS-232 routines. The addresses for the buffer pointers were
; chosen arbitrarily. The buffer vector addresses are those used by
; the Kernal routines.
rhead = $a7 ; pointer to next byte to be removed from
; receive buffer
rtail = $a8 ; pointer to location to store next byte received
rbuff = $f7 ; receive buffer vector
thead = $a9 ; pointer to next byte to be removed from
; transmit buffer
ttail = $aa ; pointer to location to store next byte
; in transmit buffer
tbuff = $f9 ; transmit buffer vector
xmitcnt = $ab ; count of bytes remaining in transmit (xmit) buffer
recvcnt = $b4 ; count of bytes remaining in receive buffer
errors = $b5 ; DSR, DCD, and received data errors information
xmiton = $b6 ; storage location for model of command register
; which turns both receive and transmit interrupts on
xmitoff = $bd ; storage location for model of command register
; which turns the receive interrupt on and the
; transmit interrupt off
; SwiftLink/Turbo232
io1 = $de00 ; Base Address of SwiftLink/Turbo232
; io1 = $df00 ; alternate address, not used here
port = io1
slData = port ; SL/T232 data register
slStatus = port+1 ; SL/T232 status register
slCommand = port+2 ; SL/T232 command register
slControl = port+3 ; SL/T232 control register
slClock = port+7 ; SL/T232 clock generator
; Kernal routines:
findfn = $f30f ; Find the File (lfn .x) in the Logical File Table
devnum = $f31f ; Set Current Logical File, Device #, and Secondary Address
nofile = $f701 ; Output I/O Error Messages: 'FILE NOT OPEN'
rstkey = $fe56 ; check for an autostart cartridge?
; Pin Signal Signal Name DTE Signal direction
; 1 DCD Data Carrier Detect In
; 2 RXD Receive Data In
; 3 TXD Transmit Data Out
; 4 DTR Data Terminal Ready Out
; 5 GND Ground -
; 6 DSR Data Set Ready In (not connected with tcpser cable)
; 7 RTS Request to Send Out
; 8 CTS Clear to Send In (6551 handles this automatically)
; 9 RI Ring Indicator In not connected to ACIA
; $DE01 - SwiftLink status register (slStatus, stat* labels):
; .------------------------------ high if ACIA caused interrupt--
; : not used in code below
; :
; :.--------------------------- reflects state of DCD line
; ::
; ::.------------------------ reflects state of DSR line
; :::
; :::.-------------------- high if xmit data register is empty
; ::::
; ::::.----------------- high if receive data register full
; :::::
; :::::.------------- high if overrun error
; ::::::
; ::::::.------- high if framing error
; :::::::
; :::::::.--- high if parity error
; 76543210
statDCD = {%:01000000} ; bit 6: 1=DCD high
; #$40
; bit 5: DSR
statTxDempty = {%:00010000} ; bit 4: 1=transmit register empty
; #$10
statRxDfull = {%:00001000} ; bit 3: 1=receive register full
; #$08 ; bit 2: overrun error
; bit 1: framing error
; bit 0: parity error
; IRQ DCD DSR TxE RxF Ovr Frm Par
; check marks for console:
ImageCD0 = {%:00000000} ; none
ImageCD1 = {%:00010000} ; carrier
; $DE02 - SwiftLink command register (slCommand, cmd* labels):
; Bit #0 acts as a "master control switch" for all interrupts and the chip
; itself. It must be set to enable any interrupts--if it is cleared, all
; interrupts are turned off and the receiver section of the chip is
; disabled. This bit also pulls the DTR line low to enable communication
; with the connected RS-232 device. Clearing this bit causes most Hayes-
; compatible modems to hang up (by bringing DTR high).
; FIXME: Jessie mentions a spurious interrupt is generated when toggling DTR.
; rns: so it looks like we don't want to disable IRQs on the chip.
