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Pyrolistical / node.magic_dom.js
Created December 5, 2011 02:55
WIP of amix/node.magic_dom which passes jslint
var MagicDOM = {
createDOM: function (name, attrs) {
var i = 0,
var elm = new Element(name);
var first_attr = attrs[0];
if (MagicDOM._isDict(attrs[i])) {
var z;
for (z = 0; z < first_attr.length; j++) {
Pyrolistical / cpwd
Created December 26, 2011 01:35
contextural pwd - shows at most the grandparent of the current directory
nicepwd=`pwd | sed "s|$HOME|~|"`;
# count the number of slashes in pwd
slashes=`pwd | perl -pe 's/[^\/]//g' | wc -m`
if [ $slashes -le 2 ]; then
echo "$nicepwd";
Pyrolistical / bug.html
Created December 6, 2013 19:24
getBBox-rounded-rect bug
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="snap.svg.js"></script>
<svg id="main" xmlns="" version="1.1" height=100%>
Pyrolistical / functions.js
Last active December 28, 2017 04:10 — forked from RedBeard0531/functions.js
Mongo map reduce functions to calculate sum, min, max, count, average, population variance, sample variance, population standard deviation, sample standard deviation Public Domain License
function map() {
emit(1, {
sum: this.value, // the field you want stats for
min: this.value,
max: this.value,
count: 1,
diff: 0
Pyrolistical / bug.groovy
Created January 31, 2014 19:47
Spock framework VerifyError: (class: BuggedTest, method: $spock_feature_0_0 signature: ()V) Stack size too large bug
import spock.lang.Specification
class BuggedTest extends Specification {
def thing = []
def "repo the bug"() {
#!/usr/bin/env bash
## maven-settings-decoder start up script for UN*X
# Add default JVM options here. You can also use JAVA_OPTS and MAVEN_SETTINGS_DECODER_OPTS to pass JVM options to this script.
Pyrolistical / hlight
Created November 28, 2014 00:57
highlights text from stdin
grep --color "$1\|\$" -
Pyrolistical / ts
Created November 28, 2014 00:59
timestamp each line from stdin
DATECMD='gdate +%s%N'
process_stdout() {
while read line; do
echo -e `$DATECMD`"\t$line"
Pyrolistical / .profile
Created December 24, 2014 01:19
best .profile
source `brew --prefix git`/etc/bash_completion.d/
source `brew --prefix git`/etc/bash_completion.d/git-completion.bash
export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home`
export MAVEN_HOME='/usr/local/opt/maven/libexec/'
export PATH="$ORIGINAL_PATH:/Users/rchen/dev/tools/bin"
Pyrolistical / less-nested.js
Created April 29, 2016 18:05
example how to reduce nesting
const getUserByEmail = (connection, userEmail) => {
const userPromise = connection
.queryAsync(‘SELECT `id` FROM `user` WHERE `email` = ?’, [
const permissionsPromise = userPromise
.then(R.unless(R.isNil, (user) => connection
.queryAsync(‘SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `permission` WHERE `user_id` = ?’, [