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Created April 10, 2013 00:30
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possible import fix.
* PageLines Option
* Uses controls to find and retrieve the appropriate option value
* @package PageLines Framework
* @since ...
* @link
* @param 'key' the id of the option
* @param array $args
* @uses is_pagelines_special
* @uses plspecial
* @uses plmeta
* @uses pldefault
* @uses get_ploption
* @uses plnewkey
* @return bool|mixed
function ploption( $key, $args = array() ){
$d = array(
'subkey' => null, // Used as option key in special handling
'post_id' => null, // Used for page/page/panel control
'setting' => null, // Different types of serialized settings
'clone_id' => null,
'type' => '', // used for special meta tabs
'translate' => false,
'key' => $key
$o = wp_parse_args($args, $d);
if ( has_filter( "ploption_{$key}" ) )
return apply_filters( "ploption_{$key}", $key, $o );
if(is_pagelines_special($o) && plspecial($key, $o))
return pagelines_magic_parse( plspecial($key, $o), $o );
elseif( isset( $o['post_id'] ) && plmeta( $key, $args ) )
return pagelines_magic_parse( plmeta( $key, $o ), $o );
elseif( pldefault( $key, $o ) )
return pldefault( $key, $o );
elseif( get_ploption($key, $o) )
return pagelines_magic_parse( get_ploption( $key, $o ), $o );
elseif( get_ploption($key, $o) === null )
if ( $newkey = plnewkey( $key ) )
return $newkey;
return false;
* Locates a meta option if it exists
* @param string $key the key of the option
function plmeta( $key, $args ){
$d = array(
'subkey' => null,
'post_id' => null,
'setting' => null,
'clone_id' => null,
$o = wp_parse_args($args, $d);
// Deal with cloning options
if( isset($args['clone_id']) && $args['clone_id'] != 1 )
$id_key = $key.'_'.$args['clone_id'];
$id_key = $key;
// Deal w/ default checkbox/boolean stuff
// If default is set, return if reversed
if( isset($o['post_id']) && !empty($o['post_id']) ) {
$default_value = get_post_meta($o['post_id'], $id_key, true);
$reverse = ( pldefault($key, $args, 'val') ) ? get_post_meta($o['post_id'], $key.'_reverse', true) : false;
if( (bool) $default_value && (bool) $reverse)
return false;
return $default_value;
} else
return false;
* @TODO do
function plspecial($key, $args){
global $pagelines_special_meta;
// Type of page is needed for special handling
// Use the argument 'type' if available because of settings panels, etc.
if(isset($args['type']) && $args['type'] != '')
$type = $args['type'];
$type = PageLinesTemplate::page_type_breaker();
if( isset($args['clone_id']) && $args['clone_id'] != 1 )
$id_key = $key.'_'.$args['clone_id'];
$id_key = $key;
if(isset($pagelines_special_meta[$type]) && is_array($pagelines_special_meta[$type]) && isset($pagelines_special_meta[$type][$id_key]))
return $pagelines_special_meta[$type][$id_key];
return false;
* Grab from global defaults panel
* @param 'key' the id of the option
function pldefault( $key, $args = array(), $mode = '') {
global $pagelines_special_meta;
$sp = $pagelines_special_meta;
$slug = 'default';
$reverse_key = $key.'_reverse';
$default_value = ( isset( $sp[$slug] ) && is_array( $sp[$slug] ) && isset( $sp[$slug][$key] ) ) ? $sp[$slug][$key] : false;
// check if on default option is reversed by meta
$reverse_value = ( $mode != 'val' && (plmeta($reverse_key, $args) || plspecial( $reverse_key, $args )) ) ? true : false;
if( !$reverse_value )
return $default_value;
return false;
* Attempt to set default value if not found with ploption()
* @param 'key' the id of the option
function plnewkey( $key ) {
if ( !is_admin() )
return false;