; xxx----- ; bits 7-5: parity
; ---x---- ; bit 4: echo (normally 0 for no echo)
; ----x--- ; bit 3: TxD IRQ
; -----x-- ; bit 2: RxD IRQ
; ; 10: TxD IRQ off, RTS low
; ; 01: TxD IRQ on
; ------x- ; bit 1: 1=using RxD IRQ
; -------x ; bit 0: ACIA IRQ "master control"
; ; 0=disable receiver entirely
; ; 1=enable IRQs
; .------------------------- parity control,
; :.------------------------ bits 7-5
; ::.----------------------- 000 = no parity
; :::
; :::.----------------- bit 4: echo mode, 0 = no echo
; ::::
; ::::.------------ bits 3-2: transmit interrupt control
; :::::.----------- 10 = xmit interrupt off, RTS low
; ::::::
; ::::::.------- receive interrupt control, 0 = enabled
; :::::::
; :::::::.--- IRQ control, 1 = IRQs enabled
; bit 76543210
cmdRtsOff= {%:00001101} ;
; bit 3: 1 = TxD IRQ on
; #$0c ; bit 2: 1 = RTS high
; bit 1: 0 = RxD IRQ on
; bit 0: 0 = DTR high (inactive)
cmdTxRxOff={%:00001011} ; TxD/RxD IRQ off, DTR low (comint0)
; bit 3: 1 = TxD IRQ off
; #$0b ; bit 2: 0 = RTS low
; bit 1: 1 = RxD IRQ off
; bit 0: 1 = DTR low (active)
cmdRxOn = {%:00001001} ; RxD IRQ on, RTS/DTR low (comint1)
; bit 3: 1 = TxD IRQ off
; #$09 ; bit 2: 0 = RTS low
; bit 1: 0 = RxD IRQ on
; bit 0: 1 = DTR low (active)
cmdTxRxOn= {%:00000101} ; TxD + RxD IRQs on (comint2)
; bit 3: 0 = TxD IRQ on
; #$05 ; bit 2: 1 = RTS high
; bit 1: 0 = RxD IRQ on
; bit 0: 1 = DTR low (active)
cmdDtrOff= {%:00000001} ; bit 0: 1 = DTR low (active)
; #$01
; $DE03 - SwiftLink control register (slControl):
; bit 4: clock source 1=internal
; bits 3-0: baud rate
; forward branch (>) to local (@) labels instead of the global one
; defined in equates-2_0.asm:
jmp >@setup ; $0800
jmp >@inable ; $0803
jmp >@disabl ; $0806
; label already defined in equates
; (C:$a83c) h 0 ffff 20 09 08
; 098b
; aab7
jmp >@rsget ; $0809
; label already defined in equates
; (C:$a83c) h 0 ffff 20 0c 08
; 098e
; bb1e
jmp >@rsout ; $080c
jmp >@setbaud ; $080f
; offsets are replaced with JMP
; the new vectors are stored in $03xx, their defaults are transferred back here after setup is done
; so (as an example): $18 $47 $09 => $4c $09 $74
; ; gets rewritten to:
; test plan:
; watch exec $0800
; m 314 315 (get current irq vector) cd9c
; byte $18 ; NMINV: $fe47, fires only when RESTORE hit
byte $14 ; CINV: $cd9c, changing this hasn't worked yet
word slNmiHandler;$ (default) was $08a2
byte $1a
word newopen ; $f34a (default)
byte $1c
word newclose ; $f291 (default)
byte $1e
word newchkin ; $f20e (default)
byte $20
word newchkout ; $f250 (default)
byte $22
word newclrchn ; $f333 (default)
byte $24
word newchrin ; $f157 (default)
; this was commented out in original code:
; byte $26
; word newchrout ; $cd83? ($f1ca default)
byte $2a
word newgetin ; $f13e (default)
byte 0
; TODO: multiple people have mentioned VICE at startup has an RS232 IRQ pending
; which needs to be acknowledged, so do this. This does not happen on real hardware.
