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Created May 8, 2017 21:51
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version tolerant serialization notes
  • Want a serialization library which:
    • Supports schema evolution (version tolerant)
    • Is suitable for persistence
    • Suports the rich type system of .NET (cyclic references, generics, polymorphism, referential equality)
    • Is fast and compact
    • Requires minimal effort to use
    • Supports safe/stable serialization of types which the user does not have control over and therefore cannot alter (eg, via surrogates)
    • Has a documented wire format
    • Supports serialization/deserialization context, so that we can deserialize GrainReferences using it and have them still have seamless access to the runtime.
  • Core concepts:
    • Simple wire format which supports a minimal number of primitives falling into 4 categories:
      • Fixed length (most numerics, unless specifically annotated)
      • Variable length (for variable-length integer encoding, useful for length, count, index type properties (relatively small and 0-based in nature))
      • Length-prefixed (strings, arrays of fixed-width primitives)
      • Tag-delimited (objects, potentially also for collections with non-computed length such as IEnumerable)
  • Type information is embedded, but not required for parsing.
    • Separation of wire type & runtime type.
    • Library of application-defined runtime types are available during encoding & decoding.
    • Types can be parameterized (support for generics)
    • Types which are not specified in the type library can be explicitly named.
      • These named types are runtime specific (i.e, .NET specific)
      • Note: may want to restrict this?
  • Objects can contain references, including reference cycles.
  • Fields are identified by a numeric tag.
  • Encoding and decoding support a single pass.
// [W W W] [S S] [F F F]
public const byte WireTypeMask = 0b1110_0000; // The first 3 bits are dedicated to the wire type.
public const byte SchemaTypeMask = 0b0001_1000; // The next 2 bits are dedicated to the schema type specifier, if the schema type is expected.
public const byte FieldIdMask = 0b000_0111; // The final 3 bits are used for the field id, if the field id is expected.
public const byte FieldIdCompleteMask = 0b0000_0111;

/// <summary>
/// Represents a 3-bit wire type, shifted into position 
/// </summary>
public enum WireType : byte
    VarInt = 0b000 << 5, // Followed by a VarInt
    TagDelimited = 0b001 << 5, // Followed by field specifiers, then an Extended tag with EndTagDelimited as the extended wire type.
    LengthPrefixed = 0b010 << 5, // Followed by VarInt length representing the number of bytes which follow.
    Fixed32 = 0b011 << 5, // Followed by 4 bytes
    Fixed64 = 0b100 << 5, // Followed by 8 bytes
    Fixed128 = 0b101 << 5, // Followed by 16 bytes
    Reference = 0b110 << 5, // Followed by a VarInt reference to a previously defined object.
    Extended = 0b111 << 5, // This is a control tag. The schema type and embedded field id are invalid. The remaining 5 bits are used for control information.
public enum SchemaType : byte
    Expected = 0b00 << 3, // This value has the type expected by the current schema.
    WellKnown = 0b01 << 3, // This value is an instance of a well-known type. Followed by a VarInt type id.
    Encoded = 0b10 << 3, // This value is of a named type. Followed by an encoded type name.
    Referenced = 0b11 << 3, // This value is of a type which was previously specified. Followed by a VarInt indicating which previous type is being reused.

public enum ExtendedWireType : byte
    EndTagDelimited = 0b00 << 3, // This tag marks the end of a tag-delimited object. Field id is invalid.
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