$settings = get_option_array();
foreach ($settings as $group)
foreach($group as $name => $setting)
if ($name == $key && isset( $setting['default'] ) ) {
plupop( $key, $setting['default'] );
return $setting['default'];
return false;
* @TODO do
function plupop($key, $val, $oset = array()){
$d = array(
'parent' => null,
'subkey' => null,
$o = wp_parse_args($oset, $d);
$the_set = get_option($o['setting']);
$new = array( $key => $val );
$parent = ( isset($o['parent']) ) ? $o['parent'] : null;
$child_option = ( isset($parent) && isset($the_set[$parent]) && is_array($the_set[$parent]) ) ? true : false;
$parse_set = ( $child_option ) ? $the_set[ $parent ] : $the_set;
$new_set = wp_parse_args($new, $parse_set);
$the_set[ $parent ] = $new_set;
$the_set = $new_set;
update_option( $o['setting'], $the_set );
* @TODO do
function get_ploption( $key, $args = array() ){
$d = array(
'subkey' => null,
'post_id' => null,
'setting' => null,
'clone_id' => null,
'special' => null
$o = wp_parse_args($args, $d);
// get setting
$setting = ( isset($o['setting']) && !empty($o['setting'])) ? $o['setting'] : PAGELINES_SETTINGS;
if(!isset($setting) || $setting == PAGELINES_SETTINGS){
global $global_pagelines_settings;
if( is_array($global_pagelines_settings) && isset($global_pagelines_settings[$key]) )
return $global_pagelines_settings[$key];
return false;
} elseif ( isset($setting) ){
$setting_options = get_option($setting);
if( isset($o['subkey']) ){
if(isset($setting_options[$key]) && is_array($setting_options[$key]) && isset($setting_options[$key][$o['subkey']]))
return $setting_options[$key][$o['subkey']];
return false;
}elseif( isset($setting_options[$key]) )
return $setting_options[$key];
return false;
} else
return false;
* Parse the ploption strings.
function pagelines_magic_parse( $string, $o ) {
* wpml check.
if ( true == $o['translate'] ) {
if( ! function_exists('icl_register_string') )
return $string;
$key = sprintf( '%s_%s_%s_%s', $o['group'], $o['key'], $o['post_id'], $o['clone_id'] );
$group = sprintf( 'pagelines_%s', $o['group'] );
icl_register_string( $group, $key, $string);
return icl_t( $group, $key, $string );
* Always return original string if all else fails.
return $string;
* @TODO do
function plname($key, $a = array()){
$set = (!isset($a['setting']) || empty($a['setting']) || $a['setting'] == PAGELINES_SETTINGS) ? PAGELINES_SETTINGS : $a['setting'];
$subkey = (isset($a['subkey'])) ? $a['subkey'] : false;
$grandkey = (isset($a['subkey']) && is_array($a['subkey']) && isset($a['subkey']['grandkey'])) ? $a['subkey']['grandkey'] : false;
if( $grandkey )
$output = $set . '['.$key.']['.$subkey.']['.$grandkey.']';
elseif( $subkey )
$output = $set . '['.$key.']['.$subkey.']';
$output = $set .'['.$key.']';
return $output;
* @TODO do
function plid($key, $a){
$set = (!isset($a['setting']) || empty($a['setting']) || $a['setting'] == PAGELINES_SETTINGS) ? PAGELINES_SETTINGS : $a['setting'];
$subkey = (isset($a['subkey'])) ? $a['subkey'] : false;
$grandkey = (isset($a['subkey']) && is_array($a['subkey']) && isset($a['subkey']['grandkey'])) ? $a['subkey']['grandkey'] : false;
$clone_id = (isset($a['clone_id']) && $a['clone_id'] != 1) ? '_'.$a['clone_id'] : '';
if( $grandkey )
$output = array($set, $key, $subkey, $grandkey);
elseif( $subkey )
$output = array($set, $key, $subkey);
$output = array($set, $key);
return join('_', $output) . $clone_id;
* @TODO do
function pl_um($key, $args = null){
$d = array(
'user_id' => null
$o = wp_parse_args($args, $d);
} else {
$o['user_id'] = $args;
return get_user_meta( $o['user_id'], $key, true );
* Get the option, if its not set, set it.
