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Created October 26, 2017 12:31
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// License: GPL. For details, see LICENSE file.
package org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.tracer2;
import static;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.AddCommand;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.ChangeCommand;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.Command;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.DeleteCommand;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.MoveCommand;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.command.SequenceCommand;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MainApplication;
import org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.tracer2.preferences.ServerParam;
public final class ConnectWays {
private ConnectWays() {
// Hide default constructor for utilities classes
// CHECKSTYLE.OFF: SingleSpaceSeparator
static double s_dMinDistance = 0.000006; // Minimal distance, for objects
static double s_dMinDistanceN2N = 0.0000005; // Minimal distance, when nodes are merged
static double s_dMinDistanceN2oW = 0.000001; // Minimal distance, when node is connected to other way
static double s_dMinDistanceN2tW = 0.000001; // Minimal distance, when other node is connected this way
static final double MAX_ANGLE = 30; // Minimal angle, when other node is connected this way
// CHECKSTYLE.ON: SingleSpaceSeparator
static Way s_oWay;
static Way s_oWayOld;
static List<Way> s_oWays;
static List<Node> s_oNodes;
static ServerParam s_oParam;
static boolean s_bCtrl;
static boolean s_bAlt;
static boolean s_bAddNewWay;
private static void calcDistance() {
double dTileSize = Double.parseDouble(s_oParam.getTileSize());
double dResolution = Double.parseDouble(s_oParam.getResolution());
double dMin = dTileSize / dResolution;
s_dMinDistance = dMin * 30;
s_dMinDistanceN2N = dMin * 2.5;
s_dMinDistanceN2oW = dMin * 5;
s_dMinDistanceN2tW = dMin * 5;
private static void getWays(Way way) {
BBox bbox = new BBox(way);
bbox.addPrimitive(way, s_dMinDistance);
s_oWays = MainApplication.getLayerManager().getEditDataSet().searchWays(bbox);
private static List<Way> getWaysOfNode(Node node) {
List<Way> ways;
ways = OsmPrimitive.getFilteredList(node.getReferrers(), Way.class);
return ways;
private static void getNodes(Way way) {
BBox bbox = new BBox(way);
bbox.addPrimitive(way, s_dMinDistance);
s_oNodes = MainApplication.getLayerManager().getEditDataSet().searchNodes(bbox);
private static double calcAlpha(LatLon oP1, Node n) {
LatLon oP2 = n.getCoor();
double dAlpha = Math.atan((oP2.getY() - oP1.getY()) / (oP2.getX() - oP1.getX())) * 180 / Math.PI + (oP1.getX() > oP2.getX() ? 180 : 0);
return checkAlpha(dAlpha);
private static Double checkAlpha(Double dAlpha) {
if (dAlpha > 180) {
return dAlpha - 360;
if (dAlpha <= -180) {
return dAlpha + 360;
return dAlpha;
private static boolean isNodeInsideWay(LatLon pos, Way way) {
List<Node> listNode = way.getNodes();
double dAlpha;
double dAlphaOld = calcAlpha(pos, listNode.get(listNode.size()-1));
double dSumAlpha = 0;
for (Node n : listNode) {
dAlpha = calcAlpha(pos, n);
dSumAlpha += checkAlpha(dAlpha - dAlphaOld);
dAlphaOld = dAlpha;
dSumAlpha = Math.abs(dSumAlpha);
return dSumAlpha > 359 && dSumAlpha < 361;
private static Way getOldWay(LatLon pos) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < s_oWays.size(); i++) {
Way way = s_oWays.get(i);
if (!isSameTag(way)) {
if (isNodeInsideWay(pos, way)) {
return way;
return null;
* Try connect way to other buildings.
* @param way Way to connect.
