# don't forget to 'chmod +x post_deploy.sh' # rename this to 'post_deploy.sh' and put this file into your '.dotter' folder # # Explanation: checks if the 'dotter.packages.i3' package is enabled (true), and then restarts i3 # bool is required because 'dotter.packages.i3' can also be 'false', see 'bool.rhai' in this gist # Configurable version # add a 'auto_restart_i3 = "false|true"' variable to your i3 package in the 'global.toml' file # for example: # [i3.variables] # auto_restart_id = "true" {{#if (and (bool dotter.packages.i3) (bool auto_restart_i3))}} # reloads i3 i3-msg restart {{/if}} # Version without the variable {{#if (bool dotter.packages.i3)}} # reloads i3 i3-msg restart {{/if}}