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Created October 7, 2014 02:52
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// Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
struct ApiResponse {
let success: Bool
let values: [[NSObject: AnyObject]]
class BaseModel: NSObject {
class func arrayFromApi<T: BaseModel>(response: ApiResponse, success: ([T] -> Void), failure: (NSError -> Void)) {
if response.success {
success( { T(values: $0) })
required init(values: [NSObject: AnyObject]) {
class SubModel: BaseModel {
dynamic var prop1: String!
override var description: String {
return "SubModel(prop1: \(prop1))"
let response = ApiResponse(success: true, values: [["prop1": "something"], ["prop1": "nothing"]])
SubModel.arrayFromApi(response, success: { (models: [SubModel]) in
}, failure: { error in
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