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Created June 26, 2020 14:51
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* Orange - Anti Lag
* By Hudell -
* OrangeAntiLag.js
* Version: 1.0
* Free for commercial and non commercial use.
* @plugindesc Improves part of RM code to reduce lag
* @author Hudell */
var Imported = Imported || {};
var OrangeAntiLag = OrangeAntiLag || {};
(function($) {
"use strict";
// Replaces the original refreshTileEvents to filter the _events array directly
Game_Map.prototype.refreshTileEvents = function() {
this.tileEvents = this._events.filter(function(event) {
return !!event && event.isTile();
// Replaces the original eventsXy to filter the _events array directly
Game_Map.prototype.eventsXy = function(x, y) {
return this._events.filter(function(event) {
return !!event && event.pos(x, y);
// Replaces the original eventsXyNt to filter the _events array directly
Game_Map.prototype.eventsXyNt = function(x, y) {
return this._events.filter(function(event) {
return !!event && event.posNt(x, y);
// Make Tilemap class sort sprites only when needed
Game_Temp.prototype.canSortTileMapChildren = function() {
return !!this._zOrderChanged;
Game_Temp.prototype.markZOrderChanged = function() {
this._zOrderChanged = true;
Game_Temp.prototype.clearZOrderChanged = function() {
this._zOrderChanged = false;
var oldGameTempInitialize = Game_Temp.prototype.initialize;
Game_Temp.prototype.initialize = function() {;
this._zOrderChanged = false;
var oldTileMapSortChildren = Tilemap.prototype._sortChildren;
Tilemap.prototype._sortChildren = function() {
if ($gameTemp.canSortTileMapChildren()) {;
var oldSpriteCharacterUpdatePosition = Sprite_Character.prototype.updatePosition;
Sprite_Character.prototype.updatePosition = function() {
if (this.z !== this._character.screenZ() || this.y !== this._character.screenY()) {
Window.prototype._refreshBack = function() {
var m = this._margin;
var w = this._width - m * 2;
var h = this._height - m * 2;
var bitmap = this._windowBackSprite.bitmap;
if (!bitmap) {
bitmap = new Bitmap(w, h);
} else if (bitmap.width !== w || bitmap.height !== h) {
bitmap.resize(w, h);
this._windowBackSprite.bitmap = bitmap;
this._windowBackSprite.setFrame(0, 0, w, h);
this._windowBackSprite.move(m, m);
if (w > 0 && h > 0 && this._windowskin) {
var p = 96;
bitmap.bltImage(this._windowskin, 0, 0, p, p, 0, 0, w, h);
for (var y = 0; y < h; y += p) {
for (var x = 0; x < w; x += p) {
bitmap.bltImage(this._windowskin, 0, p, p, p, x, y, p, p);
var tone = this._colorTone;
bitmap.adjustTone(tone[0], tone[1], tone[2]);
Window.prototype._refreshFrame = function() {
var w = this._width;
var h = this._height;
var m = 24;
var bitmap = this._windowFrameSprite.bitmap;
if (!bitmap) {
bitmap = new Bitmap(w, h);
} else if (bitmap.width != w || bitmap.height != h) {
bitmap.resize(w, h);
this._windowFrameSprite.bitmap = bitmap;
this._windowFrameSprite.setFrame(0, 0, w, h);
if (w > 0 && h > 0 && this._windowskin) {
var skin = this._windowskin;
var p = 96;
var q = 96;
bitmap.bltImage(skin, p+m, 0+0, p-m*2, m, m, 0, w-m*2, m);
bitmap.bltImage(skin, p+m, 0+q-m, p-m*2, m, m, h-m, w-m*2, m);
bitmap.bltImage(skin, p+0, 0+m, m, p-m*2, 0, m, m, h-m*2);
bitmap.bltImage(skin, p+q-m, 0+m, m, p-m*2, w-m, m, m, h-m*2);
bitmap.bltImage(skin, p+0, 0+0, m, m, 0, 0, m, m);
bitmap.bltImage(skin, p+q-m, 0+0, m, m, w-m, 0, m, m);
bitmap.bltImage(skin, p+0, 0+q-m, m, m, 0, h-m, m, m);
bitmap.bltImage(skin, p+q-m, 0+q-m, m, m, w-m, h-m, m, m);
Window.prototype._refreshCursor = function() {
var pad = this._padding;
var x = this._cursorRect.x + pad - this.origin.x;
var y = this._cursorRect.y + pad - this.origin.y;
var w = this._cursorRect.width;