; SP at entry: f5
; At startup, $de01 (slStatus) reads %00010000: bit 4: 1=transmit register empty
; set acia for no parity check, no echo, disable transmit/receive interrupts (RTS and DTR high)
lda #{%:00001001} ; #$09: or cmdTxRxOn
sta slCommand
; reset rs232 input/output buffer head/tail pointers
lda #$00
sta rhead
sta rtail
sta thead
sta ttail
sta xmitcnt
sta recvcnt
sta errors
; set addresses of transmit ($0b00)/receive ($1000) buffers (they were $0b80/$0b00)
; $1000 is where the title screen was, doesn't seem to be used elsewhere in code
sta rbuff
sta tbuff
lda #$0b
sta rbuff+1
lda #$10
sta tbuff+1
; 1 stop bit, 8 bit word length, 19200 bps
lda #{%:00011110}
sta slControl
; set acia for no parity check, no echo, enable transmit/receive interrupts (RTS and DTR low)
lda #{%:00001001} ; #$09: or cmdTxRxOn
sta slCommand
;Besides initialization, also call the following code whenever the user
;changes parity or echo mode.
;It creates the "xmitoff" and "xmiton" models used by the interrupt
;handler and main program transmit routine to control the ACIA
;interrupt enabling. If you don't change the models' parity bits,
;you'll revert to "default" parity on the next NMI.
;initialize with transmit interrupts off since
;buffer will be empty
sta xmitoff ; #$09, store as a model for future use
and #{%:11110000} ; mask off interrupt bits, keep parity/echo bits
ora #{%:00000101} ; and set bits to enable both transmit and
; receive interrupts (equivalent to cmdTxRxOff)
sta xmiton ; #$0b, store also for future use
; set up vectors:
ldx #0
lda #3
sta 21 ; <LINNUM, temp storage: $03xx
; this works fine...
lda vectbl,x ; get byte denoting offset into vector table at $0300
beq setup3
sta 20 ; >LINNUM, temp storage: $xxaa
lda #$4c ; load JMP instruction
sta vectbl,x ; replace offset with it
ldy #0
lda vectbl,x ; get JMP from table
pha ; push on stack
lda (20),y ; get old vector (lda $0300,y)
sta vectbl,x ; save it
pla ; pop off stack
sta (20),y
cpy #2
bcc setup2
jmp setup1
; something I added, doesn't work...
; w exec .setup3
; change nmi (314/315) $fe47 to (slNmiHandler) which jumps to $fe47
; have tried (318/319) $cd9c but that doesn't seem to work
sei ; won't work with changing $314/315
lda $314
sta slNmiExit+1
lda $315
sta slNmiExit+2
lda #<slNmiHandler
sta $314
lda #>slNmiHandler
sta $315
cli ; doesn't work
lda #xmiton ; #$09? rxd/txd irq on
sta shcomm ; save rxd irq status
sta slCommand
jsr inable
jsr setcarr
; .------------------------- 0 = one stop bit
; :
; :.-------------------- word length, bits 6-7
; ::.------------------- 0 = eight bit word
; :::
; :::.-------------- clock source, 1 = internal generator
; ::::
; ::::.----- baud
; :::::.---- rate
; ::::::.--- bits
; :::::::.-- 0-3
; bit 76543210
lda #{%:00011010} ; bit 4=1: internal generator
; bits 3210=1010:
sta slControl
; The ACIA "command" register controls the parity, echo mode, transmit and
; receive interrupt enabling, hardware "BRK", and (indirectly) the "RTS"
; and "DTR" lines. The value below sets the ACIA for no parity check,
; no echo, disables transmit interrupts, and enables receive interrupts
; (RTS and DTR low).
