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Generate html documentation for the dhall prelude.
#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#!nix-shell -i bash -p bash -p lr -p pandoc
set -euo pipefail
preludeDir="${1:?dir please}"
# each file (except package.dhall) starts with a multiline-comment with markdown docstrings.
# {- maybe docstring
# docstring
# maybe docstring -}
parseDocstringForFile () {
local doc=$(sed -n \
-e '/^{-/,/-}$/ p' \
"$1" \
| sed -e '1s/^{-\s*//' \
| sed -e '$s/\s*-}$//')
if [ "$doc" = "" ]; then
printf 'WARNING: %s has no docstring\n' "$1" >&2
printf '%s' "$doc"
tmp=$(mktemp -d)
for file in $(lr -t "type = f" -s "$preludeDir" "$preludeDir"); do
# those are the export files
if [ "$(basename "$file")" = "package.dhall" ]; then
# printf '%s\n' "$tmp/$file"
echo "## $file"
parseDocstringForFile "$preludeDir/$file"
# TODO: build helper dhall executable that can print
# the type of expressions while caching all imports.
# (use dhall-flycheck code for that)
echo "### Type"
echo '```'
# don’t use the cache to preserve variable names
export XDG_CACHE_HOME=/var/empty
printf '(./%spackage.dhall).%s\n' "$preludeDir" "${file/\//.}" \
| dhall resolve \
| dhall type
echo '```'
echo "<hr>"
done | pandoc --standalone --to=html5
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<h2 id="booland">Bool/and</h2>
<p>The <code>and</code> function returns <code>False</code> if there are any <code>False</code> elements in the <code>List</code> and returns <code>True</code> otherwise</p>
<h3 id="type">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(xs : List Bool) → Bool</code></pre>
<h2 id="boolbuild">Bool/build</h2>
<p><code>build</code> is the inverse of <code>fold</code></p>
<h3 id="type-1">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(f : ∀(bool : Type) → ∀(true : bool) → ∀(false : bool) → bool) → Bool</code></pre>
<h2 id="booleven">Bool/even</h2>
<p>Returns <code>True</code> if there are an even number of <code>False</code> elements in the list and returns <code>False</code> otherwise.</p>
<p>This function is the <code>Monoid</code> for the <code>==</code> operation.</p>
<h3 id="type-2">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(xs : List Bool) → Bool</code></pre>
<h2 id="boolfold">Bool/fold</h2>
<p><code>fold</code> is essentially the same as <code>if</code>/<code>then</code>/else` except as a function</p>
<h3 id="type-3">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(b : Bool) → ∀(bool : Type) → ∀(true : bool) → ∀(false : bool) → bool</code></pre>
<h2 id="boolnot">Bool/not</h2>
<p>Flip the value of a <code>Bool</code></p>
<h3 id="type-4">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(b : Bool) → Bool</code></pre>
<h2 id="boolodd">Bool/odd</h2>
<p>Returns <code>True</code> if there are an odd number of <code>True</code> elements in the list and returns <code>False</code> otherwise.</p>
<p>This function is the <code>Monoid</code> for the <code>!=</code> operation.</p>
<h3 id="type-5">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(xs : List Bool) → Bool</code></pre>
<h2 id="boolor">Bool/or</h2>
<p>The <code>or</code> function returns <code>True</code> if there are any <code>True</code> elements in the <code>List</code> and returns <code>False</code> otherwise</p>
<h3 id="type-6">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(xs : List Bool) → Bool</code></pre>
<h2 id="boolshow">Bool/show</h2>
<p>Render a <code>Bool</code> as <code>Text</code> using the same representation as Dhall source code (i.e. beginning with a capital letter)</p>
<h3 id="type-7">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(b : Bool) → Text</code></pre>
<h2 id="doubleshow">Double/show</h2>
<p>Render a <code>Double</code> as <code>Text</code> using the same representation as Dhall source code (i.e. a decimal floating point number with a leading <code>-</code> sign if negative)</p>
<h3 id="type-8">Type</h3>
<pre><code>Double → Text</code></pre>
<h2 id="functioncompose">Function/compose</h2>
<p>Compose two functions into one.</p>
<h3 id="type-9">Type</h3>
<pre><code> ∀(A : Type)
→ ∀(B : Type)
→ ∀(C : Type)
→ ∀(f : A → B)
→ ∀(g : B → C)
→ ∀(x : A)
→ C</code></pre>
<h2 id="integershow">Integer/show</h2>
<p>Render an <code>Integer</code> as <code>Text</code> using the same representation as Dhall source code (i.e. a decimal number with a leading <code>-</code> sign if negative and a leading <code>+</code> sign if non-negative)</p>