* @todo make usable with different settings types.
function pl_getset_option($key, $default = false) {
global $global_pagelines_settings;
if( is_array($global_pagelines_settings) && isset($global_pagelines_settings[$key]) )
return $global_pagelines_settings[$key];
plupop( $key, $default );
return $default;
* Sets up option name for saving of option settings
function pagelines_option_name( $oid, $sub_oid = null, $grand_oid = null, $setting = PAGELINES_SETTINGS){
echo get_pagelines_option_name( $oid, $sub_oid, $grand_oid, $setting );
* @TODO do
function get_pagelines_option_name( $oid, $sub_oid = null, $grand_oid = null, $setting = PAGELINES_SETTINGS ){
$set = (!isset($setting) || $setting == PAGELINES_SETTINGS) ? PAGELINES_SETTINGS : $setting;
if( isset($grand_oid) )
$name = $set . '['.$oid.']' . '['.$sub_oid.']' . '['.$grand_oid.']';
elseif( isset($sub_oid) )
$name = $set . '['.$oid.']' . '['.$sub_oid.']';
$name = $set .'['.$oid.']';
return $name;
* @TODO do
function meta_option_name( $array, $hidden = true ){
$prefix = ($hidden) ? '_' : '';
return $prefix.join('_', $array);
* @TODO do
function pagelines_option_id( $oid, $sub_oid = null, $grand_oid = null, $namespace = 'pagelines'){
echo get_pagelines_option_id($oid, $sub_oid, $grand_oid, $namespace);
* @TODO do
function get_pagelines_option_id( $oid, $sub_oid = null, $grand_oid = null, $namespace = 'pagelines'){
$nm = (!isset($namespace) || $namespace == 'pagelines') ? 'pagelines' : $namespace;
if( isset($grand_oid) )
$a = array($nm, $oid, $sub_oid, $grand_oid);
elseif( isset($sub_oid) )
$a = array($nm, $oid, $sub_oid);
$a = array($nm, $oid);
return join('_', $a);
* Sanitize user input
function pagelines_settings_callback( $input ) {
// We whitelist some of the settings, these need to have html/js/css.
$whitelist = array( 'excerpt_tags', 'headerscripts', 'footerscripts', 'asynch_analytics', 'typekit_script', 'footer_terms', 'footer_more' );
// We run through the $input array, if it is not in the whitelist we run it through the wp filters.
foreach ($input as $name => $value){
if ( !is_array( $value ) && !in_array( $name, apply_filters( 'pagelines_settings_whitelist', $whitelist ) ) )
if ( 'customcss' == $name)
$input[$name] = wp_strip_all_tags( $value, false );
$input[$name] = wp_filter_nohtml_kses( $value );
// Return our safe $input array.
return $input;
* These functions pull options/settings
* from the options database.
function get_pagelines_option($key, $setting = null, $default = null) {
// get setting
$setting = $setting ? $setting : PAGELINES_SETTINGS;
if(!isset($setting) || $setting == PAGELINES_SETTINGS){
global $global_pagelines_settings;
if( is_array($global_pagelines_settings) && isset($global_pagelines_settings[$key]) )
return $global_pagelines_settings[$key];
if ( $default ) {
plupop( $key, $default );
return $default;
return false;
* @TODO do
function pagelines_option( $key, $post_id = null, $setting = null){
if(isset($post_id) && get_post_meta($post_id, $key, true))
return get_post_meta($post_id, $key, true); //if option is set for a page/post
elseif( get_pagelines_option($key, $setting) )
return get_pagelines_option($key, $setting);
return false;
* @TODO do
function pagelines_sub_option( $key, $subkey, $post_id = '', $setting = null){
$primary_option = pagelines_option($key, $post_id, $setting);
if(is_array($primary_option) && isset($primary_option[$subkey]))
return $primary_option[$subkey];
return false;
// Need to keep until the forums are redone, or don't check for it.
