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Created April 7, 2023 18:53
# Set global options
# Vector's API (disabled by default)
# Enable and try it out with the `vector top` command
enabled = true
address = ""
# Ingest data by tailing one or more files
data_dir = "C:\\vector"
type = "file"
include = ["C:\\Logs\\WIN-4TP4OVUIPL6-*.log"] # supports globbing
ignore_older = 86400 # 1 day
type = "host_metrics"
collectors = [
namespace = "host"
scrape_interval_secs = 1
type = "metric_to_log"
inputs = [ "metrics" ]
type = "loki"
inputs = [ "transform"]
encoding.codec = "json"
endpoint = "http://x.x.x.x:3100"
type = "remap"
inputs = [ "sp_uls"]
source = """
#. |= parse_regex!(.message, r'^(?P<TIMESTAMP>.{23})\t(?P<Process>.{40})\t(?P<ProcessID>.{6})\t(?P<Area>.{30})\t(?P<Category>.{30})\t(?P<logmessage>.{1,})')
. |= parse_regex!(.message, r'(?P<logmessage>.*)')
.data= split(.logmessage, "\t")
.Timestamp= .data[0]
.Process= .data[1]
.TID= .data[2]
.Area= .data[3]
.Category= .data[4]
.Level= .data[5]
.Severity= .data[6]
.Messagedata= .data[7]
.correlaion= .data[8]
pod_labels_name = "sharepoint"
pod_labels_app = "spweb"
source = "vector"
sharepoint_correlation= "{{ .correlation }}"
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