<h3 id="type-10">Type</h3>
<pre><code>Integer → Text</code></pre>
<h2 id="integertodouble">Integer/toDouble</h2>
<p>Convert an <code>Integer</code> to the corresponding <code>Double</code></p>
<h3 id="type-11">Type</h3>
<pre><code>Integer → Double</code></pre>
<h2 id="jsonnesting">JSON/Nesting</h2>
<p>This type is used as part of <code>dhall-json</code>’s support for preserving alternative names</p>
<p>For example, this Dhall code:</p>
<pre><code>let Example = &lt; Left : { foo : Natural } | Right : { bar : Bool } &gt;
let Nesting = &lt; Inline | Nested : Text &gt;
in { field =
, nesting =
, contents =
Example.Left { foo = 2 }
<p>… generates this JSON:</p>
&quot;foo&quot;: 2,
&quot;name&quot;: &quot;Left&quot;
<h3 id="type-12">Type</h3>
<h2 id="jsontagged">JSON/Tagged</h2>
<p>This is a convenient type-level function when using <code>dhall-to-json</code>’s support for preserving alternative names</p>
<p>For example, this code:</p>
<pre><code>let map = ../List/map
let Provisioner =
&lt; shell :
{ inline : List Text }
| file :
{ source : Text, destination : Text }
let Tagged = ./Tagged
let Nesting = ./Nesting
let wrap
: Provisioner → Tagged Provisioner
= λ(x : Provisioner)
→ { field = &quot;type&quot;, nesting = Nesting.Nested &quot;params&quot;, contents = x }
in { provisioners =
(Tagged Provisioner)
[ { inline = [ &quot;echo foo&quot; ] }
, Provisioner.file
{ source = &quot;app.tar.gz&quot;, destination = &quot;/tmp/app.tar.gz&quot; }
<p>… produces this JSON:</p>
&quot;provisioners&quot;: [
&quot;params&quot;: {
&quot;inline&quot;: [
&quot;echo foo&quot;
&quot;type&quot;: &quot;shell&quot;
&quot;params&quot;: {
&quot;destination&quot;: &quot;/tmp/app.tar.gz&quot;,
&quot;source&quot;: &quot;app.tar.gz&quot;
&quot;type&quot;: &quot;file&quot;
<h3 id="type-13">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → Type</code></pre>
<h2 id="jsontype">JSON/Type</h2>
<p>Dhall encoding of an arbitrary JSON value</p>
<p>For example, the following JSON value:</p>
<pre><code>[ { &quot;foo&quot;: null, &quot;bar&quot;: [ 1.0, true ] } ]</code></pre>
<p>… corresponds to the following Dhall expression:</p>
<pre><code> λ(JSON : Type)
→ λ ( json
: { array :
, bool :
Bool → JSON
, null :
, number :
Double → JSON
, object :
List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : JSON } → JSON
, string :
Text → JSON
→ json.object
[ { mapKey = &quot;foo&quot;, mapValue = json.null }
, { mapKey =
, mapValue =
json.array [ json.number 1.0, json.bool True ]
<p>You do not need to create these values directly, though. You can use the utilities exported by <code>./package.dhall</code> to create values of this type, such as:</p>
<pre><code>let JSON = ./package.dhall
in JSON.object
[ { mapKey = &quot;foo&quot;, mapValue = JSON.null }
, { mapKey =
, mapValue =
JSON.array [ JSON.number 1.0, JSON.bool True ]
<h3 id="type-14">Type</h3>
<h2 id="jsonarray">JSON/array</h2>
<p>Create a JSON array from a <code>List</code> of JSON values</p>
<pre><code>let JSON = ./package.dhall
in JSON.render (JSON.array [ JSON.number 1.0, JSON.bool True ])
= &quot;[ 1.0, true ]&quot;
let JSON/Type = ./Type
let JSON = ./package.dhall
in JSON.render (JSON.array ([] : List JSON/Type))
= &quot;[ ]&quot;</code></pre>
<h3 id="type-15">Type</h3>
<pre><code> ∀ ( x
: List
( ∀(JSON : Type)
→ ∀ ( json
: { array : List JSON → JSON
, bool : Bool → JSON
, null : JSON
, number : Double → JSON
, object : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : JSON } → JSON
, string : Text → JSON
→ ∀(JSON : Type)
→ ∀ ( json
: { array : List JSON → JSON
, bool : Bool → JSON
, null : JSON
, number : Double → JSON
, object : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : JSON } → JSON
, string : Text → JSON
→ JSON</code></pre>
<h2 id="jsonbool">JSON/bool</h2>
<p>Create a JSON bool from a Dhall <code>Bool</code></p>
<pre><code>let JSON = ./package.dhall
in JSON.render (JSON.bool True)
= &quot;true&quot;
let JSON = ./package.dhall
in JSON.render (JSON.bool False)
= &quot;false&quot;</code></pre>
<h3 id="type-16">Type</h3>
<pre><code> ∀(x : Bool)
→ ∀(JSON : Type)
→ ∀ ( json
: { array : List JSON → JSON
, bool : Bool → JSON
, null : JSON
, number : Double → JSON
, object : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : JSON } → JSON
, string : Text → JSON
→ JSON</code></pre>