* @TODO do
function pagelines( $key, $post_id = null, $setting = null ){
return pagelines_option($key, $post_id, $setting);
* @TODO do
function e_pagelines($key, $alt = null, $post_id = null, $setting = null){
print_pagelines_option( $key, $alt, $post_id, $setting);
* @TODO do
function pagelines_pro($key, $post_id = null, $setting = null){
return pagelines_option($key, $post_id, $setting);
return false;
* @TODO do
function print_pagelines_option($key, $alt = null, $post_id = null, $setting = null) {
echo load_pagelines_option($key, $alt, $post_id, $setting);
* @TODO do
function load_pagelines_option($key, $alt = null, $post_id = null, $setting = null) {
if($post_id && get_post_meta($post_id, $key, true) && !is_home()){
//if option is set for a page/post
return get_post_meta($post_id, $key, true);
}elseif(pagelines_option($key, $post_id, $setting)){
return pagelines_option($key, $post_id, $setting);
return $alt;
* @TODO do
function pagelines_update_option($optionid, $optionval){
$theme_options = get_option(PAGELINES_SETTINGS);
$new_options = array(
$optionid => $optionval
$settings = wp_parse_args($new_options, $theme_options);
update_option(PAGELINES_SETTINGS, $settings);
* @TODO do
function get_pagelines_meta($option, $post){
$meta = get_post_meta($post, $option, true);
return $meta;
return false;
/* Deprecated in favor of get_pagelines_meta */
function m_pagelines($option, $post){
return get_pagelines_meta($option, $post);
* @TODO document
function em_pagelines($option, $post, $alt = ''){
$post_meta = m_pagelines($option, $post);
echo $post_meta;
echo $alt;
* Used as a filter on the master option array generated for settings
* @param $optionarray the master option array
* @return rebuilt $optionsarray with addon options if plugin is active.
* @since 2.0
function pagelines_merge_addon_options( $optionarray ) {
$options = get_option( 'pagelines_addons_options' );
$plugins = pagelines_register_plugins();
if ( is_array( $options ) ) {
$build_options = array();
foreach( $options as $optionname => $option )
if ( in_array( $optionname, $plugins ) ) $build_options[$optionname] = $option;
return array_merge( $optionarray, $build_options );
} else
return $optionarray;
* Used to register and handle new plugin options
* Use with register_activation_hook()
* @since 2.0
function pagelines_register_addon_options( $addon_name, $addon_options ) {
$addon_saved_options = get_option( 'pagelines_addons_options' );
if ( !is_array( $addon_saved_options ) ) $addon_saved_options = array();
if ( !isset($addon_saved_options[$addon_name] ) ) {
$addon_saved_options[$addon_name] = $addon_options;
update_option( 'pagelines_addons_options', $addon_saved_options );
* Used to remove options when addons are deleted.