* @return Commands.
public static Command connect(Way newWay, LatLon pos, ServerParam param, boolean ctrl, boolean alt) {
LinkedList<Command> cmds = new LinkedList<>();
LinkedList<Command> cmds2 = new LinkedList<>();
s_oParam = param;
s_bCtrl = ctrl;
s_bAlt = alt;
boolean bAddWay = false;
s_oWayOld = getOldWay(pos);
List<Node> nodePool = null;
if (s_oWayOld == null) {
s_bAddNewWay = true;
//cmds.add(new AddCommand(newWay));
bAddWay = true;
s_oWayOld = newWay;
s_oWay = new Way(newWay);
} else {
int i;
Way tempWay;
s_bAddNewWay = false;
tempWay = new Way(s_oWayOld);
//The following code fragment is based on the utilsplugin2 plugin code (
nodePool = getUnimportantNodes(tempWay);
System.out.println("nodePool: "+nodePool.size());
List<Node> geometryPool = new LinkedList<>();
for (Node node : newWay.getNodes()) {
if(!geometryPool.contains(node)) {
// We remove all old nodes
for (i = 0; i < s_oWayOld.getNodesCount() - 1; i++) {
Map<Node, Node> nodeAssoc = new HashMap<>();
if (geometryPool.size() > 0 && nodePool.size() > 0) {
for (Node n : geometryPool) {
Node nearest = findNearestNode(n, nodePool);
if (nearest != null) {
nodeAssoc.put(n, nearest);
// And prepare a list of nodes with all the replacements
List<Node> geometryNodes = newWay.getNodes();
for (i = 0; i < geometryNodes.size(); i++) {
if (nodeAssoc.containsKey(geometryNodes.get(i)))
geometryNodes.set(i, nodeAssoc.get(geometryNodes.get(i)));
// Move old nodes to new positions
for (Node node : nodeAssoc.keySet()) {
cmds.add(new MoveCommand(nodeAssoc.get(node), node.getCoor()));
// our new way has less nodes than old way
if (!nodePool.isEmpty()){
for(Node d: nodePool){
// don't use nodePool nodes in connectTo(), mergeNodes(), trySplitWayByAnyNodes() etc.
s_oWay = tempWay;
DataSet ds = MainApplication.getLayerManager().getEditDataSet();
// add new Node
Node firstNode = null;
Way way = new Way(s_oWay);
for (Node node : s_oWay.getNodes()) {
if (node.getDataSet() != null) {
if (way.getNodes().size() > 0) {
if (way.firstNode() != way.lastNode()) {
for (Node node : way.getNodes()) {
if (firstNode == null || firstNode != node) {
cmds.add(new AddCommand(ds, node));
if (firstNode == null) {
firstNode = node;
// add new way
if (bAddWay == true) {
cmds.add(new AddCommand(ds, s_oWay));
cmds.add(new ChangeCommand(ds, s_oWayOld, trySplitWayByAnyNodes(s_oWay)));
// our new way has less nodes than old way
if (nodePool != null && !nodePool.isEmpty()){
for(Node nd: nodePool){
cmds2.add(new DeleteCommand(nodePool));
TracerDebug oTracerDebug = new TracerDebug();
Command cmd = new SequenceCommand(tr("Merge objects nodes"), cmds);
return cmd;
* Try connect way to other buildings.
* @param way Way to connect.
* @return Commands.
public static List<Command> connectTo() {
Map<Way, Way> modifiedWays = new HashMap<>();
LinkedList<Command> cmds = new LinkedList<>();
Way way = new Way(s_oWay);
for (int i = 0; i < way.getNodesCount() - 1; i++) {
Node n = way.getNode(i);
System.out.println("Node: " + n);
LatLon ll = n.getCoor();
//BBox bbox = new BBox(
// ll.getX() - MIN_DISTANCE,
// ll.getY() - MIN_DISTANCE,
// ll.getX() + MIN_DISTANCE,
// ll.getY() + MIN_DISTANCE);
// bude se node slucovat s jinym?
double minDistanceSq = s_dMinDistanceN2N;
//List<Node> nodes = Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().searchNodes(bbox);
Node nearestNode = null;
for (Node nn : s_oNodes) {
System.out.println("Node: " + nn);
if (!nn.isUsable() || way.containsNode(nn) || s_oWay.containsNode(nn) || !isInSameTag(nn)) {
double dist = nn.getCoor().distance(ll);
if (dist < minDistanceSq) {
minDistanceSq = dist;
nearestNode = nn;
System.out.println("Nearest: " + nearestNode + " distance: " + minDistanceSq);
if (nearestNode == null) {
tryConnectNodeToAnyWay(n, modifiedWays);
} else {
System.out.println("+add Node distance: " + minDistanceSq);
cmds.addAll(mergeNodes(n, nearestNode));
for (Map.Entry<Way, Way> e : modifiedWays.entrySet()) {
cmds.add(new ChangeCommand(e.getKey(), e.getValue()));
//cmds.addFirst(new ChangeCommand(way, trySplitWayByAnyNodes(newWay)));
List<Command> cmd = cmds;
return cmd;
* Merges two nodes
* @param n1 First node
* @param n2 Second node
* @param way Way containing first node
* @return List of Commands.