<h2 id="jsonkeytext">JSON/keyText</h2>
<p>Builds a key-value record such that a List of them will be converted to a homogeneous record by dhall-to-json and dhall-to-yaml.</p>
<p>Both key and value are fixed to Text. Take a look at <code>Record/keyValue</code> for a polymorphic version.</p>
<h3 id="type-17">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(key : Text) → ∀(value : Text) → { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Text }</code></pre>
<h2 id="jsonkeyvalue">JSON/keyValue</h2>
<p>Builds a key-value record such that a List of them will be converted to a homogeneous record by dhall-to-json and dhall-to-yaml.</p>
<h3 id="type-18">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(v : Type) → ∀(key : Text) → ∀(value : v) → { mapKey : Text, mapValue : v }</code></pre>
<h2 id="jsonnull">JSON/null</h2>
<p>Create a JSON null</p>
<pre><code>let JSON = ./package.dhall
in JSON.render JSON.null
= &quot;null&quot;</code></pre>
<h3 id="type-19">Type</h3>
<pre><code> ∀(JSON : Type)
→ ∀ ( json
: { array : List JSON → JSON
, bool : Bool → JSON
, null : JSON
, number : Double → JSON
, object : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : JSON } → JSON
, string : Text → JSON
→ JSON</code></pre>
<h2 id="jsonnumber">JSON/number</h2>
<p>Create a JSON number from a Dhall <code>Double</code></p>
<pre><code>let JSON = ./package.dhall
in JSON.render (JSON.number 42.0)
= &quot;42.0&quot;
let JSON = ./package.dhall
in JSON.render (JSON.number -1.5e-10)
= &quot;-1.5e-10&quot;</code></pre>
<h3 id="type-20">Type</h3>
<pre><code> ∀(x : Double)
→ ∀(JSON : Type)
→ ∀ ( json
: { array : List JSON → JSON
, bool : Bool → JSON
, null : JSON
, number : Double → JSON
, object : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : JSON } → JSON
, string : Text → JSON
→ JSON</code></pre>
<h2 id="jsonobject">JSON/object</h2>
<p>Create a JSON object from a Dhall <code>Map</code></p>
<pre><code>let JSON = ./package.dhall
in JSON.render
( JSON.object
[ { mapKey = &quot;foo&quot;, mapValue = JSON.number 1.0 }
, { mapKey = &quot;bar&quot;, mapValue = JSON.bool True }
= &quot;{ \&quot;foo\&quot;: 1.0, \&quot;bar\&quot;: true }&quot;
let JSON/Type = ./Type
let JSON = ./package.dhall
in JSON.render
(JSON.object ([] : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : JSON/Type }))
= &quot;{ }&quot;</code></pre>
<h3 id="type-21">Type</h3>
<pre><code> ∀ ( x
: List
{ mapKey : Text
, mapValue :
∀(JSON : Type)
→ ∀ ( json
: { array : List JSON → JSON
, bool : Bool → JSON
, null : JSON
, number : Double → JSON
, object : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : JSON } → JSON
, string : Text → JSON
→ ∀(JSON : Type)
→ ∀ ( json
: { array : List JSON → JSON
, bool : Bool → JSON
, null : JSON
, number : Double → JSON
, object : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : JSON } → JSON
, string : Text → JSON
→ JSON</code></pre>
<h2 id="jsonrender">JSON/render</h2>
<p>Render a <code>JSON</code> value as <code>Text</code></p>
<p>This is useful for debugging <code>JSON</code> values or for tests. For anything more sophisticated you should use <code>dhall-to-json</code> or <code>dhall-to-yaml</code></p>
<pre><code>let JSON = ./package.dhall
in JSON.render
( JSON.array
[ JSON.bool True
, JSON.string &quot;Hello&quot;
, JSON.object
[ { mapKey = &quot;foo&quot;, mapValue = JSON.null }
, { mapKey = &quot;bar&quot;, mapValue = JSON.number 1.0 }
= &quot;[ true, \&quot;Hello\&quot;, { \&quot;foo\&quot;: null, \&quot;bar\&quot;: 1.0 } ]&quot;</code></pre>
<h3 id="type-22">Type</h3>
<pre><code> ∀ ( j
: ∀(JSON : Type)
→ ∀ ( json
: { array : List JSON → JSON
, bool : Bool → JSON
, null : JSON
, number : Double → JSON
, object : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : JSON } → JSON
, string : Text → JSON
→ Text</code></pre>
<h2 id="jsonstring">JSON/string</h2>
<p>Create a JSON string from Dhall <code>Text</code></p>
<pre><code>let JSON = ./package.dhall
in JSON.render (JSON.string &quot;ABC $ \&quot; 🙂&quot;)
= &quot;\&quot;ABC \\u0024 \\\&quot; 🙂\&quot;&quot;
let JSON = ./package.dhall
in JSON.render (JSON.string &quot;&quot;)
= &quot;\&quot;\&quot;&quot;</code></pre>
<h3 id="type-23">Type</h3>
<pre><code> ∀(x : Text)
→ ∀(JSON : Type)
→ ∀ ( json
: { array : List JSON → JSON
, bool : Bool → JSON
, null : JSON
, number : Double → JSON
, object : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : JSON } → JSON