* Use with register_deactivation_hook()
* @since 2.0
function pagelines_remove_addon_options( $addon_name ) {
$options = get_option( 'pagelines_addons_options' );
if (is_array($options) && isset( $options[$addon_name] ) ) {
update_option( 'pagelines_addons_options', $options );
* This function registers the default values for pagelines theme settings
function pagelines_settings_defaults() {
$default_options = array();
foreach(get_option_array( true ) as $menuitem => $options ){
foreach($options as $oid => $o ){
if( isset( $o['type'] ) && 'layout' == $o['type'] ){
$dlayout = new PageLinesLayout;
$default_options['layout'] = $dlayout->default_layout_setup();
}elseif( pagelines_is_multi_option($oid, $o) ){
foreach($o['selectvalues'] as $multi_optionid => $multi_o)
if(isset($multi_o['default'])) $default_options[$multi_optionid] = $multi_o['default'];
if(!VPRO && isset($o['version_set_default']) && $o['version_set_default'] == 'pro')
$default_options[$oid] = null;
elseif(!VPRO && isset($o['default_free']))
$default_options[$oid] = $o['default_free'];
$default_options[$oid] = $o['default'];
return apply_filters('pagelines_settings_defaults', $default_options);
* @TODO do
function pagelines_process_reset_options( $option_array = null ) {
if(isset($_POST['pl_reset_settings']) && current_user_can('edit_themes')){
do_action( 'extend_flush' );
if(isset($_POST['the_pl_setting']) && !isset($_POST['reset_callback']))
update_option($_POST['the_pl_setting'], array());
call_user_func( $_POST['reset_callback'] );
$option_array = (isset($option_array)) ? $option_array : get_option_array();
foreach($option_array as $menuitem => $options ){
foreach($options as $oid => $o ){
if( isset( $o['type'] ) && $o['type'] == 'reset' && ploption($oid) ){
// Set the 'reset' option back to not set !important
pagelines_update_option($oid, null);
wp_redirect( admin_url( PL_SETTINGS_URL.'&reset=true&opt_id='.$oid ) );
* @TODO do
function pagelines_is_multi_option( $oid, $o ){
if ( ! isset( $o['type'] ) )
return false;
if( $o['type'] == 'text_multi'
|| $o['type'] == 'check_multi'
|| $o['type'] == 'color_multi'
|| $o['type'] == 'image_upload_multi'
|| $o['type'] == 'multi_option'
return true;
} else
return false;
* @TODO do
function pagelines_is_boolean_option($oid, $o){
$o['type'] == 'check'
|| $o['type'] == 'check_multi'
return true;
} else
return false;
* @TODO do
function pagelines_import_export(){
if ( isset( $_POST['form_submitted']) && $_POST['form_submitted'] == 'export_settings_form' ) {
$pagelines_settings = ( array ) get_option(PAGELINES_SETTINGS);
$pagelines_template_map = ( array ) get_option( PAGELINES_TEMPLATE_MAP );
$pagelines_templates = ( array ) get_option( PAGELINES_TEMPLATES );
$pagelines_special = ( array ) get_option( PAGELINES_SPECIAL );
$options['pagelines_templates'] = $pagelines_templates;
$options['pagelines_template_map'] = $pagelines_template_map;
$options['pagelines_settings'] = $pagelines_settings;
$options['pagelines_special'] = $pagelines_special;
if ( isset($options) && is_array( $options) ) {
header('Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate');
header('Pragma: hack');
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
header( 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . PL_THEMENAME . '-Settings-' . date('Ymd') . '.dat"' );
echo json_encode( $options );
if ( isset($_POST['form_submitted']) && $_POST['form_submitted'] == 'import_settings_form') {
if (strpos($_FILES['file']['name'], 'Settings') === false && strpos($_FILES['file']['name'], 'settings') === false){
wp_redirect( admin_url(PL_IMPORT_EXPORT_URL.'&pageaction=import&error=wrongfile') );
} elseif ($_FILES['file']['error'] > 0){
$error_type = $_FILES['file']['error'];
wp_redirect( admin_url(PL_IMPORT_EXPORT_URL.'&pageaction=import&error=file&'.$error_type) );
} else {
$raw_options = pl_file_get_contents( $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'] );
$all_options = json_decode(json_encode(json_decode($raw_options)), true);
