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Created August 3, 2016 16:42
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* MODIFIED BY PAGELINES... Look for commented code.
* Had to add ID identifiers to the mirrors so section updates work correctly
* parallax.js v1.4.2 (
* @copyright 2016 PixelCog, Inc.
* @license MIT (
;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) {
// Polyfill for requestAnimationFrame
// via:
(function() {
var lastTime = 0;
var vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o'];
for(var x = 0; x < vendors.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++x) {
window.requestAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x]+'RequestAnimationFrame'];
window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x]+'CancelAnimationFrame']
|| window[vendors[x]+'CancelRequestAnimationFrame'];
if (!window.requestAnimationFrame)
window.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback) {
var currTime = new Date().getTime();
var timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime));
var id = window.setTimeout(function() { callback(currTime + timeToCall); },
lastTime = currTime + timeToCall;
return id;
if (!window.cancelAnimationFrame)
window.cancelAnimationFrame = function(id) {
// Parallax Constructor
function Parallax(element, options) {
var self = this;
if (typeof options == 'object') {
delete options.refresh;
delete options.render;
$.extend(this, options);
this.$element = $(element);
if (!this.imageSrc && this.$'img')) {
this.imageSrc = this.$element.attr('src');
var positions = (this.position + '').toLowerCase().match(/\S+/g) || [];
if (positions.length < 1) {
if (positions.length == 1) {
if (positions[0] == 'top' || positions[0] == 'bottom' || positions[1] == 'left' || positions[1] == 'right') {
positions = [positions[1], positions[0]];
if (this.positionX != undefined) positions[0] = this.positionX.toLowerCase();
if (this.positionY != undefined) positions[1] = this.positionY.toLowerCase();
self.positionX = positions[0];
self.positionY = positions[1];
if (this.positionX != 'left' && this.positionX != 'right') {
if (isNaN(parseInt(this.positionX))) {
this.positionX = 'center';
} else {
this.positionX = parseInt(this.positionX);
if (this.positionY != 'top' && this.positionY != 'bottom') {
if (isNaN(parseInt(this.positionY))) {
this.positionY = 'center';
} else {
this.positionY = parseInt(this.positionY);
this.position =
this.positionX + (isNaN(this.positionX)? '' : 'px') + ' ' +
this.positionY + (isNaN(this.positionY)? '' : 'px');
// if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad)/)) {
// if (this.imageSrc && this.iosFix && !this.$'img')) {
// this.$element.css({
// backgroundImage: 'url(' + this.imageSrc + ')',
// backgroundSize: 'cover',
// backgroundPosition: this.position
// });
// }
// return this;
// }
// if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(Android)/)) {
// if (this.imageSrc && this.androidFix && !this.$'img')) {
// this.$element.css({
// backgroundImage: 'url(' + this.imageSrc + ')',
// backgroundSize: 'cover',
// backgroundPosition: this.position
// });
// }
// return this;
// }
this.$mirror = $('<div />').prependTo('body');
var slider = this.$element.find('>.parallax-slider');
var sliderExisted = false;
if (slider.length == 0)
this.$slider = $('<img />').prependTo(this.$mirror);
else {
this.$slider = slider.prependTo(this.$mirror)
sliderExisted = true;
/** PageLines Code */
this.clone = $(element).closest('.pl-sn').data('clone')
this.$mirror.attr('data-for', this.clone )
/** end PageLines Code */
visibility: 'hidden',
zIndex: this.zIndex,
position: 'fixed',
top: 0,
left: 0,
overflow: 'hidden'
this.$slider.addClass('parallax-slider').one('load', function() {
if (!self.naturalHeight || !self.naturalWidth) {
self.naturalHeight = this.naturalHeight || this.height || 1;
self.naturalWidth = this.naturalWidth || this.width || 1;
self.aspectRatio = self.naturalWidth / self.naturalHeight;
Parallax.isSetup || Parallax.setup();
Parallax.isFresh = false;
if (!sliderExisted)
this.$slider[0].src = this.imageSrc;
if (this.naturalHeight && this.naturalWidth || this.$slider[0].complete || slider.length > 0) {
// Parallax Instance Methods
$.extend(Parallax.prototype, {
speed: 0.2,
bleed: 1,
zIndex: -100,
iosFix: true,
androidFix: true,
position: 'center',
overScrollFix: true,
refresh: function() {
this.boxWidth = this.$element.outerWidth();
this.boxHeight = this.$element.outerHeight() + this.bleed * 2;
this.boxOffsetTop = this.$element.offset().top - this.bleed;
this.boxOffsetLeft = this.$element.offset().left;
this.boxOffsetBottom = this.boxOffsetTop + this.boxHeight;
var winHeight = Parallax.winHeight;
var docHeight = Parallax.docHeight;
var maxOffset = Math.min(this.boxOffsetTop, docHeight - winHeight);
var minOffset = Math.max(this.boxOffsetTop + this.boxHeight - winHeight, 0);