, string : Text → JSON
→ JSON</code></pre>
<h2 id="listall">List/all</h2>
<p>Returns <code>True</code> if the supplied function returns <code>True</code> for all elements in the <code>List</code></p>
<h3 id="type-24">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → ∀(f : a → Bool) → ∀(xs : List a) → Bool</code></pre>
<h2 id="listany">List/any</h2>
<p>Returns <code>True</code> if the supplied function returns <code>True</code> for any element in the <code>List</code></p>
<h3 id="type-25">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → ∀(f : a → Bool) → ∀(xs : List a) → Bool</code></pre>
<h2 id="listbuild">List/build</h2>
<p><code>build</code> is the inverse of <code>fold</code></p>
<h3 id="type-26">Type</h3>
<pre><code> ∀(a : Type)
→ (∀(list : Type) → ∀(cons : a → list → list) → ∀(nil : list) → list)
→ List a</code></pre>
<h2 id="listconcat">List/concat</h2>
<p>Concatenate a <code>List</code> of <code>List</code>s into a single <code>List</code></p>
<h3 id="type-27">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → ∀(xss : List (List a)) → List a</code></pre>
<h2 id="listconcatmap">List/concatMap</h2>
<p>Transform a list by applying a function to each element and flattening the results</p>
<h3 id="type-28">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → ∀(b : Type) → ∀(f : a → List b) → ∀(xs : List a) → List b</code></pre>
<h2 id="listfilter">List/filter</h2>
<p>Only keep elements of the list where the supplied function returns <code>True</code></p>
<h3 id="type-29">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → ∀(f : a → Bool) → ∀(xs : List a) → List a</code></pre>
<h2 id="listfold">List/fold</h2>
<p><code>fold</code> is the primitive function for consuming <code>List</code>s</p>
<p>If you treat the list <code>[ x, y, z ]</code> as <code>cons x (cons y (cons z nil))</code>, then a <code>fold</code> just replaces each <code>cons</code> and <code>nil</code> with something else</p>
<h3 id="type-30">Type</h3>
<pre><code> ∀(a : Type)
→ List a
→ ∀(list : Type)
→ ∀(cons : a → list → list)
→ ∀(nil : list)
→ list</code></pre>
<h2 id="listgenerate">List/generate</h2>
<p>Build a list by calling the supplied function on all <code>Natural</code> numbers from <code>0</code> up to but not including the supplied <code>Natural</code> number</p>
<h3 id="type-31">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(n : Natural) → ∀(a : Type) → ∀(f : Natural → a) → List a</code></pre>
<h2 id="listhead">List/head</h2>
<p>Retrieve the first element of the list</p>
<h3 id="type-32">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → List a → Optional a</code></pre>
<h2 id="listindexed">List/indexed</h2>
<p>Tag each element of the list with its index</p>
<h3 id="type-33">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → List a → List { index : Natural, value : a }</code></pre>
<h2 id="listiterate">List/iterate</h2>
<p>Generate a list of the specified length given a seed value and transition function</p>
<h3 id="type-34">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(n : Natural) → ∀(a : Type) → ∀(f : a → a) → ∀(x : a) → List a</code></pre>
<h2 id="listlast">List/last</h2>
<p>Retrieve the last element of the list</p>
<h3 id="type-35">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → List a → Optional a</code></pre>
<h2 id="listlength">List/length</h2>
<p>Returns the number of elements in a list</p>
<h3 id="type-36">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → List a → Natural</code></pre>
<h2 id="listmap">List/map</h2>
<p>Transform a list by applying a function to each element</p>
<h3 id="type-37">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → ∀(b : Type) → ∀(f : a → b) → ∀(xs : List a) → List b</code></pre>
<h2 id="listnull">List/null</h2>
<p>Returns <code>True</code> if the <code>List</code> is empty and <code>False</code> otherwise</p>
<h3 id="type-38">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → ∀(xs : List a) → Bool</code></pre>
<h2 id="listreplicate">List/replicate</h2>
<p>Build a list by copying the given element the specified number of times</p>
<h3 id="type-39">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(n : Natural) → ∀(a : Type) → ∀(x : a) → List a</code></pre>
<h2 id="listreverse">List/reverse</h2>
<p>Reverse a list</p>
<h3 id="type-40">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → List a → List a</code></pre>