if ( !isset( $_POST['pagelines_layout'] ) && is_array( $all_options) && isset( $all_options['pagelines_settings'] ) && is_array( $all_options['pagelines_settings'] ) )
unset( $all_options['pagelines_settings']['layout'] );
if ( isset( $_POST['pagelines_settings'] ) && is_array( $all_options) && isset( $all_options['pagelines_settings'] ) && is_array( $all_options['pagelines_settings'] ) ) {
update_option( PAGELINES_SETTINGS, array_merge( get_option( PAGELINES_SETTINGS ), $all_options['pagelines_settings'] ) );
$done = 1;
if ( isset( $_POST['pagelines_special'] ) && is_array( $all_options) && isset( $all_options['pagelines_special'] ) && is_array( $all_options['pagelines_special'] ) ) {
$special = ( array ) get_option( PAGELINES_SPECIAL );
update_option( PAGELINES_SPECIAL, array_merge( $special, $all_options['pagelines_special'] ) );
$done = 1;
if ( isset( $_POST['pagelines_templates'] ) && is_array( $all_options) && isset( $all_options['pagelines_template_map'] ) && is_array( $all_options['pagelines_template_map'] ) ) {
$template_map = ( array ) get_option( PAGELINES_TEMPLATE_MAP );
$template_settings = ( array ) get_option( PAGELINES_TEMPLATES );
$template_settings_new = ( isset( $all_options['pagelines_templates'] ) && is_array( $all_options['pagelines_templates'] ) ) ? $all_options['pagelines_templates'] : array();
$template_map_new = ( isset( $all_options['pagelines_template_map'] ) && is_array( $all_options['pagelines_template_map'] ) ) ? $all_options['pagelines_template_map'] : array();
update_option( PAGELINES_TEMPLATE_MAP, array_merge( $template_map, $template_map_new ) );
update_option( PAGELINES_TEMPLATES, array_merge( $template_settings, $template_settings_new ) );
$done = 1;
if (function_exists('wp_cache_clean_cache')) {
global $file_prefix;
if ( isset($done) ) {
wp_redirect( admin_url( PL_IMPORT_EXPORT_URL.'&pageaction=import&imported=true' ) );
} else {
wp_redirect( admin_url( PL_IMPORT_EXPORT_URL.'&pageaction=import&error=wrongfile') );
* Set user/pass using md5()
function set_pagelines_credentials( $user, $pass ) {
if ( !empty( $user ) && !empty( $pass ) )
update_option( 'pagelines_extend_creds', array( 'user' => $user, 'pass' => md5( $pass ) ) );
* Add persistant licence info
function update_pagelines_licence( $licence ) {
$creds = get_option( 'pagelines_extend_creds' );
$creds['licence'] = $licence;
update_option( 'pagelines_extend_creds', $creds );
* Get username or password
function get_pagelines_credentials( $t ) {
$creds = get_option( 'pagelines_extend_creds', array( 'user' => '', 'pass' => '' ) );
switch( $t ) {
case 'user':
return ( isset( $creds['user'] ) ) ? $creds['user'] : null;
case 'pass':
return ( isset( $creds['pass'] ) ) ? $creds['pass'] : false;
case 'licence':
return ( isset( $creds['licence'] ) ) ? $creds['licence'] : 'not logged in';
* Check updates status including errors and licence information.
function pagelines_check_credentials( $type = 'setup' ) {
if ( ! is_array( $data = get_transient( EXTEND_UPDATE ) ) )
return false;
switch( $type ) {
case 'setup':
if ( isset( $data['credentials'] ) && $data['credentials'] === 'true' )
return true;
return false;
case 'licence':
if ( isset( $data['licence'] ) )
return $data['licence'];
case 'error':
if ( isset( $data['api_error'] ) )
return $data['api_error'];
case 'ssl':
if ( isset( $data['ssl'] ) )
return true;
case 'echo':
return $data;
case 'plus':
if ( isset( $data['plus'] ) )
return $data['plus'];
case 'message':
if ( isset( $data['message'] ) )
return $data['message'];
case 'vchat':
if ( isset( $data['chat_url'] ) )
return $data['chat_url'];
return false;
* Set runtime licence types
if ( !defined( 'VDEV') )
define( 'VDEV', ( get_pagelines_credentials( 'licence' ) === 'dev' ) ? true : false );
if( !defined( 'VPRO' ) )
define( 'VPRO', ( get_pagelines_credentials( 'licence' ) === 'pro' || get_pagelines_credentials( 'licence' ) === 'dev' ) ? true : false );
if ( !defined( 'VPLUS' ) )
define( 'VPLUS', ( pagelines_check_credentials( 'plus' ) ) ? true : false );
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