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#import module from repo
Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "..\PoshSSDTBuildDeploy") -Force
Describe "Publish-DatabaseDeployment" {
function Get-DbId ($databaseName, $serverInstanceName) {
@(Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "select db_id('$databaseName') as DbId" -ServerInstance $serverInstanceName) | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty DbId
BeforeAll {
$instanceName = "poshssdtbuilddeploy"
sqllocaldb.exe create $instanceName 13.0 -s
sqllocaldb.exe info $instanceName
$serverInstance = "(localdb)\$instanceName"
$svrConnstring = "SERVER=$serverInstance;Integrated Security=True;Database=master"
$WWI_NAME = "WideWorldImporters"
$WWI = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "wwi-dw-ssdt"
$WWI_SLN = Join-Path $WWI "\WideWorldImportersDW.sqlproj"
$WWI_DAC = Join-Path $WWI "\Microsoft.Data.Tools.Msbuild\lib\net46"
$WWI_DACFX = Join-Path $WWI_DAC "\Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.dll"
$WWI_DACPAC = Join-Path $WWI "\bin\Debug\WideWorldImportersDW.dacpac"
$WWI_PUB = Join-Path $WWI "\bin\Debug\WideWorldImportersDW.publish.xml"
$DeploymentReportPathPattern = Join-path $WWI "*DeploymentReport_*.xml"
$DeploymentScriptPathPattern = Join-path $WWI "*DeployScript_*.sql"
$DeploymentSummaryPathPattern = Join-path $WWI "*DeploymentSummary_*.txt"
Remove-Item $WWI_DACPAC -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Invoke-MsBuildSSDT -DatabaseSolutionFilePath $WWI_SLN -DataToolsFilePath $WWI_DAC
BeforeEach {
Remove-Item $DeploymentReportPathPattern -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item $DeploymentScriptPathPattern -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item $DeploymentSummaryPathPattern -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "drop database if exists $WWI_NAME" -ServerInstance $serverInstance
it "Deploy the database and DeploymentScript is not generated and DeploymentReport is not generated" {
{Publish-DatabaseDeployment -dacfxPath $WWI_DACFX -dacpac $WWI_DACPAC -publishXml $WWI_PUB -targetConnectionString $svrConnstring -targetDatabaseName $WWI_NAME -GenerateDeploymentScript $false -GenerateDeploymentReport $false -ScriptPath $WWI } | Should -Not -Throw
Get-DbId -databaseName $WWI_NAME -serverInstanceName $serverInstance | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$DeploymentScriptPathPattern | Should -Not -Exist
$DeploymentReportPathPattern | Should -Not -Exist
$DeploymentSummaryPathPattern | Should -Not -Exist
it "Deploy the database and DeploymentScript is not generated and DeploymentReport is not generated and Missing Variable is written to Host" {
{Publish-DatabaseDeployment -dacfxPath $WWI_DACFX -dacpac $WWI_DACPAC -publishXml $WWI_PUB -targetConnectionString $svrConnstring -targetDatabaseName $WWI_NAME -GenerateDeploymentScript $false -GenerateDeploymentReport $false -ScriptPath $WWI -getSqlCmdVars } | Should -Not -Throw
Get-DbId -databaseName $WWI_NAME -serverInstanceName $serverInstance | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$DeploymentScriptPathPattern | Should -Not -Exist
$DeploymentReportPathPattern | Should -Not -Exist
$DeploymentSummaryPathPattern | Should -Not -Exist
it "Deploy the database and DeploymentScript is generated and DeploymentReport is not generated" {
{Publish-DatabaseDeployment -dacfxPath $WWI_DACFX -dacpac $WWI_DACPAC -publishXml $WWI_PUB -targetConnectionString $svrConnstring -targetDatabaseName $WWI_NAME -GenerateDeploymentScript $true -GenerateDeploymentReport $false -ScriptPath $WWI } | Should -Not -Throw
Get-DbId -databaseName $WWI_NAME -serverInstanceName $serverInstance | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$DeploymentScriptPathPattern | Should -Exist
$DeploymentReportPathPattern | Should -Not -Exist
$DeploymentSummaryPathPattern | Should -Not -Exist
it "Deploy the database and DeploymentScript is not generated and DeploymentReport is generated" {
{Publish-DatabaseDeployment -dacfxPath $WWI_DACFX -dacpac $WWI_DACPAC -publishXml $WWI_PUB -targetConnectionString $svrConnstring -targetDatabaseName $WWI_NAME -GenerateDeploymentScript $false -GenerateDeploymentReport $true -ScriptPath $WWI } | Should -Not -Throw
Get-DbId -databaseName $WWI_NAME -serverInstanceName $serverInstance | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$DeploymentScriptPathPattern | Should -Not -Exist
$DeploymentReportPathPattern | Should -Exist
$DeploymentSummaryPathPattern | Should -Exist
