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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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var strftime = require('./strftime').strftime; // оригинальная функция
var strftimeNew = require('./').strftime; // оптимизированная
var Benchmark = require('./benchmark'); //
// Тестируем формат
var format = '%Y-%-m-%0dT%H:%_M:%S%z';
var formats = '%A %a %B %b %C %D %d %e %F %H %h %I %j %k %L %l %M %m %n %o %P %p %R %r %S %s %T %t %U %u %v %W %w %Y %y %Z %z'.split(' ');
console.log('old:', strftime(format));
console.log('new:', strftimeNew(format));
function testMe(fn, cached) {
var i = formats.length;
while (i--) {
fn(formats[i], cached ? null : new Date(Math.random() * 1e10))
(new Benchmark.Suite)
// .add('cached', function () { strftimeNew(format); })
// .add('no cache', function () { strftimeNew(format, new Date(Math.random() * 1e10)); })
// .add('orignal', function () { strftime(format, new Date(Math.random() * 1e10)); })
.add('cached', function () { testMe(strftimeNew, true); })
.add('no cache', function () { testMe(strftimeNew); })
.add('orignal', function () { testMe(strftime); })
.on('cycle', function (evt) {
console.log( + '');
.on('complete', function () {
var fastest = this.filter('fastest')[0];
var slowest = this.filter('slowest')[0];
console.log( + ' is fastest (' + (fastest.hz/slowest.hz) + ')');
.run({ async: true })
/* jshint undef: true, unused: false */
/* globals module */
(function () {
'use strict';
// Локаль по умолчанию
var defaultLocale = {
days: 'Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday'.split(' '),
shortDays: 'Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat'.split(' '),
months: 'January February March April May June July August September October November December'.split(' '),
shortMonths: 'Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec'.split(' '),
AM: 'AM',
PM: 'PM',
am: 'am',
pm: 'pm',
formats: {
D: '%m/%d/%y',
F: '%Y-%m-%d',
e: '%e-%b-%Y',
R: '%H:%M',
r: '%I:%M:%S %p',
T: '%H:%M:%S'
// Кеш последнего вызова
cache = { ts: null, format: null, value: null },
cachedDateReset = function () {
cachedDateId = void 0;
* Форматирование даты
* @param {String} format формат даты
* @param {Date} [date] время или локаль
* @param {Object} [locale] локаль
* @param {Object} [options] опции
* @returns {String}
var strftime = function strftime(format, date, locale, options) {
var ts, useCache;
if (!(date instanceof Date)) {
locale = date;
if (cachedDateId === void 0) {
cachedDate = new Date();
cachedDate.time = cachedDate.getTime();
cachedDateId = setTimeout(cachedDateReset, 1);
date = cachedDate;
ts = cachedDate.time
else {
ts = date.getTime();
// Нужен ли кеш?
useCache = locale == void 0 && options == void 0
// Кеширование работает только если не переданна локаль и опции
if (useCache) {
if (cache.ts === ts && cache.format === format) {
return cache.value;
else {
var cached = cache[format];
if (cached !== void 0 && cached[0] === ts) {
return cached[1];
// Определяем локаль
if (locale == void 0) {
locale = defaultLocale;
var char,
result = '',
days = locale.days,
shortDays = locale.shortDays,
months = locale.months,
shortMonths = locale.shortMonths
if (options) {
tz = options.timezone;
utc = options.utc;
if (utc || tz !== void 0) { // slow
date = new Date(ts + date.getTimezoneOffset() * 6e4);
if (tz !== void 0) { // slow
if (tz.substr !== void 0) {
tz = (tz[0] === '-' ? -1 : 1) * (60 * tz.substr(1, 2)) + (tz.substr(3, 2)|0);
date = new Date(date.getTime() + (tz * 6e4));
// Парсим формат
for (var i = 0, n = format.length; i < n; i++) {
char = format.charAt(i);
if (char === '%') { // %[0_-][a-zA-Z]
char = format.charAt(++i);
// Определяем padding-символ и переходим к следующему
if (char === '-') {
char = format.charAt(++i);
padding = '';
} else if (char === '_') {
char = format.charAt(++i);
padding = ' ';
} else if (char === '0') {
char = format.charAt(++i);
padding = '0';
} else {
// Для `%k` и `%l` делаем исключение
padding = (char === 'k' || char === 'l') ? ' ' : '0';
// Подстановка
else {
result += char;
if (useCache) {
cache.ts = ts;
cache.format = format;
cache.value = result;
cache[format] = [ts, result];
return result;
// Генерируем правила форматирования
var ifs = [];
var formats = {
'A': { val: 'days[getDay]' },
'a': { val: 'shortDays[getDay]' },
'B': { val: 'months[getMonth]' },
'b': { val: 'shortMonths[getMonth]' },
'C': { val: 'Math.floor(getFullYear / 100)', pad: 2 },
'D': { val: 'strftime(locale.formats.D || "%m/%d/%y", date, locale)' },
'd': { val: 'getDate', pad: 2 },
'e': { val: 'getDate' },
'F': { val: 'strftime(locale.formats.F || "%Y-%m-%d", date, locale)' },
'H': { val: 'getHours', pad: 2 },
'h': { val: 'shortMonths[getMonth]' },
'I': { val: '(val = getHours, val === 0) ? 12 : (val > 12 ? val - 12 : val)', pad: 2 },
'j': {
code: function (date, val) { // slow
var firstDayOfYear = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
val = Math.ceil((date.getTime() - firstDayOfYear.getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
pad: 3
'k': { val: 'getHours', pad: 2 },
'L': { val: 'Math.floor(ts % 1000)', pad: 3 },
'l': { val: '(val = getHours, val === 0) ? 12 : (val > 12 ? val - 12 : val)', pad: 2 },
'M': { val: 'getMinutes', pad: 2 },
'm': { val: 'getMonth + 1', pad: 2 },
'n': { val: '"\\n"' },
'o': function (date, val) { // slow
val = date.getDate();
var x = val % 10, y = val % 100;
if ((y >= 11 && y <= 13) || x === 0 || x >= 4) {
val += 'th';
} else if (x === 1) {
val += 'st';
} else if (x === 2) {
val += 'nd';
} else if (x === 3) {
val += 'rd';
'P': { val: 'getHours < 12 ? :' },
'p': { val: 'getHours < 12 ? locale.AM : locale.PM' },
'R': { val: 'strftime(locale.formats.R || "%H:%M", date, locale)' },
'r': { val: 'strftime(locale.formats.r || "%I:%M:%S %p", date, locale)' },
'S': { val: 'getSeconds', pad: 2 },
's': { val: 'Math.floor(ts / 1000)' },
'T': { val: 'strftime(locale.formats.T || "%H:%M:%S", date, locale)' },
't': { val: '"\\t"' },
'U': function (date, ts, val) {
var wday = date.getDay(),
firstDayOfYear = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, 1),
yday = (ts - firstDayOfYear.getTime()) / 86400000,
weekNum = (yday + 7 - wday) / 7
val = Math.floor(weekNum);
'u': { val: '(val = getDay, val === 0) ? 7 : val' },
'v': { val: 'strftime(locale.formats.v || "%e-%b-%Y", date, locale)' },
'W': function (date, ts, val) {
var wday = date.getDay();
wday = (wday === 0) ? 6 : wday - 1;
var firstDayOfYear = new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, 1),
yday = (ts - firstDayOfYear) / 86400000,
weekNum = (yday + 7 - wday) / 7
val = Math.floor(weekNum);
'w': { val: 'getDay' },
'Y': { val: 'getFullYear' },
'y': { val: '(getFullYear + "").substr(-2, 2)' },
'Z': { val: 'utc ? "GMT" : date.toString().match(/\\((\\w+)\\)/) && RegExp.$1 || ""' },
'z': function (date, utc, tz, val) {
if (utc) {
val = "+0000";
} else {
var off = typeof tz === 'number' ? tz : -date.getTimezoneOffset(),
hours = Math.abs(off / 60),
mins = off % 60
val = (off < 0 ? '-' : '+') + (hours > 9 ? hours : '0' + hours) + (mins > 9 ? mins : '0' + mins);
for (var mod in formats) {
var format = formats[mod],
code = format.code || format,
val = format.val,
pad = format.pad,
body = ''
if (code instanceof Function) {
body += code.toString().match(/\{([\s\S]+)\}/)[1];
val = "val";
else {
val = format.val.replace(/\b(get\w+)/i, 'date.$1()');
/* jshint laxbreak:true */
body += (pad === 3
? ("val = " + val + ";result += val > 99 ? val : (val > 9 ? padding + val : padding + padding + val);")
: (pad === 2
? ("val = " + val + ";result += val > 9 ? val : padding + val;")
: "result += " + val + ";"
ifs.push("if (char === '" + mod + "') {" + body + "}");
ifs.push("{ result += char; }");
// Мутируем
/* jshint evil:true */
strftime = (new Function(
'return ' + strftime.toString().replace('/*formats*/', ifs.join(' else '))
))(cache, defaultLocale, cachedDate, cachedDateId, cachedDateReset);
// Export
module.exports = {
strftime: strftime,
strftimeUTC: function (format, date, locale) {
return strftime(format, date, locale, { utc: true });
strftimeTZ: function (date, format, locale, timezone) {
if (!(locale instanceof Object)) {
timezone = locale;
locale = void 0;
return strftime(date, format, locale, { timezone: timezone });
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RubaXa commented May 21, 2014


