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Created September 15, 2017 13:53
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A clock widget for PowerShell using the free Arction Gauge control
Function New-WPFClock {
## Generates a clock displaying the current system time
## Requires the Arction WPF Gauges, a free download from
## Set the location of the Arction Gauges dll on line 26
$Color = "SteelBlue",
[int]$Height = 300,
[int]$Width = 300,
[int]$FontSize = 30,
# Load the required assemblies
Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework,PresentationCore
Add-Type -Path "<path>\Arction.WPF.Gauges.dll" -ErrorAction Stop
$e = New-Object 'System.IO.FileLoadException' "Could not add the Arction.WPF.Gauges.dll. Ensure it is available"
$Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ObjectNotFound
$TargetObject = ""
$errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $e, $errorID, $Category, $TargetObject
# Create the window
$Window = [System.Windows.Window]::new()
$Window.SizeToContent = [System.Windows.SizeToContent]::WidthAndHeight
$Window.AllowsTransparency = $true
$Window.Background = "Transparent"
$Window.WindowStyle = "None"
$Window.WindowStartupLocation = "CenterScreen"
If ($AlwaysOnTop)
$Window.Topmost = $true
# Create the Gauge
$Gauge = [Arction.Gauges.Gauge]::new()
$Gauge.Margin = 5
$Gauge.Height = $Height
$Gauge.Width = $Width
$Gauge.Fill = $Color
$Gauge.FontSize = $FontSize
$Gauge.Cursor = "Hand"
# Allow drag
# Close on right-click
# Create the Hour Scale
$HourScale = New-object Arction.Gauges.Scale
$HourScale.AngleBegin = 60
$HourScale.AngleEnd = 60
$HourScale.RangeBegin = 1
$HourScale.RangeEnd = 13
$HourScale.Theme = "None"
$HourScale.MajorTickCount = 12
$HourScale.MinorTickCount = 0
$HourScale.TertiaryTickCount = 0
$HourScale.DialShape = [Arction.Gauges.Dials.DialShape]::DefaultNeedle
$HourScale.DialLengthFactor = 0.6
$HourScale.DialColor1 = "White"
$HourScale.Label = [System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock]::new()
$HourScale.ValueIndicator.Foreground = $Color
$HoursMajorTicks = New-Object Arction.Gauges.MajorTicksLine
$HoursMajorTicks.LabelOffset = -12
$HoursMajorTicks.OffsetA = -5
$HoursMajorTicks.TickThickness = -5
$HoursMajorTicks.FontWeight = "Bold"
$HoursMajorTicks.FontFamily = "Arial"
$HoursMajorTicks.TickStroke = "White"
$HoursMajorTicks.LabelBrush = "White"
$HourScale.MajorTicks = $HoursMajorTicks
# Create the Minute Scale
$MinuteScale = New-object Arction.Gauges.Scale
$MinuteScale.AngleBegin = 90
$MinuteScale.AngleEnd = 90
$MinuteScale.RangeBegin = 0
$MinuteScale.RangeEnd = 60
$MinuteScale.Theme = "None"
$MinuteScale.MajorTickCount = 60
$MinuteScale.MinorTickCount = 0
$MinuteScale.TertiaryTickCount = 0
$MinuteScale.DialShape = [Arction.Gauges.Dials.DialShape]::DefaultNeedle
$MinuteScale.DialLengthFactor = 0.8
$MinuteScale.DialColor1 = "White"
$MinutesMajorTicks = New-Object Arction.Gauges.MajorTicksLine
$MinutesMajorTicks.OffsetA = -4
$MinutesMajorTicks.OffsetB = -2
$MinutesMajorTicks.TickThickness = 2
$MinutesMajorTicks.LabelFormat = ""
$MinutesMajorTicks.TickStroke = "White"
$MinutesMajorTicks.LabelBrush = "White"
$MinuteScale.MajorTicks = $MinutesMajorTicks
# Create the Seconds Scale
$SecondsScale = New-object Arction.Gauges.Scale
$SecondsScale.AngleBegin = 90
$SecondsScale.AngleEnd = 90
$SecondsScale.RangeBegin = 0
$SecondsScale.RangeEnd = 60
$SecondsScale.Theme = "None"
$SecondsScale.MajorTickCount = 60
$SecondsScale.MinorTickCount = 0
$SecondsScale.TertiaryTickCount = 0
$SecondsScale.DialShape = [Arction.Gauges.Dials.DialShape]::Line
$SecondsScale.DialLengthFactor = 0.8
$SecondsDial = New-Object Arction.Gauges.Dials.Dial
$SecondsDial.MaxWidth = 5
$SecondsDial.Height = 28
$SecondsDial.AspectRatio = 0.2
$SecondsScale.Dial = $SecondsDial
$SecondsMajorTicks = New-Object Arction.Gauges.MajorTicksLine
$SecondsMajorTicks.OffsetA = -4
$SecondsMajorTicks.OffsetB = -2
$SecondsMajorTicks.TickThickness = 2
$SecondsMajorTicks.LabelFormat = ""
$SecondsMajorTicks.TickStroke = "White"
$SecondsMajorTicks.LabelBrush = "White"
$SecondsScale.MajorTicks = $SecondsMajorTicks
# Add the scales to the Gauge
$Gauge.PrimaryScale = $HourScale
# Add the Gauge to the window
# Set the initial time values
$Gauge.PrimaryScale.Value = [System.DateTime]::Now.Hour
$Gauge.SecondaryScales[0].Value = [System.DateTime]::Now.Minute
$Gauge.SecondaryScales[1].Value = [System.DateTime]::Now.Second
# Start a dispatcher timer to update the clock every second
$TimerCode = {
$Gauge.PrimaryScale.Value = [System.DateTime]::Now.Hour
$Gauge.SecondaryScales[0].Value = [System.DateTime]::Now.Minute
$Gauge.SecondaryScales[1].Value = [System.DateTime]::Now.Second
$DispatcherTimer = New-Object -TypeName System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer
$DispatcherTimer.Interval = [TimeSpan]::FromSeconds(1)
# Activate the window on load
# Stop the dispatcher on close
# Display the window
$null = $window.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync{$window.ShowDialog()}.Wait()
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FileLoadException error... Downloaded the arction.wpf.gauges.dll, set path on line 26, getting the FileLoadException. Unblocked the DLL and changed the execution policy to bypass for the current user, still fails to load.
PSVersion 5.1.19041.906

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