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Created September 22, 2015 18:52
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Human Wolf Goat Cabbage version 1
% Solve the puzzle of the wolf, the goat and th cabbage
:- use_module(library(lists)).
go :-
Begin = situation([h,w,g,c], []),
Goal = situation([], [h,c,g,w]),
solve(Begin, Goal, [Begin]).
%go :- solve(situation([h,w,g,c], []), situation([], [h,c,g,w]), []).
solve(State1, State2, History) :-
same_state(State1, State2),
writef("Solution: %t history\n%t.\n", [State1, History]).
solve(From, To, History) :-
move(From, Intermediate),
\+ history_member(Intermediate, History),
solve(Intermediate, To, [Intermediate | History]).
move(situation([h | From], To), situation(NewFrom, [h | NewTo])) :-
move1(From, To, NewFrom, NewTo),
writef("%s %s => %s %s\n", [From, To, NewFrom, NewTo]).
move(situation(To, [h | From]), situation([h | NewTo], NewFrom)) :-
move1(From, To, NewFrom, NewTo),
writef("%s %s <= %s %s\n", [To, From, NewTo, NewFrom]).
% move1 moves one object from the left to the right
% and checks that this is safe on the left.
% (implied is that the human is now on the right).
% OR
% it moves nothing, in which case the boat only transports
% the human. It should also check on the left.
move1(Left, Right, Left, Right) :-
move1(Left, Right, NewLeft, [Object | Right]) :-
pick(Left, Object, NewLeft),
% Pick an element from a list and return the element and the reduced list
pick([Head | Tail], Head, Tail).
pick([Head | Tail], Object, [ Head | SmallerTail]) :-
pick(Tail, Object, SmallerTail).
% eats/2 with single elements
eats(w, g).
eats(g, c).
% eats with a set on the right
eats1(Eater, [Food | Foods]) :-
eats(Eater, Food);
eats1(Eater, Foods).
% eats/2 with 2 sets
eats2([Eater|Eaters], Foods) :-
eats1(Eater, Foods);
eats2(Eaters, Foods).
% is this combination safe ?
safe(Side) :-
safe(Side, Side).
safe(Eaters, Foods) :-
\+ eats2(Eaters, Foods).
% Member/2
history_member(Element, [Head | Tail]) :-
same_state(Element, Head);
history_member(Element, Tail).
% Check if two states are the same
same_state(situation(L1, R1), situation(L2, R2)) :-
permutation(L1, L2),
permutation(R1, R2).
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