var h = this._cursorRect.height;
var m = 4;
var x2 = Math.max(x, pad);
var y2 = Math.max(y, pad);
var ox = x - x2;
var oy = y - y2;
var w2 = Math.min(w, this._width - pad - x2);
var h2 = Math.min(h, this._height - pad - y2);
var bitmap = this._windowCursorSprite.bitmap;
if (!bitmap) {
bitmap = new Bitmap(w2, h2);
} else if (bitmap.width !== w2 || bitmap.height !== h2) {
bitmap.resize(w2, h2);
this._windowCursorSprite.bitmap = bitmap;
this._windowCursorSprite.setFrame(0, 0, w2, h2);
this._windowCursorSprite.move(x2, y2);
if (w > 0 && h > 0 && this._windowskin) {
var skin = this._windowskin;
var p = 96;
var q = 48;
bitmap.bltImage(skin, p+m, p+m, q-m*2, q-m*2, ox+m, oy+m, w-m*2, h-m*2);
bitmap.bltImage(skin, p+m, p+0, q-m*2, m, ox+m, oy+0, w-m*2, m);
bitmap.bltImage(skin, p+m, p+q-m, q-m*2, m, ox+m, oy+h-m, w-m*2, m);
bitmap.bltImage(skin, p+0, p+m, m, q-m*2, ox+0, oy+m, m, h-m*2);
bitmap.bltImage(skin, p+q-m, p+m, m, q-m*2, ox+w-m, oy+m, m, h-m*2);
bitmap.bltImage(skin, p+0, p+0, m, m, ox+0, oy+0, m, m);
bitmap.bltImage(skin, p+q-m, p+0, m, m, ox+w-m, oy+0, m, m);
bitmap.bltImage(skin, p+0, p+q-m, m, m, ox+0, oy+h-m, m, m);
bitmap.bltImage(skin, p+q-m, p+q-m, m, m, ox+w-m, oy+h-m, m, m);
Window_Base.prototype.createContents = function() {
var w = this.contentsWidth();
var h = this.contentsHeight();
if (!this.contents || this.contents.width != w || this.contents.width.height != h) {
this.contents = new Bitmap(w, h);
} else if (this.contents.width != w || this.contents.height != h) {
this.contents.resize(w, h);
} else {
var uniqueMessageWindow = false;
Scene_Map.prototype.createMessageWindow = function() {
if (uniqueMessageWindow) {
this._messageWindow = uniqueMessageWindow;
this._messageWindow.openness = 0;
// this._messageWindow.updatePlacement();
} else {
this._messageWindow = new Window_Message();
uniqueMessageWindow = this._messageWindow;
this._messageWindow.subWindows().forEach(function(window) {
}, this);
var uniqueScrollTextWindow = false;
Scene_Map.prototype.createScrollTextWindow = function() {
if (uniqueScrollTextWindow) {
this._scrollTextWindow = uniqueScrollTextWindow;
this._scrollTextWindow.opacity = 0;
this._scrollTextWindow._text = '';
this._scrollTextWindow._allTextHeight = 0;
} else {
this._scrollTextWindow = new Window_ScrollText();
uniqueScrollTextWindow = this._scrollTextWindow;
var uniqueMapNameWindow = false;
Scene_Map.prototype.createMapNameWindow = function() {
if (uniqueMapNameWindow) {
this._mapNameWindow = uniqueMapNameWindow;
this._mapNameWindow.opacity = 0;
this._mapNameWindow.contentsOpacity = 0;
this._mapNameWindow._showCount = 0;
} else {
this._mapNameWindow = new Window_MapName();
uniqueMapNameWindow = this._mapNameWindow;
var uniqueDestinationSprite = false;
Spriteset_Map.prototype.createDestination = function() {
if (uniqueDestinationSprite) {
this._destinationSprite = uniqueDestinationSprite;
this._destinationSprite._frameCount = 0;
} else {
this._destinationSprite = new Sprite_Destination();
uniqueDestinationSprite = this._destinationSprite;
this._destinationSprite.z = 9;
var uniqueTimerSprite = false;
Spriteset_Base.prototype.createTimer = function() {
if (uniqueTimerSprite) {
this._timerSprite = uniqueTimerSprite;
this._timerSprite._seconds = 0;
} else {
this._timerSprite = new Sprite_Timer();
uniqueTimerSprite = this._timerSprite;
var uniqueWeather = false;
Spriteset_Map.prototype.createWeather = function() {
if (uniqueWeather) {
this._weather = uniqueWeather;
this._weather.power = 0;
this._weather.type = 'none';
this._weather.origin = new Point();
} else {
this._weather = new Weather();
uniqueWeather = this._weather;
Imported.OrangeAntiLag = true;
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