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Created August 7, 2019 19:11
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public static DecryptedSessionKey decryptSessionKey(PrivateKey pk, EncryptedSessionKey encryptedSessionKey) throws KomandorException {
SecretKey key_ = null;
byte[] iv = null;
try {
int sizeLength = 4;
byte[] bKey = Base64.decode(encryptedSessionKey.getEncryptedKey(), Base64.NO_WRAP);
byte[] bBlobLength = SystemUtils.reverseByteArray(Arrays.copyOfRange(bKey, 0, sizeLength));
int blobLength = ByteBuffer.wrap(bBlobLength).getInt();
byte[] bSimpleBlob = Arrays.copyOfRange(bKey, sizeLength, sizeLength + blobLength);
byte[] bBlobHeader = Arrays.copyOfRange(bSimpleBlob, 0, 16);
byte[] sv = Arrays.copyOfRange(bSimpleBlob, 16, 24);
byte[] bEncryptedKey = Arrays.copyOfRange(bSimpleBlob, 24, 24 + 32);
byte[] bMacKey = Arrays.copyOfRange(bSimpleBlob, 56, 56 + 4);
byte[] bEncryptedParams = Arrays.copyOfRange(bSimpleBlob, 60, blobLength);
// Получаем IV вектор
int IVStart = sizeLength + blobLength;
byte[] bIVLength = SystemUtils.reverseByteArray(Arrays.copyOfRange(bKey, IVStart, IVStart + sizeLength));
int IVLength = ByteBuffer.wrap(bIVLength).getInt();
iv = Arrays.copyOfRange(bKey, IVStart + sizeLength, IVStart + sizeLength + IVLength);
// Получаем зашифрованный ключ
final Gost28147_89_EncryptedKey ek = new Gost28147_89_EncryptedKey();
ek.encryptedKey = new Gost28147_89_Key(bEncryptedKey);
ek.macKey = new Gost28147_89_MAC(bMacKey);
final Asn1BerEncodeBuffer ebuf = new Asn1BerEncodeBuffer();
final byte[] wrap = ebuf.getMsgCopy();
// Генерируем ключ согласования
SecretKey responderAgree = generateKeyAgreement(pk, encryptedSessionKey.getCertificate(), sv);
if (responderAgree == null) {
throw new KomandorException("Key agreement is null");
// Расшифровываем ключ
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(CIPHER_ALG + CIPHER_KEY_ALG_PARAMS);
cipher.init(Cipher.UNWRAP_MODE, responderAgree);
key_ = (SecretKey) cipher.unwrap(wrap, null, Cipher.SECRET_KEY);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new KomandorException(e);
return new DecryptedSessionKey(key_, iv);
private static SecretKey generateKeyAgreement(PrivateKey pk, X509Certificate partnerCert, byte[] sv) throws NoSuchProviderException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, InvalidKeyException {
final IvParameterSpec ivspec = new IvParameterSpec(sv);
final KeyAgreement keyAgree = KeyAgreement.getInstance(pk.getAlgorithm(), JCSP.PROVIDER_NAME);
keyAgree.init(pk, ivspec, null);
keyAgree.doPhase(partnerCert.getPublicKey(), true);
return keyAgree.generateSecret(CIPHER_ALG);
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