<h2 id="listshifted">List/shifted</h2>
<p>Combine a <code>List</code> of <code>List</code>s, offsetting the <code>index</code> of each element by the number of elements in preceding lists</p>
<h3 id="type-41">Type</h3>
<pre><code> ∀(a : Type)
→ ∀(kvss : List (List { index : Natural, value : a }))
→ List { index : Natural, value : a }</code></pre>
<h2 id="listunzip">List/unzip</h2>
<p>Unzip a <code>List</code> into two separate <code>List</code>s</p>
<h3 id="type-42">Type</h3>
<pre><code> ∀(a : Type)
→ ∀(b : Type)
→ ∀(xs : List { _1 : a, _2 : b })
→ { _1 : List a, _2 : List b }</code></pre>
<h2 id="locationtype">Location/Type</h2>
<p>This is the union type returned when you import something <code>as Location</code></p>
<h3 id="type-43">Type</h3>
<h2 id="mapentry">Map/Entry</h2>
<p>The type of each key-value pair in a <code>Map</code></p>
<h3 id="type-44">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(k : Type) → ∀(v : Type) → Type</code></pre>
<h2 id="maptype">Map/Type</h2>
<p>This is the canonical way to encode a dynamic list of key-value pairs.</p>
<p>Tools (such as <code>dhall-to-json</code>/<code>dhall-to-yaml</code> will recognize values of this type and convert them to maps/dictionaries/hashes in the target language</p>
<p>For example, <code>dhall-to-json</code> converts a Dhall value like this:</p>
<pre><code>[ { mapKey = &quot;foo&quot;, mapValue = 1 }
, { mapKey = &quot;bar&quot;, mapValue = 2 }
] : ./Map Text Natural</code></pre>
<p>… to a JSON value like this:</p>
<pre><code>{ &quot;foo&quot;: 1, &quot;bar&quot;, 2 }</code></pre>
<h3 id="type-45">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(k : Type) → ∀(v : Type) → Type</code></pre>
<h2 id="mapkeys">Map/keys</h2>
<p>Get all of the keys of a <code>Map</code> as a <code>List</code></p>
<h3 id="type-46">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(k : Type) → ∀(v : Type) → ∀(xs : List { mapKey : k, mapValue : v }) → List k</code></pre>
<h2 id="mapmap">Map/map</h2>
<p>Transform a <code>Map</code> by applying a function to each value</p>
<h3 id="type-47">Type</h3>
<pre><code> ∀(k : Type)
→ ∀(a : Type)
→ ∀(b : Type)
→ ∀(f : a → b)
→ ∀(m : List { mapKey : k, mapValue : a })
→ List { mapKey : k, mapValue : b }</code></pre>
<h2 id="mapvalues">Map/values</h2>
<p>Get all of the values of a <code>Map</code> as a <code>List</code></p>
<h3 id="type-48">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(k : Type) → ∀(v : Type) → ∀(xs : List { mapKey : k, mapValue : v }) → List v</code></pre>
<h2 id="monoid">Monoid</h2>
<p>Any function <code>f</code> that is a <code>Monoid</code> must satisfy the following law:</p>
<pre><code>t : Type
f : ./Monoid t
xs : List (List t)
f (./List/concat t xs) = f (./map (List t) t f xs)</code></pre>
: ./Monoid Bool
: ./Monoid Bool
: ./Monoid Bool
: ./Monoid Bool
: ∀(a : Type) → ./Monoid (List a)
: ∀(a : Type) → ./Monoid (List { index : Natural, value : a })
: ./Monoid Natural
: ./Monoid Natural
: ∀(a : Type) → ./Monoid (Optional a)
: ∀(a : Type) → ./Monoid (Optional a)
: ./Monoid Text</code></pre>
<h3 id="type-49">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(m : Type) → Type</code></pre>
<h2 id="naturalbuild">Natural/build</h2>
<p><code>build</code> is the inverse of <code>fold</code></p>
<h3 id="type-50">Type</h3>
<pre><code> ( ∀(natural : Type)
→ ∀(succ : natural → natural)
→ ∀(zero : natural)
→ natural
→ Natural</code></pre>
<h2 id="naturalenumerate">Natural/enumerate</h2>
<p>Generate a list of numbers from <code>0</code> up to but not including the specified number</p>
<h3 id="type-51">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(n : Natural) → List Natural</code></pre>
<h2 id="naturalequal">Natural/equal</h2>
<p><code>equal</code> checks if two Naturals are equal.</p>
<h3 id="type-52">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Natural) → ∀(b : Natural) → Bool</code></pre>
<h2 id="naturaleven">Natural/even</h2>
<p>Returns <code>True</code> if a number if even and returns <code>False</code> otherwise</p>
<h3 id="type-53">Type</h3>
<pre><code>Natural → Bool</code></pre>
<h2 id="naturalfold">Natural/fold</h2>
<p><code>fold</code> is the primitive function for consuming <code>Natural</code> numbers</p>
<p>If you treat the number <code>3</code> as <code>succ (succ (succ zero))</code> then a <code>fold</code> just replaces each <code>succ</code> and <code>zero</code> with something else</p>
