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Created August 24, 2015 17:30
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Convert x509 certificate from DER or PEM format to another format.
:: Contact:
:: Version: 2015.08.14
:: Dependencies: OpenSSL
@echo off
if "%1"=="" goto :USAGE
if "%2"=="" goto :USAGE
if "%1"=="-toder" goto :TODER
:: Convert from DER to PEM (Default)
openssl x509 -inform der -in %1 -out %2
goto :eof
:: Convert from PEM to DER (Default)
if "%3"=="" goto :USAGE
openssl x509 -outform der -in %2 -out %3
goto :eof
echo Convert x509 certificate from DER or PEM format to another format.
echo Usage: %~nx0 [-toder] from-file to-file
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