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Last active January 31, 2017 08:50
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import React, {PropTypes} from 'react';
function linkedCb() {
this.setState({isApiLoaded: true, isAuthorize: IN.User.isAuthorized()});
const sessionStorageKey = 'linkedInLogin';
class LinkedInLogin extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
display: PropTypes.bool,
onSuccessLogin: PropTypes.func,
onErrorLogin: PropTypes.func,
onLogOutCallBack: PropTypes.func,
onLoadCallBack: PropTypes.func,
apiKey: PropTypes.string,
isAuthorize: PropTypes.bool,
cssClass: PropTypes.string,
isApiLoaded: PropTypes.func
static defaultProps = {
display: 'block',
isAuthorize: true,
apiKey: 'apiKey',
onLoadCallBack: linkedCb,
cssClass: 'linkedInLogin'
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
isApiLoaded: false,
isAuthorize: false
isApiLoaded() {
return this.props.isApiLoaded(this.state.isApiLoaded)
componentDidMount() {
if (!window.IN && !document.getElementById('linked-in-login')) {
const head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
window.linkedCb = this.props.onLoadCallBack.bind(this);
const linkedInScript = document.createElement("script"); = 'linked-in-login';
linkedInScript.type = "text/javascript";
linkedInScript.src = "";
linkedInScript.innerHTML = `api_key: ${this.props.apiKey}
\n authorize: ${this.props.isAuthorize}
\n onLoad: linkedCb`;
} else {
this.setState({isApiLoaded: true});
signInWithLinkedIn() {
if (this.state.isApiLoaded) {
IN.User.authorize(this.linkedInAuthCallBack, this);
} else {
console.log('api is not available yet');
signOutWithLinedIn() {
if (this.state.isApiLoaded) {
IN.User.logout(this.logOutCallBack, this);
} else {
console.log('api is not available yet');
logOutCallBack(response) {
if (response) {
this.setState({isAuthorize: false});
if (typeof this.props.onLogOutCallBack === 'function') this.props.onLogOutCallBack(response);
onAuthorizeSuccess(data) {
this.setState({isAuthorize: true});
window.sessionStorage.setItem(sessionStorageKey, JSON.stringify(data));
if (typeof this.props.onSuccessLogin === 'function') this.props.onSuccessLogin(data);
onAuthorizeError(error) {
if (typeof this.props.onErrorLogin === 'function') this.props.onErrorLogin(error);
linkedInAuthCallBack() {
render() {
if (!this.props.display) return (<noscript />);
if (!this.state.isAuthorize) {
return (<button className="linkedInLogin"
} else {
return (<button className="linkedInLogin"
export default LinkedInLogin;
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