<h3 id="type-54">Type</h3>
<pre><code> Natural
→ ∀(natural : Type)
→ ∀(succ : natural → natural)
→ ∀(zero : natural)
→ natural</code></pre>
<h2 id="naturalgreaterthan">Natural/greaterThan</h2>
<p><code>greaterThan</code> checks if one Natural is strictly greater than another.</p>
<h3 id="type-55">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(x : Natural) → ∀(y : Natural) → Bool</code></pre>
<h2 id="naturalgreaterthanequal">Natural/greaterThanEqual</h2>
<p><code>greaterThanEqual</code> checks if one Natural is greater than or equal to another.</p>
<h3 id="type-56">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(x : Natural) → ∀(y : Natural) → Bool</code></pre>
<h2 id="naturaliszero">Natural/isZero</h2>
<p>Returns <code>True</code> if a number is <code>0</code> and returns <code>False</code> otherwise</p>
<h3 id="type-57">Type</h3>
<pre><code>Natural → Bool</code></pre>
<h2 id="naturallessthan">Natural/lessThan</h2>
<p><code>lessThan</code> checks if one Natural is strictly less than another.</p>
<h3 id="type-58">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(x : Natural) → ∀(y : Natural) → Bool</code></pre>
<h2 id="naturallessthanequal">Natural/lessThanEqual</h2>
<p><code>lessThanEqual</code> checks if one Natural is less than or equal to another.</p>
<h3 id="type-59">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(x : Natural) → ∀(y : Natural) → Bool</code></pre>
<h2 id="naturalodd">Natural/odd</h2>
<p>Returns <code>True</code> if a number is odd and returns <code>False</code> otherwise</p>
<h3 id="type-60">Type</h3>
<pre><code>Natural → Bool</code></pre>
<h2 id="naturalproduct">Natural/product</h2>
<p>Multiply all the numbers in a <code>List</code></p>
<h3 id="type-61">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(xs : List Natural) → Natural</code></pre>
<h2 id="naturalshow">Natural/show</h2>
<p>Render a <code>Natural</code> number as <code>Text</code> using the same representation as Dhall source code (i.e. a decimal number)</p>
<h3 id="type-62">Type</h3>
<pre><code>Natural → Text</code></pre>
<h2 id="naturalsubtract">Natural/subtract</h2>
<p><code>subtract m n</code> computes <code>n - m</code>, truncating to <code>0</code> if <code>m &gt; n</code></p>
<h3 id="type-63">Type</h3>
<pre><code>Natural → Natural → Natural</code></pre>
<h2 id="naturalsum">Natural/sum</h2>
<p>Add all the numbers in a <code>List</code></p>
<h3 id="type-64">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(xs : List Natural) → Natural</code></pre>
<h2 id="naturaltodouble">Natural/toDouble</h2>
<p>Convert a <code>Natural</code> number to the corresponding <code>Double</code></p>
<h3 id="type-65">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(n : Natural) → Double</code></pre>
<h2 id="naturaltointeger">Natural/toInteger</h2>
<p>Convert a <code>Natural</code> number to the corresponding <code>Integer</code></p>
<h3 id="type-66">Type</h3>
<pre><code>Natural → Integer</code></pre>
<h2 id="optionalall">Optional/all</h2>
<p>Returns <code>False</code> if the supplied function returns <code>False</code> for a present element and <code>True</code> otherwise:</p>
<h3 id="type-67">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → ∀(f : a → Bool) → ∀(xs : Optional a) → Bool</code></pre>
<h2 id="optionalany">Optional/any</h2>
<p>Returns <code>True</code> if the supplied function returns <code>True</code> for a present element and <code>False</code> otherwise</p>
<h3 id="type-68">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → ∀(f : a → Bool) → ∀(xs : Optional a) → Bool</code></pre>
<h2 id="optionalbuild">Optional/build</h2>
<p><code>build</code> is the inverse of <code>fold</code></p>
<h3 id="type-69">Type</h3>
<pre><code> ∀(a : Type)
→ ( ∀(optional : Type)
→ ∀(just : a → optional)
→ ∀(nothing : optional)
→ optional
→ Optional a</code></pre>
<h2 id="optionalconcat">Optional/concat</h2>
<p>Flatten two <code>Optional</code> layers into a single <code>Optional</code> layer</p>
<h3 id="type-70">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → ∀(x : Optional (Optional a)) → Optional a</code></pre>
<h2 id="optionalfilter">Optional/filter</h2>
<p>Only keep an <code>Optional</code> element if the supplied function returns <code>True</code></p>
<h3 id="type-71">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → ∀(f : a → Bool) → ∀(xs : Optional a) → Optional a</code></pre>
