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Created October 19, 2014 08:36
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{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
Row/Column storage grid where each node is an 8x8 chunk of bytes.
module ByteGrid
( ByteGrid
, make
, readUnsafe
, readOrDefault
, readMaybe
, write
, modify
, fromFunction
) where
import Data.Word (Word8)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as M
import qualified Data.Primitive.ByteArray as B
import Control.Monad.ST.Safe (runST)
import Control.DeepSeq (deepseq,NFData(..))
data ByteGrid = ByteGrid
!Int -- Width
!Int -- Height
!(V.Vector (V.Vector B.ByteArray))
-- O(w*h)
-- {-# INLINE make #-}
make :: (Int,Int) -> Word8 -> ByteGrid
make (!w,!h) !def = ByteGrid w h vec
vec = runST $ do
mg <- B.newByteArray 64
B.fillByteArray mg 0 64 def
ig <- B.unsafeFreezeByteArray mg
return $ V.replicate (wd8 + 1) (V.replicate (hd8 + 1) ig)
wd8 = w `div` 8
hd8 = h `div` 8
-- O(1)
-- {-# INLINE readUnsafe #-}
readUnsafe :: ByteGrid -> (Int,Int) -> Word8
readUnsafe (ByteGrid !w !h !vec) (!x,!y) =
vec `V.unsafeIndex`
xd8 `V.unsafeIndex`
yd8 `B.indexByteArray` (ym8 * 8 + xm8)
xd8 = x `div` 8
yd8 = y `div` 8
xm8 = x `mod` 8
ym8 = y `mod` 8
-- O(1)
-- {-# INLINE readOrDefault #-}
readOrDefault :: ByteGrid -> Word8 -> (Int,Int) -> Word8
readOrDefault (ByteGrid !w !h !vec) !def (!x,!y) =
if x < w && y < h && x >= 0 && y >= 0
then vec `V.unsafeIndex`
xd8 `V.unsafeIndex`
yd8 `B.indexByteArray` (ym8 * 8 + xm8)
else def
xd8 = x `div` 8
yd8 = y `div` 8
xm8 = x `mod` 8
ym8 = y `mod` 8
-- O(1)
-- {-# INLINE readMaybe #-}
readMaybe :: ByteGrid -> (Int,Int) -> Maybe Word8
readMaybe (ByteGrid !w !h !vec) (!x,!y) =
if x < w && y < h && x >= 0 && y >= 0
then Just $ vec `V.unsafeIndex`
xd8 `V.unsafeIndex`
yd8 `B.indexByteArray` (ym8 * 8 + xm8)
else Nothing
xd8 = x `div` 8
yd8 = y `div` 8
xm8 = x `mod` 8
ym8 = y `mod` 8
-- O(w+h)
-- {-# INLINE write #-}
write :: ByteGrid -> (Int,Int) -> Word8 -> ByteGrid
write bg@(ByteGrid !w !h !vecX) (!x,!y) !val =
if x < w && y < h && x >= 0 && y >= 0
then ByteGrid w h vec
else bg
!vec = V.modify
(\vx -> M.unsafeWrite vx xd8 $ V.modify
(\vy -> M.unsafeWrite vy yd8 $ runST $ do
mg <- B.newByteArray 64
B.copyByteArray mg 0 ba 0 64
B.writeByteArray mg (ym8 * 8 + xm8) val
B.unsafeFreezeByteArray mg)
vecY = vecX V.! xd8
ba = vecY V.! yd8
xd8 = x `div` 8
yd8 = y `div` 8
xm8 = x `mod` 8
ym8 = y `mod` 8
-- O(w+h)
-- {-# INLINE modify #-}
modify :: ByteGrid -> (Int,Int) -> (Word8 -> Word8) -> ByteGrid
modify !bg@(ByteGrid !w !h !vecX) (!x,!y) !f =
if x < w && y < h && x >= 0 && y >= 0
then ByteGrid w h vec
else bg
!vec = V.modify
(\vx -> M.unsafeWrite vx xd8 $ V.modify
(\vy -> M.unsafeWrite vy yd8 $ runST $ do
mg <- B.newByteArray 64
B.copyByteArray mg 0 ba 0 64
B.writeByteArray mg (ym8 * 8 + xm8) (f $ readUnsafe bg (x,y))
B.unsafeFreezeByteArray mg)
vecY = vecX V.! xd8
ba = vecY V.! yd8
xd8 = x `div` 8
yd8 = y `div` 8
xm8 = x `mod` 8
ym8 = y `mod` 8
fromFunction :: (Int,Int) -> ((Int,Int) -> Word8) -> ByteGrid
fromFunction wh f = foldl (\g xy -> write g xy $ f xy)
(make wh 0)
[(x,y) | x <- [0..fst wh - 1], y <- [0..snd wh - 1]]
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