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Last active July 17, 2021 09:34
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Save RafPe/95ef838c51edb7ef43c4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Nlog logging with PowerShell
$dllBytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes( "C:\NLog.dll")
# Create object that we will use to send customized info
# This is to be used if you use ${event-context:item=MyValue} in your config !
$cos = new-object NLog.LogEventInfo
$cos.Level = [NLog.LogLevel]::Info
$cos.Message = 'executing something really cool'
# Load XML configuration and use it
$xmlConfig = New-Object NLog.Config.XmlLoggingConfiguration("\\pathToConfig\NLog.config")
[NLog.LogManager]::Configuration = $xmlConfig
# Create logger
$logger_psmodule = [NLog.LogManager]::GetLogger('')
# Create file target
$target = New-Object NLog.Targets.FileTarget
# Define layout
$target.Layout = 'timestamp=${longdate} host=${machinename} logger=${logger} loglevel=${level} messaage=${message}'
$target.FileName = 'D:\Tools\${date:format=yyyyMMdd}.log'
$target.KeepFileOpen = $false
# Init config
$config = new-object NLog.Config.LoggingConfiguration
# Add target
# Add rule for logging
$rule1 = New-Object NLog.Config.LoggingRule('*', [NLog.LogLevel]::Info,$target)
# Add rule for logging
$rule2 = New-Object NLog.Config.LoggingRule('*', [NLog.LogLevel]::Off,$target)
# Add rule for logging
$rule3 = New-Object NLog.Config.LoggingRule('*', [NLog.LogLevel]::Error,$target)
# Save config
[NLog.LogManager]::Configuration = $config
$logger = [NLog.LogManager]::GetLogger('')
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<nlog xmlns=""
<target name="csv" xsi:type="File" fileName="c:\\psaudit.${windows-identity:domain=False}-${shortdate}.csv">
<layout xsi:type="CSVLayout">
<column name="timestamp" layout="${longdate}" />
<column name="servername" layout="${machinename}" />
<column name="message" layout="${message}" />
<column name="logger" layout="${logger}"/>
<column name="level" layout="${level}"/>
<column name="username" layout="${windows-identity}"/>
<logger name="*" minlevel="Info" writeTo="csv" />
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