<h2 id="optionalfold">Optional/fold</h2>
<p><code>fold</code> is the primitive function for consuming <code>Optional</code> values</p>
<h3 id="type-72">Type</h3>
<pre><code> ∀(a : Type)
→ Optional a
→ ∀(optional : Type)
→ ∀(just : a → optional)
→ ∀(nothing : optional)
→ optional</code></pre>
<h2 id="optionalhead">Optional/head</h2>
<p>Returns the first non-empty <code>Optional</code> value in a <code>List</code></p>
<h3 id="type-73">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → ∀(xs : List (Optional a)) → Optional a</code></pre>
<h2 id="optionallast">Optional/last</h2>
<p>Returns the last non-empty <code>Optional</code> value in a <code>List</code></p>
<h3 id="type-74">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → ∀(xs : List (Optional a)) → Optional a</code></pre>
<h2 id="optionallength">Optional/length</h2>
<p>Returns <code>1</code> if the <code>Optional</code> value is present and <code>0</code> if the value is absent</p>
<h3 id="type-75">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → ∀(xs : Optional a) → Natural</code></pre>
<h2 id="optionalmap">Optional/map</h2>
<p>Transform an <code>Optional</code> value with a function</p>
<h3 id="type-76">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → ∀(b : Type) → ∀(f : a → b) → ∀(o : Optional a) → Optional b</code></pre>
<h2 id="optionalnull">Optional/null</h2>
<p>Returns <code>True</code> if the <code>Optional</code> value is absent and <code>False</code> if present</p>
<h3 id="type-77">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → ∀(xs : Optional a) → Bool</code></pre>
<h2 id="optionaltolist">Optional/toList</h2>
<p>Convert an <code>Optional</code> value into the equivalent <code>List</code></p>
<h3 id="type-78">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → ∀(o : Optional a) → List a</code></pre>
<h2 id="optionalunzip">Optional/unzip</h2>
<p>Unzip an <code>Optional</code> value into two separate <code>Optional</code> values</p>
<h3 id="type-79">Type</h3>
<pre><code> ∀(a : Type)
→ ∀(b : Type)
→ ∀(xs : Optional { _1 : a, _2 : b })
→ { _1 : Optional a, _2 : Optional b }</code></pre>
<h2 id="textconcat">Text/concat</h2>
<p>Concatenate all the <code>Text</code> values in a <code>List</code></p>
<h3 id="type-80">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(xs : List Text) → Text</code></pre>
<h2 id="textconcatmap">Text/concatMap</h2>
<p>Transform each value in a <code>List</code> into <code>Text</code> and concatenate the result</p>
<h3 id="type-81">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → ∀(f : a → Text) → ∀(xs : List a) → Text</code></pre>
<h2 id="textconcatmapsep">Text/concatMapSep</h2>
<p>Transform each value in a <code>List</code> to <code>Text</code> and then concatenate them with a separator in between each value</p>
<h3 id="type-82">Type</h3>
<pre><code> ∀(separator : Text)
→ ∀(a : Type)
→ ∀(f : a → Text)
→ ∀(elements : List a)
→ Text</code></pre>
<h2 id="textconcatsep">Text/concatSep</h2>
<p>Concatenate a <code>List</code> of <code>Text</code> values with a separator in between each value</p>
<h3 id="type-83">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(separator : Text) → ∀(elements : List Text) → Text</code></pre>
<h2 id="textdefault">Text/default</h2>
<p>Unwrap an <code>Optional</code> <code>Text</code> value, defaulting <code>None</code> to <code>""</code></p>
<h3 id="type-84">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(o : Optional Text) → Text</code></pre>
<h2 id="textdefaultmap">Text/defaultMap</h2>
<p>Transform the value in an <code>Optional</code> into <code>Text</code>, defaulting <code>None</code> to <code>""</code></p>
<h3 id="type-85">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(a : Type) → ∀(f : a → Text) → ∀(o : Optional a) → Text</code></pre>
<h2 id="textshow">Text/show</h2>
<p>Render a <code>Text</code> literal as its own representation as Dhall source code (i.e. a double-quoted string literal)</p>
<h3 id="type-86">Type</h3>
<pre><code>Text → Text</code></pre>
<h2 id="xmltype">XML/Type</h2>
<p>Dhall encoding of an arbitrary XML element</p>
<p>For example, the following XML element:</p>
<pre><code>&lt;foo n=&quot;1&quot;&gt;&lt;bar&gt;baz&lt;/bar&gt;&lt;/foo&gt;</code></pre>
<p>… corresponds to the following Dhall expression:</p>
<pre><code>λ(XML : Type)
→ λ ( xml
: { text :