it "Deploy the database and DeploymentScript is generated and DeploymentReport is generated" {
{Publish-DatabaseDeployment -dacfxPath $WWI_DACFX -dacpac $WWI_DACPAC -publishXml $WWI_PUB -targetConnectionString $svrConnstring -targetDatabaseName $WWI_NAME -GenerateDeploymentScript $true -GenerateDeploymentReport $true -ScriptPath $WWI } | Should -Not -Throw
Get-DbId -databaseName $WWI_NAME -serverInstanceName $serverInstance | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$DeploymentScriptPathPattern | Should -Exist
$DeploymentReportPathPattern | Should -Exist
$DeploymentSummaryPathPattern | Should -Exist
it "Database is not deployed and DeploymentScript is generated and DeploymentReport is not generated" {
{Publish-DatabaseDeployment -dacfxPath $WWI_DACFX -dacpac $WWI_DACPAC -publishXml $WWI_PUB -targetConnectionString $svrConnstring -targetDatabaseName $WWI_NAME -GenerateDeploymentScript $true -GenerateDeploymentReport $false -ScriptPath $WWI -ScriptOnly } | Should -Not -Throw
Get-DbId -databaseName $WWI_NAME -serverInstanceName $serverInstance | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$DeploymentScriptPathPattern | Should -Exist
$DeploymentReportPathPattern | Should -Not -Exist
$DeploymentSummaryPathPattern | Should -Not -Exist
it "Database is not deployed and DeploymentScript is not generated and DeploymentReport is generated" {
{Publish-DatabaseDeployment -dacfxPath $WWI_DACFX -dacpac $WWI_DACPAC -publishXml $WWI_PUB -targetConnectionString $svrConnstring -targetDatabaseName $WWI_NAME -GenerateDeploymentScript $false -GenerateDeploymentReport $true -ScriptPath $WWI -ScriptOnly } | Should -Not -Throw
Get-DbId -databaseName $WWI_NAME -serverInstanceName $serverInstance | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$DeploymentScriptPathPattern | Should -Not -Exist
$DeploymentReportPathPattern | Should -Exist
$DeploymentSummaryPathPattern | Should -Exist
it "Database is not deployed and DeploymentScript is generated and DeploymentReport is generated" {
{Publish-DatabaseDeployment -dacfxPath $WWI_DACFX -dacpac $WWI_DACPAC -publishXml $WWI_PUB -targetConnectionString $svrConnstring -targetDatabaseName $WWI_NAME -GenerateDeploymentScript $true -GenerateDeploymentReport $true -ScriptPath $WWI -ScriptOnly } | Should -Not -Throw
Get-DbId -databaseName $WWI_NAME -serverInstanceName $serverInstance | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
$DeploymentScriptPathPattern | Should -Exist
$DeploymentReportPathPattern | Should -Exist
$DeploymentSummaryPathPattern | Should -Exist
it "throws exception if not at least one of GenerateDeploymentScript or GenerateDeploymentReport is true when using ScriptOnly" {
{Publish-DatabaseDeployment -dacfxPath $WWI_DACFX -dacpac $WWI_DACPAC -publishXml $WWI_PUB -targetConnectionString $svrConnstring -targetDatabaseName $WWI_NAME -GenerateDeploymentScript $false -GenerateDeployMentReport $false -ScriptPath $WWI -ScriptOnly} |
Should -Throw "Specify at least one of GenerateDeploymentScript or GenerateDeploymentReport to be true when using ScriptOnly!"
it "throws exception if Script Path is Invalid" {
{Publish-DatabaseDeployment -dacfxPath $WWI_DACFX -dacpac $WWI_DACPAC -publishXml $WWI_PUB -targetConnectionString $svrConnstring -targetDatabaseName $WWI_NAME -GenerateDeploymentScript $false -GenerateDeployMentReport $false -ScriptPath "X:\bob" } |
Should -Throw "Script Path Invalid"
it "Throws exception that variable is not included in session" {
{Publish-DatabaseDeployment -dacfxPath $WWI_DACFX -dacpac $WWI_DACPAC -publishXml $WWI_PUB -targetConnectionString $svrConnstring -targetDatabaseName $WWI_NAME -GenerateDeploymentScript $false -GenerateDeploymentReport $false -ScriptPath $WWI -getSqlCmdVars -FailOnMissingVars } |
Should -Throw
it "Deploy the database and DeploymentScript is not generated and DeploymentReport is not generated and DeployTag is updated to PesterTest" {
{$DeployTag = "PesterTest"
Write-Host $DeployTag
Publish-DatabaseDeployment -dacfxPath $WWI_DACFX -dacpac $WWI_DACPAC -publishXml $WWI_PUB -targetConnectionString $svrConnstring -targetDatabaseName $WWI_NAME -GenerateDeploymentScript $false -GenerateDeploymentReport $false -ScriptPath $WWI -getSqlCmdVars } | Should -Not -Throw
Get-DbId -databaseName $WWI_NAME -serverInstanceName $serverInstance | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$DeploymentScriptPathPattern | Should -Not -Exist
$DeploymentReportPathPattern | Should -Not -Exist
$DeploymentSummaryPathPattern | Should -Not -Exist
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