; .------------------------- parity control,
; :.------------------------ bits 5-7
; ::.----------------------- 000 = no parity
; :::
; :::.----------------- echo mode, 0 = normal (no echo)
; ::::
; ::::.------------ transmit interrupt control, bits 2-3
; :::::.----------- 10 = xmit interrupt off, RTS low
; ::::::
; ::::::.------- receive interrupt control, 0 = enabled
; :::::::
; :::::::.--- DTR control, 1 = DTR low
; bit 76543210
; lda #{%:00001001} ; bits 7-5=000: no parity
; setting "space" parity here so that tcpser enters 8-bit binary mode
lda slCommand
and #{%:11100000} ; bits 7-5=111: space parity
sta slCommand
lda #$06 ; start at 19.2Kbps
jmp setbaud
; ** enable nmi
; lda #cmdTxRxOn ; 2.0 #$05
lda #$09 ; 1.2
sta slCommand
;me lda slCommand
;me and shcomm
;me sta slCommand
; ** disable nmi
lda #cmdTxRxOff ; comint0 - #$0b TxD/RxD IRQs disabled
sta slCommand
; ** rs232 getin
; keep in mind buffer is $80 chars
; on exit: .cs=char .a received
sta ptr1 ; $9e
sty xsav ; $97
lda slStatus
and #{%:00001000};if bit 3 not set,
beq ret2 ; no received byte in acia, restore registers
lda slData ; get received byte
ldy rtail ; index to buffer
cpy #$80 ; 127 bytes
bcc ret1 ; buffer full
sta (rbuff),y ; and store it
inc rtail ; move index to next slot
inc recvcnt ; increment # of bytes received
; added code from rs232-user.asm:rsget1
ldy scnmode
bne ret1
ldy #0
; scroll input window
lda sdisp+2,y
sta sdisp+1,y
cpy #9
bcc inpdisp ; <9? loop back
lda ptr1 ; $9e
sta sdisp+10 ; put last char rec'd
; end of addition
lda rtail ; input buffer end
sbc rhead ; input buffer start
and #127 ;???
cmp #100 ;???
bcs ret1 ; >100 chars in buffer? return
lda shcomm
sta slCommand
ldy xsav ; $97
lda ptr1 ; $9e
; ** rs232 bsout
; Briefly, each buffer has a "head" and "tail" pointer.
; The head points to the next byte to be removed from the buffer.
; The tail points to the next free location in which to store a byte.
; If the head and tail both point to the same location, the buffer is empty.
; If (tail + 1) = head, the buffer is full.
; *** buffers are $80 (127) bytes ***
sta ptr1 ; $9e - save char to send in .a
sty xsav ; $97
lda #cmdTxRxOff ; comint0
sta slCommand
lda xmitcnt ; any characters to transmit?
beq ret1 ; no, restore registers
lda slStatus
and #{%:00010000} ; bit 4: 1=transmit register empty?
beq waitTxEmpty ; yes
ldy thead ; get transmit buffer head
lda (tbuff),y ; get character at head of buffer
sta slData ; place in acia for transmit
inc thead ; point to next character in buffer,
; store new index
dec xmitcnt ; subtract one from count of bytes
; in xmit buffer
beq ret1 ; nothing left to transmit
; adding "scroll output window" from rs232-user.asm:
ldy scnmode ; split screen?
