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type Expression =
| Terminal of string
| NonTerminal of string
| Epsilon
| Sequence of Expression list
| Choice of Expression list
| ZeroOrMore of Expression
| OneOrMore of Expression
| Optional of Expression
| And of Expression
let printPeg expr =
let rec pegToString = function
| Terminal x -> "\"" + x + "\""
| NonTerminal x -> x
| Epsilon -> "<epsilon>"
| Sequence x -> pegToString >> List.reduce (fun a b -> a + " " + b) <| x
| Choice x -> pegToString >> List.reduce (fun a b -> a + " / " + b) <| x
| ZeroOrMore x -> pegToString x + "*"
| OneOrMore x -> pegToString x + "+"
| Optional x -> pegToString x + "?"
let rec pegToString expr =
let pegToStringParen = function
| Terminal _ | NonTerminal _ | Epsilon as x -> pegToString x
| x -> "(" + pegToString x + ")"
match expr with
| Terminal x -> "\"" + x + "\""
| NonTerminal x -> x
| Epsilon -> "<epsilon>"
| Sequence x -> pegToStringParen >> List.reduce (fun a b -> a + " " + b) <| x
type ParseResult =
| TerminalSymbol of string
| Production of ParseResult list
| EmptyMatch
| Unmatched
let parseExpression (grammar:Map<string,Expression>) start (input:string) =
let rec parse offset = function
| Terminal x ->
let e = offset + x.Length - 1
if e < input.Length && input.[offset..e] = x then (TerminalSymbol x, e + 1) else (Unmatched, offset)
| NonTerminal x -> parse offset grammar.[x]
| Epsilon -> if offset = input.Length then (EmptyMatch, offset) else (Unmatched, offset)
| Sequence x ->
let rec parseList lst off =
seq {
if List.isEmpty lst then ()
match parse off <| List.head lst with
| (Unmatched, _) as y -> yield y
| (y, z) -> yield (y, z)
yield! parseList (List.tail lst) z
| ZeroOrMore x ->
let rec parseList off =
seq {
match parse off x with
| (Unmatched, _) -> ()
| (y, z) -> yield (y, z)
yield! parseList z
let s = List.ofSeq <| parseList offset
if List.isEmpty s then (EmptyMatch, offset)
let g = Map.ofList [("bool", Choice [Terminal "true"; Terminal "false"]);
("paren", Sequence [Terminal "("; NonTerminal "expr"; Terminal ")"]);
("not", Sequence [Terminal "!"; NonTerminal "expr"]);
("atom", Choice [NonTerminal "bool"; NonTerminal "paren"; NonTerminal "not"]);
("and", Sequence [NonTerminal "atom"; Optional (Sequence [Terminal "&"; NonTerminal "and"])]);
("or", Sequence [NonTerminal "and"; Optional (Sequence [Terminal "|"; NonTerminal "or"])]);
("expr", NonTerminal "or");
("start", Sequence [NonTerminal "expr"; Epsilon])]
type ParseResult<'a> =
| Parsed of 'a
| TerminalSymbol of string
| Production of ParseResult<'a> list
| EmptyMatch
| Unmatched
type GrammarRule<'a>(prod:Expression, func:(string -> ParseResult<'a> -> ParseResult<'a>)) =
member this.Prod = prod
member this.Func = func
let parseExpression (grammar:Map<string,GrammarRule<'a>>) start (input:string) =