Text → XML
, element :
{ attributes :
List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Text }
, content :
List XML
, name :
→ xml.element
{ attributes =
[ { mapKey = &quot;n&quot;, mapValue = &quot;1&quot; } ]
, content =
[ xml.element
{ attributes =
[] : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Text }
, content =
[ xml.text &quot;baz&quot; ]
, name =
, name =
<h3 id="type-87">Type</h3>
<h2 id="xmlattribute">XML/attribute</h2>
<p>Builds a key-value record with a Text key and value. -}</p>
<p>let attribute : Text → Text → { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Text } = λ(key : Text) → λ(value : Text) → { mapKey = key, mapValue = value }</p>
<p>in attribute</p>
<h3 id="type-88">Type</h3>
<pre><code>∀(key : Text) → ∀(value : Text) → { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Text }</code></pre>
<h2 id="xmlelement">XML/element</h2>
<p>Create an XML element value.</p>
<pre><code>let XML = ./package.dhall
in XML.render
( XML.element
{ name = &quot;foo&quot;
, attributes = XML.emptyAttributes
, content =
[ XML.leaf { name = &quot;bar&quot;, attributes = [ XML.attribute &quot;n&quot; &quot;1&quot; ] }
, XML.leaf { name = &quot;baz&quot;, attributes = [ XML.attribute &quot;n&quot; &quot;2&quot; ] }
= &quot;&lt;foo&gt;&lt;bar n=\&quot;1\&quot;/&gt;&lt;baz n=\&quot;2\&quot;/&gt;&lt;/foo&gt;&quot;</code></pre>
<h3 id="type-89">Type</h3>
<pre><code> ∀ ( elem
: { attributes : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Text }
, content :
( ∀(XML : Type)
→ ∀ ( xml
: { element :
{ attributes : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Text }
, content : List XML
, name : Text
, text : Text → XML
, name : Text
→ ∀(XML : Type)
→ ∀ ( xml
: { element :
{ attributes : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Text }
, content : List XML
, name : Text
, text : Text → XML
→ XML</code></pre>
<h2 id="xmlemptyattributes">XML/emptyAttributes</h2>
<p>Create an empty XML attribute List. -}</p>
<p>[] : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Text }</p>
<h3 id="type-90">Type</h3>
<pre><code>List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Text }</code></pre>
<h2 id="xmlleaf">XML/leaf</h2>
<p>Create an XML element value without child elements.</p>
<pre><code>let XML = ./package.dhall
in XML.render (XML.leaf { name = &quot;foobar&quot;, attributes = XML.emptyAttributes })
= &quot;&lt;foobar/&gt;&quot;</code></pre>
<h3 id="type-91">Type</h3>
<pre><code> ∀ ( elem
: { attributes : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Text }, name : Text }
→ ∀(XML : Type)
→ ∀ ( xml
: { element :
{ attributes : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Text }
, content : List XML
, name : Text
, text : Text → XML
→ XML</code></pre>
<h2 id="xmlrender">XML/render</h2>
<p>Render an <code>XML</code> value as <code>Text</code></p>
<p><em>WARNING:</em> rendering does not include any XML injection mitigations, therefore it should not be used to process arbitrary strings into element attributes or element data.</p>
<p>For indentation and schema validation, see the <code>xmllint</code> utility bundled with libxml2.</p>
<pre><code>let XML = ./package.dhall
in XML.render
( XML.node
{ name = &quot;foo&quot;
, attributes = [ XML.attribute &quot;a&quot; &quot;x&quot;, XML.attribute &quot;b&quot; (Natural/show 2) ]
, content = [ XML.leaf { name = &quot;bar&quot;, attributes = XML.emptyAttributes } ]
= &quot;&lt;foo a=\&quot;x\&quot; b=\&quot;2\&quot;&gt;&lt;bar/&gt;&lt;/foo&gt;&quot;</code></pre>
<h3 id="type-92">Type</h3>
<pre><code> ∀ ( x
: ∀(XML : Type)
→ ∀ ( xml
: { element :
{ attributes : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Text }
, content : List XML
, name : Text
, text : Text → XML
→ Text</code></pre>
<h2 id="xmltext">XML/text</h2>
<p>Create a Text value to be inserted into an XML element as content.</p>
<pre><code>let XML = ./package.dhall
in XML.render
( XML.node
{ name = &quot;location&quot;
, attributes = XML.emptyAttributes
, content = [ XML.text &quot;/foo/bar&quot; ]
= &quot;&lt;location&gt;/foo/bar&lt;/location&gt;&quot;</code></pre>
<h3 id="type-93">Type</h3>
<pre><code> ∀(d : Text)
→ ∀(XML : Type)
→ ∀ ( xml
: { element :
{ attributes : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Text }
, content : List XML
, name : Text
, text : Text → XML
→ XML</code></pre>
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