bne rsout4 ; 1=no
pha ; char still in .a
ldy #0
lda sdisp+30,y
sta sdisp+29,y
cpy #9
bcc outdisp
sta sdisp+38
; end addition
lda #cmdTxRxOn ; comint2
sta shcomm
;me lda shcomm
;me and #cmdTxRxOn ; txd/rxd enabled
; lda shcomm
sta slCommand
jmp ret1 ; restore registers
; &,40,.a=param
; enter with baud rate # from 'bauds' table in .a
; or:
; &,41,254 sets DTR high, &,41,255 sets DTR low (from sub.modem 60305)
cmp #254 ; %11111110
bcc setbaud3 ; <254=baud rate change
stx >@savex+1
ldx #$01 ; .x=$01: DTR low
beq setDtr ; .a=$ff: DTR low
dex ; .x=$00: DTR high
stx slCommand ; $de02: DTR state
ldx #$ff ; restore .x
; bmi $ffff ; branch if N=1 (%1xxxxxxx)
and #7
lda bauds,y
sta slControl
; check for DCD, update $d009 (carrier) with status
; equivalent on user port is $dd01 bit 4
; carrier checkmark is in irqhn.asm, irq5
pha ; holds mask to re-enable interrupts on the ACIA
ldy #ImageCD1 ; check mark indicator
lda slStatus
and #statDCD ; get DCD from status register
beq setcarr1 ; carrier present
ldy #ImageCD0 ; otherwise no check mark
sty carrier ; store DCD status
pla ; restore interrupt status
; ** new nmi routine
; USRADD $312-313: 0c1b usr(0) address
; CINV $314-315: cd9c main IRQ
; CBINV $316-317: fe66 [default]
; NMINV $318-319: 088a NMI routine
; this gets executed when Restore is tapped
; IBSOUT $326-327: cd83
; FIXME: a) can we chain this to CINV?
; b) change cinv instead of nminv
inc $0400 ; just to see that we got here
pha ; push .a
pha ; push .x
pha ; push .y
lda slStatus
; Now prevent any more NMIs from the ACIA
ldx #{%:00000011} ; disable all interrupts, bring RTS inactive, and
; leave DTR active (0)
stx slCommand ; send to ACIA-- code at end of interrupt handler
; will re-enable interrupts
sta errors ; this is really a copy of slStatus to be gotten again
and #{%:00010000} ; mask out transmit interrupt indicator
beq >@
jsr rsget ; receive characters
lda errors
and #{%:00001000} ; mask out receive interrupt indicator
beq slNmiExit
jsr rsout ; transmit characters
lda shcomm ; shadow of slCommand
sta slCommand
lda #xmitoff ; #$09: disable TxD IRQ
sta slCommand
tay ; pull .y
tax ; pull .x
pla ; pull .a
; this crashes?
; jmp $cd9c ; -> febc (pla...rti)
; jmp rstkey ; $fe56 causes warm start :(
jmp nofile ; $f701
stx xtmp
jsr findfn ; $f30f
bne nosuch
jsr devnum ; $f31f
ldx xtmp
lda $ba ; current device
cmp #2 ; rs232?
bne newchkin1
sta dfltn ; $99 - input device
jmp inable
jsr disabl
jsr oldchkin
jmp inable
stx xtmp
jsr findfn ; $f30f
bne nosuch
jsr devnum ; $f31f
ldx xtmp
lda $ba ; current device
cmp #2 ; rs232?
bne newchkout1
sta dflto ; $9a - default output device
jmp inable
jsr disabl
jsr oldchkout
jmp inable
lda dflto ; $9a - default output device
cmp #2
bne notmodem
jmp rsget
pla ;
jsr disabl
jsr oldgetin
jmp inable
; jsr disabl
; jsr oldchrout
; jmp inable
jsr disabl
jsr oldopen
jmp inable
jsr disabl
jsr oldclose
jmp inable
jsr disabl
jsr oldclrchn
jmp inable
jsr disabl
jsr oldchrin
jmp inable
; bit 4=1: use internal clock generator
byte {%:00010101} ; 0300
byte {%:00010110} ; 0600
byte {%:00010111} ; 1200
byte {%:00011000} ; 2400
byte {%:00011010} ; 4800
byte {%:00011100} ; 9600
byte {%:00011110} ;19200
byte {%:00011111} ;38400
; saves SwiftLink RxD/TxD IRQ status, DTR status
; "SHadow" register?
byte cmdRxOn ; initialize with RxD IRQ on, DTR low
; (to get init commands, I guess)
byte 0
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