cached x 12,972,976 ops/sec ±1.75% (87 runs sampled)
no cache x 712,013 ops/sec ±0.83% (86 runs sampled)
orignal x 96,036 ops/sec ±5.84% (70 runs sampled)
cached is fastest (135.08425458905194)

cached x 14,573,991 ops/sec ±2.00% (88 runs sampled)
no cache x 954,531 ops/sec ±0.65% (89 runs sampled)
orignal x 123,964 ops/sec ±0.34% (94 runs sampled)
cached is fastest (117.56633696519974)

cached x 15,301,500 ops/sec ±1.38% (90 runs sampled)
no cache x 956,916 ops/sec ±0.61% (84 runs sampled)
orignal x 122,633 ops/sec ±4.57% (84 runs sampled)
cached is fastest (124.774441342233)

Перебор форматов

cached x 361,645 ops/sec ±6.79% (65 runs sampled)
no cache x 22,446 ops/sec ±14.25% (65 runs sampled)
orignal x 4,719 ops/sec ±2.60% (85 runs sampled)
cached is fastest (76.63794001066599)

cached x 276,392 ops/sec ±22.67% (50 runs sampled)
no cache x 22,444 ops/sec ±13.12% (88 runs sampled)
orignal x 4,226 ops/sec ±1.21% (97 runs sampled)
cached is fastest (65.39587458043833)

cached x 386,803 ops/sec ±3.83% (71 runs sampled)
no cache x 17,184 ops/sec ±10.19% (62 runs sampled)
orignal x 4,553 ops/sec ±1.21% (83 runs sampled)
cached is fastest (84.94670452891833)

И всё это глупость.

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А почему глупость? Мне кажется, это классный способ находить разработчиков (а не писателей резюме).

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