var imageHeightMin = this.boxHeight + (maxOffset - minOffset) * (1 - this.speed) | 0;
var imageOffsetMin = (this.boxOffsetTop - maxOffset) * (1 - this.speed) | 0;
if (imageHeightMin * this.aspectRatio >= this.boxWidth) {
this.imageWidth = imageHeightMin * this.aspectRatio | 0;
this.imageHeight = imageHeightMin;
this.offsetBaseTop = imageOffsetMin;
var margin = this.imageWidth - this.boxWidth;
if (this.positionX == 'left') {
this.offsetLeft = 0;
} else if (this.positionX == 'right') {
this.offsetLeft = - margin;
} else if (!isNaN(this.positionX)) {
this.offsetLeft = Math.max(this.positionX, - margin);
} else {
this.offsetLeft = - margin / 2 | 0;
} else {
this.imageWidth = this.boxWidth;
this.imageHeight = this.boxWidth / this.aspectRatio | 0;
this.offsetLeft = 0;
var margin = this.imageHeight - imageHeightMin;
if (this.positionY == 'top') {
this.offsetBaseTop = imageOffsetMin;
} else if (this.positionY == 'bottom') {
this.offsetBaseTop = imageOffsetMin - margin;
} else if (!isNaN(this.positionY)) {
this.offsetBaseTop = imageOffsetMin + Math.max(this.positionY, - margin);
} else {
this.offsetBaseTop = imageOffsetMin - margin / 2 | 0;
render: function() {
var scrollTop = Parallax.scrollTop;
var scrollLeft = Parallax.scrollLeft;
var overScroll = this.overScrollFix ? Parallax.overScroll : 0;
var scrollBottom = scrollTop + Parallax.winHeight;
if (this.boxOffsetBottom > scrollTop && this.boxOffsetTop <= scrollBottom) {
this.visibility = 'visible';
this.mirrorTop = this.boxOffsetTop - scrollTop;
this.mirrorLeft = this.boxOffsetLeft - scrollLeft;
this.offsetTop = this.offsetBaseTop - this.mirrorTop * (1 - this.speed);
} else {
this.visibility = 'hidden';
transform: 'translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)',
visibility: this.visibility,
top: this.mirrorTop - overScroll,
left: this.mirrorLeft,
height: this.boxHeight,
width: this.boxWidth
transform: 'translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)',
position: 'absolute',
top: this.offsetTop,
left: this.offsetLeft,
height: this.imageHeight,
width: this.imageWidth,
maxWidth: 'none'
// Parallax Static Methods
$.extend(Parallax, {
scrollTop: 0,
scrollLeft: 0,
winHeight: 0,
winWidth: 0,
docHeight: 1 << 30,
docWidth: 1 << 30,
sliders: [],
isReady: false,
isFresh: false,
isBusy: false,
setup: function() {
if (this.isReady) return;
var $doc = $(document), $win = $(window);
var loadDimensions = function() {
Parallax.winHeight = $win.height();
Parallax.winWidth = $win.width();
Parallax.docHeight = $doc.height();
Parallax.docWidth = $doc.width();
var loadScrollPosition = function() {
var winScrollTop = $win.scrollTop();
var scrollTopMax = Parallax.docHeight - Parallax.winHeight;
var scrollLeftMax = Parallax.docWidth - Parallax.winWidth;
Parallax.scrollTop = Math.max(0, Math.min(scrollTopMax, winScrollTop));
Parallax.scrollLeft = Math.max(0, Math.min(scrollLeftMax, $win.scrollLeft()));
Parallax.overScroll = Math.max(winScrollTop - scrollTopMax, Math.min(winScrollTop, 0));
$win.on('resize.px.parallax load.px.parallax', function() {
Parallax.isFresh = false;
.on('scroll.px.parallax load.px.parallax', function() {
this.isReady = true;
configure: function(options) {
if (typeof options == 'object') {
delete options.refresh;
delete options.render;
$.extend(this.prototype, options);
refresh: function() {
$.each(this.sliders, function(){ this.refresh() });
this.isFresh = true;
render: function() {
this.isFresh || this.refresh();
$.each(this.sliders, function(){ this.render() });
requestRender: function() {
var self = this;
if (!this.isBusy) {
this.isBusy = true;
window.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
self.isBusy = false;
destroy: function(el){
var i,
parallaxElement = $(el).data('px.parallax');
for(i=0; i < this.sliders.length; i+=1){
if(this.sliders[i] == parallaxElement){
this.sliders.splice(i, 1);
$(el).data('px.parallax', false);
if(this.sliders.length === 0){
$(window).off('scroll.px.parallax resize.px.parallax load.px.parallax');
this.isReady = false;
Parallax.isSetup = false;
// Parallax Plugin Definition
function Plugin(option) {
return this.each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
var options = typeof option == 'object' && option;
if (this == window || this == document || $'body')) {
else if (!$'px.parallax')) {
options = $.extend({}, $, options);
$'px.parallax', new Parallax(this, options));
else if (typeof option == 'object')
$.extend($'px.parallax'), options);
if (typeof option == 'string') {
if(option == 'destroy'){
var old = $.fn.parallax;
$.fn.parallax = Plugin;
$.fn.parallax.Constructor = Parallax;
// Parallax No Conflict
$.fn.parallax.noConflict = function () {
$.fn.parallax = old;
return this;
// Parallax Data-API
$(document).on('', function () {
}(jQuery, window, document));
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