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Created November 18, 2019 17:14
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Build purescript packages from spacchetthi definitions
{ pkgs ? import ./nixpkgs.nix {} }:
with pkgs.lib;
dhallFiles = ../src;
# convert dhall packages set to a nix file
spacchettiNix = pkgs.runCommand "spacchetti.nix" {} ''
${pkgs.dhall-nix}/bin/dhall-to-nix \
<<< "${dhallFiles}/packages.dhall" \
> $out
# convert dhall package set to a json file
spacchettiJson = pkgs.runCommand "spacchetti.json" {} ''
${pkgs.dhall-json}/bin/dhall-to-json \
<<< "${dhallFiles}/packages.dhall" \
> $out
# import said nix files
spacchetti = import spacchettiNix;
# make all references to `"dependency"` a reference to `self.dependency`
# instead, where `self` is the version of the packageset with all dependencies
# already resolving correctly.
# gitHashes: this is a temporary hack;
# an attrset of all package’s git hashes as output by nix-prefetch-git,
# indexed by package name.
# buildPackage: a function:
# { name: String
# , version: String
# , dependencies: List a
# , src: Drv }
# -> a
# if you insert Drv for a, you get out a set of derivations.
# In FP-lingo, this is an algebra; the whole thing is a manual catamorphism.
transformedSpacchetti = gitHashes: buildPackage:
fix (self:
let depStringToSymbol = str:
# nix allows you to reference attributes of an attrset by string name.
# So we are able to map the strings to actual symbols.
pkgToDerivation = name: pkg: pkgs.fetchgit {
url = pkg.repo;
# TODO: hashes should exist in pkg already
sha256 = gitHashes.${name};
convertPkg = name: pkg: buildPackage {
inherit name;
inherit (pkg) version;
dependencies = map depStringToSymbol pkg.dependencies;
src = pkgToDerivation name pkg;
in mapAttrs convertPkg spacchetti
buildPscPackageSet =
# Create a package set that can be used from psc-package
# by linking it to `.psc-package/$name` in the project folder
# and setting the `"set"` field in `psc-package.json` to $name.
# TODO: use execline linkfarm
pscPackageSet = srcDeps: pkgs.runCommand "spacchetti" {} ''
# this is the package list psc-package references
mkdir -p $out/.set
ln -s '${spacchettiJson}' $out/.set/packages.json
# now we link in all packages
${concatStringsSep "\n"
( # TODO: escaping?
mapAttrsToList (name: {version, src}: ''
mkdir -p "$out/${name}"
ln -s '${src}' "$out/${name}/${version}"
'') SrcDeps)}
# `buildPackage` function that compiles a set of purescript pakages.
# The result is a set of package names to
# { src # source code of the package
# , compiled # compiled output of the package
# , transitiveSrc # list of the sources
# # of all transitive dependencies
# , transitiveCompiled # list of the compiled outputs
# # of all transitive dependencies
# }
compileAll = {name, version, src, dependencies}:
mergeByName = builtins.foldl' mergeAttrs {};
# We (abuse?) the fact, that each packages has a unique name
# to collect all transitive dependencies.
transitiveSrc = mergeByName
([{ ${name} = src; }] ++ (map (d: d.transitiveSrc) dependencies));
transitiveCompiled = mergeByName
(map (d: d.transitiveCompiled) dependencies);
compiled = pkgs.runCommand "${name}-${version}" {} ''
mkdir $out
# TODO: should be able to give these inputs to purs directly
${# this is the cache of all dependencies already compiled
# so we don’t have to rebuild them
concatStringsSep "\n"
(mapAttrsToList (_: compiled: ''ln -s "${compiled}"/* $out'')
# we disable parallel compilation by setting the purescript
# runtime to -N1 so it only runs on one thread. nix already
# parallelizes the builds for us. This leads to a speedup of
# ~100% for compiling big package sets.
${pkgs.purescript}/bin/purs compile \
+RTS -N1 -RTS \
--output $out \
${# purs needs the source code of all transitive dependencies;
# already includes our own
concatStringsSep "\\\n "
(mapAttrsToList (_: src: "'${src}/src/**/*.purs'")
# TODO: hack to remove the other compiled modules again;
# everything that is a symlink was added by us above
for dir in $out/*; do
test -L "$dir" && rm "$dir" || true
in {
inherit src compiled transitiveSrc;
transitiveCompiled = transitiveCompiled // { ${name} = compiled; };
# we use the fact that spacchetti must already list
# all needed packages at the top level to link a flat
# dependency structure.
# ignoreDeps = pkg: removeAttrs pkg [ "name" "dependencies" ];
packages =
# TODO: pass sha.json explicitely
(builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ../git-sha.json))
# ignoreDeps;
# in linkDeps packages;
in mapAttrs (_: p: p.compiled) packages;
in buildPscPackageSet
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