private static List<Command> mergeNodes(Node n1, Node n2) {
List<Command> cmds = new LinkedList<>();
cmds.add(new MoveCommand(n2,
(n1.getEastNorth().getX() - n2.getEastNorth().getX())/2,
(n1.getEastNorth().getY() - n2.getEastNorth().getY())/2
Way newWay = new Way(s_oWay);
int j = s_oWay.getNodes().indexOf(n1);
newWay.addNode(j, n2);
if (j == 0) {
// first + last point
newWay.addNode(newWay.getNodesCount(), n2);
// cmds.add(new ChangeCommand(m_way, newWay));
if (newWay.firstNode() != newWay.lastNode()) {
s_oWay = new Way(newWay);
//cmds.add(new DeleteCommand(n1));
return cmds;
* Try connect node "node" to way of other building.
* Zkusi zjistit, zda node neni tak blizko nejake usecky existujici budovy,
* ze by mel byt zacnenen do teto usecky. Pokud ano, provede to.
* @param node Node to connect.
* @return List of Commands.
private static void tryConnectNodeToAnyWay(Node node, Map<Way, Way> m)
throws IllegalStateException, IndexOutOfBoundsException {
//List<Command> cmds = new LinkedList<Command>();
LatLon ll = node.getCoor();
//BBox bbox = new BBox(
// ll.getX() - MIN_DISTANCE_TW,
// ll.getY() - MIN_DISTANCE_TW,
// ll.getX() + MIN_DISTANCE_TW,
// ll.getY() + MIN_DISTANCE_TW);
// node nebyl slouceny s jinym
// hledani pripadne blizke usecky, kam bod pridat
//List<Way> ways = Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().searchWays(bbox);
double minDist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
Way nearestWay = null;
int nearestNodeIndex = 0;
for (Way ww : s_oWays) {
System.out.println("Way: " + ww);
if (!ww.isUsable() || ww.containsNode(node) || !isSameTag(ww)) {
if (m.get(ww) != null) {
ww = m.get(ww);
for (Pair<Node, Node> np : ww.getNodePairs(false)) {
//double dist1 = TracerGeometry.distanceFromSegment(ll, np.a.getCoor(), np.b.getCoor());
double dist = distanceFromSegment2(ll, np.a.getCoor(), np.b.getCoor());
//System.out.println(" distance: " + dist1 + " " + dist);
if (dist < minDist) {
minDist = dist;
nearestWay = ww;
nearestNodeIndex = ww.getNodes().indexOf(np.a);
System.out.println("Nearest way: " + nearestWay + " distance: " + minDist);
if (minDist < s_dMinDistanceN2oW) {
Way newNWay = new Way(nearestWay);
newNWay.addNode(nearestNodeIndex + 1, node);
System.out.println("New way:" + newNWay);
System.out.println("+add WayOld.Node distance: " + minDist);
m.put(nearestWay, newNWay);
private static double distanceFromSegment2(LatLon c, LatLon a, LatLon b) {
double x;
double y;
StraightLine oStraightLine1 = new StraightLine(
new Point2D.Double(a.getX(), a.getY()),
new Point2D.Double(b.getX(), b.getY()));
StraightLine oStraightLine2 = new StraightLine(
new Point2D.Double(c.getX(), c.getY()),
new Point2D.Double(c.getX() + (a.getY()-b.getY()), c.getY() - (a.getX()-b.getX())));
Point2D.Double oPoint = oStraightLine1.GetIntersectionPoint(oStraightLine2);
if ((oPoint.x > a.getX() && oPoint.x > b.getX()) || (oPoint.x < a.getX() && oPoint.x < b.getX()) ||
(oPoint.y > a.getY() && oPoint.y > b.getY()) || (oPoint.y < a.getY() && oPoint.y < b.getY())) {
return 100000;
x = c.getX()-oPoint.getX();
y = c.getY()-oPoint.getY();
return Math.sqrt((x*x)+(y*y));
* Try split way by any existing building nodes.
* Zkusi zjistit zda nejake usecka z way by nemela prochazet nejakym existujicim bodem,
* ktery je ji velmi blizko. Pokud ano, tak puvodni usecku rozdeli na dve tak, aby
* prochazela takovym bodem.
* @param way Way to split.
* @return Modified way
private static Way trySplitWayByAnyNodes(Way way)
throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, IllegalStateException {
// projdi kazdou novou usecku a zjisti, zda by nemela vest pres existujici body
int i = 0;
while (i < way.getNodesCount()) {
// usecka n1, n2
LatLon n1 = way.getNodes().get(i).getCoor();
LatLon n2 = way.getNodes().get((i + 1) % way.getNodesCount()).getCoor();
System.out.println(way.getNodes().get(i) + "-----" + way.getNodes().get((i + 1) % way.getNodesCount()));
double minDistanceSq = Double.MAX_VALUE;
// double maxAngle = MAX_ANGLE;
//List<Node> nodes = Main.main.getCurrentDataSet().searchNodes(new BBox(
// Math.min(n1.getX(), n2.getX()) - minDistanceSq,
// Math.min(n1.getY(), n2.getY()) - minDistanceSq,
// Math.max(n1.getX(), n2.getX()) + minDistanceSq,
// Math.max(n1.getY(), n2.getY()) + minDistanceSq
Node nearestNode = null;
for (Node nod : s_oNodes) {
if (!nod.isUsable() || way.containsNode(nod) || !isInSameTag(nod)) {
LatLon nn = nod.getCoor();
//double dist = TracerGeometry.distanceFromSegment(nn, n1, n2);
double dist = distanceFromSegment2(nn, n1, n2);
// double angle = TracerGeometry.angleOfLines(n1, nn, nn, n2);
//System.out.println("Angle: " + angle + " distance: " + dist + " Node: " + nod);
if (!n1.equalsEpsilon(nn) && !n2.equalsEpsilon(nn) && dist < minDistanceSq) { // && Math.abs(angle) < maxAngle) {
minDistanceSq = dist;
// maxAngle = angle;
nearestNode = nod;
System.out.println("Nearest_: " + nearestNode + " distance: " + minDistanceSq);
if (nearestNode == null || minDistanceSq >= s_dMinDistanceN2tW) {
// tato usecka se nerozdeli
} else {
// rozdeleni usecky
way.addNode(i + 1, nearestNode);
System.out.println("+add Way.Node distance: " + minDistanceSq);
continue; // i nezvetsuji, treba bude treba rozdelit usecku znovu
return way;
private static boolean isInSameTag(Node n) {
for (OsmPrimitive op : n.getReferrers()) {
if (op instanceof Way) {
if (isSameTag(op)) {
return true;
return false;
* Determines if the specified primitive denotes a building.
* @param p The primitive to be tested
* @return True if building key is set and different from no,entrance
protected static boolean isSameTag(OsmPrimitive p) {
String v = p.get(s_oParam.getTag());
if (s_bCtrl || s_oParam.getTag().equals("")) {
return v == null || v.equals("no");
if (s_oParam.getTag().equals("building")) {
return v != null && !v.equals("no") && !v.equals("entrance");
return v != null && !v.equals("no");
* Create a list of nodes that are not used anywhere except in the way.
// plugins/utilsplugin2/replacegeometry/
protected static List<Node> getUnimportantNodes(Way way) {
List<Node> nodePool = new LinkedList<>();
for (Node n : way.getNodes()) {
List<OsmPrimitive> referrers = n.getReferrers();
if (!n.isDeleted() && referrers.size() == 1 && referrers.get(0).equals(way)
&& !hasInterestingKey(n) && !nodePool.contains(n)) {
return nodePool;
// plugins/utilsplugin2/replacegeometry/
protected static boolean hasInterestingKey(OsmPrimitive object) {
for (String key : object.getKeys().keySet()) {
if (!OsmPrimitive.isUninterestingKey(key)) {
return true;
return false;
// plugins/utilsplugin2/replacegeometry/
protected static Node findNearestNode(Node node, Collection<Node> nodes) {
if (nodes.contains(node))
return node;
Node nearest = null;
// TODO: use meters instead of degrees, but do it fast
double distance = 1;
LatLon coor = node.getCoor();
for (Node n : nodes) {
double d = n.getCoor().distance(coor);
if (d < distance) {
distance = d;
nearest = n;
return nearest;
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